1. 文稿中注釋一律采用腳注式,全文連續(xù)編號。英文注釋遵照最新版《芝加哥格式手冊》。所引文獻(xiàn)須保留作者、書名、篇名、年份、出版社及出版地、頁碼等基本信息。
When citing sources, footnotes should be used exclusively. English footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the document and must follow the latest version of The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
2. 中文稿件之注釋格式,請參考第3點(diǎn)至第15點(diǎn)之范例。
For citing sources in Chinese submissions, authors should refer to items 3 through 15 below.
3. 引用中文專書之范例:
Chinese books:
孫景堯: 《溝通之道》,上海:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社,2011年,第24—27頁。[SUN Jingyao,Goutong zhi dao (The Way of Communication), Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2011, 24—27.]
余英時(shí): 《士與中國文化》,上海:上海人民出版社,1987年,第236—248頁。[YU Yingshi,Shi yu Zhongguo wenhua (Shi and Chinese Culture), Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 1987, 236—48.]
4. 引用套書或叢書之范例:
Chinese book/edited anthology:
顧頡剛: 《古史辨》第1冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,1981年,第39頁。[GU Jiegang, Gushi Bian (Discussions in Ancient Chinese History), vol. 1, Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House Co., Ltd., 1981, 39.]
葛兆光: 《中國思想史》第1卷,上海:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社,1998年,第75頁。[GE Zhaoguang, Zhongguo sixiang shi (An Intellectual History of China), vol. 1, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 1998, 75.]
5. 引用中文單篇論文之范例:
Chinese essay from an edited volume or collection of journal articles:
徐中舒: 《左傳的作者及其成書年代》,吳澤主編: 《中國史學(xué)史論集》,上海:上海人民出版社,1980年,第71頁。[XU Zhongshu, “Zuo zhuan de zuozhe ji qi chengshu niandai” (The Author and the Completion of Zuo Zhuan), in Zhongguo shixueshi lunji (Essays on the History of Historiography of China), ed. WU Ze, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 1980, 71.]
湯一介: 《再論創(chuàng)建中國解釋學(xué)問題》,《中國社會科學(xué)》2000年第1期,第83頁。[TANG Yijie, “Zai lun chuangjian Zhongguo jieshixue wenti” (More on the Establishment of China’s Hermeneutics), Zhongguo shehui kexue (Social Sciences in China) 1 (2000): 83.]
楊克勤: 《西塞羅與奧古斯丁的修辭學(xué)》,《道風(fēng)》1996年春季第4期,第68頁。 [YEO Khiok-Khng, “Xisailuo yu aogusiding de xiucixue” (Rhetorics of Cicero and Augustine), Dao feng (Logos and Pneuma) 4 (Spring 1996): 68.]
趙敦華: 《從古典學(xué)到解釋學(xué)的西學(xué)傳統(tǒng)的啟示》,《光明日報(bào)·理論周刊》,2009年6月30日,第11版。[ZHAO Dunhua, “Cong gudianxue dao jieshixue de xixuechuantong de qishi” (An Inspiration of Western Learning Tradition from Classical Studies to Hermeneutics), Guangming ribao, lilun zhoukan (Theory Weekly, Guangming Daily), June 30, 2009, 11.]
6. 引用百科全書之范例:
Chinese reference books:
呂叔湘、丁聲樹主編: 《現(xiàn)代漢語詞典》第4版,北京:商務(wù)印書館,2002 年,參見詞條“意 境”。[LYU Shuxiang and DING Shengshu, eds., Xiandai hanyu cidian (The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary), 4th ed, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2002, s.v. “Yijing.”]
丁福保編譯: 《佛學(xué)大辭典》,北京:文物出版社,1984年,參見詞條“境”。[DING Fubao, trans.and ed., Foxue da cidian (Dictionary of Buddhism), Beijing: Cultural Relics Press, 1984, s.v. “Jing.”]
7. 引用古籍文獻(xiàn)之范例:
Ancient Chinese texts:
艾儒略: 《天主降生出像經(jīng)解》,見鐘鳴旦、杜鼎克主編: 《耶穌會羅馬檔案館明清天主教文獻(xiàn)》第3冊,臺北:臺北利氏學(xué)社,2002年,第580 — 581頁。[Giulio Aleni, “Tianzhu jiangsheng chuxiang jingjie” (Biblical Explanations and Illustrations of the Heavenly Lord), in Yesuhui luomadang’anguan mingqingtianzhujiao wenxian (Chinese Christian Texts from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus), vol. 3, eds. Nicolas Standaert and Adrian Dudink, Taipei:Taipei Ricci Institute, 2002, 580—81.]
(晉)杜預(yù)注,(唐)孔穎達(dá)等正義: 《春秋左傳正義》,見(清)阮元??蹋?《十三經(jīng)注疏》下冊,北京:中華書局,1980年,第2107頁。[DU Yu, KONG Yingda, Chunqiu Zuo zhuan zhengyi(Annotations on Chunqiu Zuo zhuan), in Shisan jing zhushu (Annotations and Commentaries on The Thirteen Chinese Classics), vol. 2, ed. RUAN Yuan, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 1980, 2107.]
(南朝·梁)劉勰著,詹锳義證: 《文心雕龍義證》上冊,上海:上海古籍出版社,1994年, 第102—107頁。[LIU Xie, ZHAN Ying, Wenxindiaolong yizheng (Annotations to Wenxin diaolong), vol. 1, Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House Co., Ltd., 1994, 102—7.]
(宋)楊萬里: 《誠齋易傳》卷17,見(清)永瑢、紀(jì)昀等編纂: 《文淵閣四庫全書·經(jīng)部八·易類》第14冊,臺北:臺灣商務(wù)印書館,1986年,第738—759頁。 [YANG Wanli,Chengzhai Yi zhuan, vol. 17, in Wenyuange siku quanshu (The Imperial Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature in the Wenyuan Chamber), vol. 14, eds. YONG Rong, JI Yun et al., Taipei:Taiwan Commercial Press, 1986, 738—59.]
8. 引用外文著作之中文譯著之范例:
Chinese translations:
亞里士多德: 《尼各馬可倫理學(xué)》,廖申白譯注,北京:商務(wù)印書館,2003年,第134頁。[Aristotle, Nigemake lunlixue (Nicomachean Ethics), trans. LIAO Shenbai, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2003, 134.]
海登·懷特: 《元史學(xué)——十九世紀(jì)歐洲的歷史想象》,陳新譯,彭剛校,南京:譯林出版社,2004年,第256頁。[Hayden White, Yuanshixue—shijiu shiji ouzhou de lishi xiangxiang (Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe), trans. CHEN Xin, ed. PENG Gang, Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2004, 256.]
勞倫斯·韋努蒂: 《翻譯與文化身份的塑造》,查正賢譯,劉健芝校,見許寶強(qiáng)、袁偉選編: 《語言與翻譯的政治》,北京:中央編譯出版社,2000年,第358頁。[Lawrence Venuti,“Fanyi yu wenhua shenfen de suzao” (Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identities), trans.ZHA Zhengxian, ed. LIU Jianzhi, in Yuyan yu fanyi de zhengzhi (The Politics of Language and Translation), eds. XU Baoqiang and YUAN Wei, Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 2000, 358.]
9. 引用外文原著或外文譯著之范例:
Foreign language books or translations:
Benjamin I. Schwartz, The World of Thought in Ancient China (Cambridge and London:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1985), 79.
Roman Jakobson, Language in Literature, eds. Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy(Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1987), 125 — 26.
Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Savage Mind, trans. J. Weightman and D. Weightmann (London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966), 358 — 69.
10. 引用外文單篇論文之范例:
Foreign language essays from an edited volume or collection:
Paul Ric?ur, “Between Hermeneutics and Semiotics: In Homage to Algirdas J. Greimas,”trans. David Pellauer, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 3.8 (1990): 115—32.
Martin Kern, “Western Han Aesthetics and the Genesis of the Fu,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 63.2 (2003): 383.
11. 同一論著多次引用時(shí),引文與前注出處相同且同頁時(shí),腳注用“同上?!?,外文著作采用“Ibid.”;引文與前注出處相同但不同頁時(shí),腳注用“同上,34?!保?外文著作采用“Ibid.,34.”。非連續(xù)引用的同一文獻(xiàn)再次引用時(shí)僅需保留原著者、書(篇)名與頁數(shù),如:“孫景堯:《溝通之道》,175?!薄癟obias, ‘Canada’s Subjugation of the Plains Cree, 1879 — 1885,’ 226.”
If a footnote refers to the same page as the previous footnote, the abbreviation “同上。”is to be used for Chinese references and “Ibid.” for non-Chinese sources. If the footnote refers to a different page from the same source, the new page number is to be included in the abbreviation.For instance, “同上,34。” for Chinese references and “Ibid., 34.” for non-Chinese sources.Reference to a source that has been cited in full form but is not the same as the reference immediately preceding it, can be abbreviated by using the Chinese author’s name (the non-Chinese author’s last name), book or article title, and page number. For instance, “孫景堯: 《溝通之道》,175?!?or “Tobias, ‘Canada’s Subjugation of the Plains Cree, 1879 — 1885,’ 226.”
12. 論文中頻繁引用之文獻(xiàn),首次引用之后可以簡稱隨文夾注頁碼,如:“善政得民財(cái),善教得民心?!保ā睹献印けM心上》,2765)
Sources cited frequently can be shortened to a parenthetical reference after the initial full citations, including the book title and the relevant page numbers. For example, The Firebrand,102—4.
13. 引用因特網(wǎng)上的資料,須注明檢索時(shí)間及資料所在站點(diǎn)的詳細(xì)地址,如:
For material garnered from the Internet, authors should include the web address as well as the date the website was consulted. For example,
http://shanben.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/main_p.php?nu=A000500&order=rn_no&no=00001,[ June 6, 2013].
14. 論文中不常見人名首次出現(xiàn)時(shí),需括注其生卒年;外國人名于中文論文中首次出現(xiàn)時(shí),需括注其姓名的羅馬拼寫。
When less common names appear for the first time, the author’s years of birth and death need to be glossarized. When foreign names appear in a text in Chinese for the fi rst time, their romanization also needs to be glossarized. For example: Mary Shelley (1797—1851); 伽達(dá)默爾(Hans-Georg Gadamer), 溝口雄三 (Yuzo Mizoguchi).
15. 漢語人名、書名及關(guān)鍵術(shù)語于英文論文中首次出現(xiàn)時(shí),須遵照以下范例:Zhang Shi張栻 (1133—1180), Zhuzi Yulei《朱子語類》(Classi fi ed Conversations of Master Zhu), yi 義(rightness as moral virtue), bi yu fa 蔽于法 (beclouded by fa)。
For proper names of Chinese persons, book titles and key concepts/terms that appear in a text in English for the fi rst time, authors should follow the format as below: Zhang Shi 張栻 (1133—1180), Zhuzi Yulei《朱子語類》(Classi fi ed Conversations of Master Zhu), yi 義 (rightness as moral virtue), bi yu fa 蔽于法 (beclouded by fa).
16. 文稿末所附“參考文獻(xiàn)”,以著(編、譯)者之姓氏拼音排序。中英文文獻(xiàn)分開排序。The bibliography at the end of manuscript should be arranged alphabetically by author, editor and translator surname, and respectively according to the language. For example:
Brook, Timothy. The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China. Berkeley:University of California Press, 1998.
CHEN Xiyuan. “Confucianism Encounters Religion: The Formation of Religious Discourse and the Confucian Movement in Modern China.” PhD diss., Harvard University, 1999.
Christian, William A. “Augustine on the Creation of the World.” Harvard Theological Review 47.1 (1953): 1—25.
Fabro, Cornelio. “The Intensive Hermeneutics of Thomistic Philosophy: The Notion of Participation.”Translated by B. M. Bonansea. The Review of Metaphysics 27. 3 (1974): 449—91.
MacDonald, Scott. “The Divine Nature.” In The Cambridge Companion to Augustine. Edited by
Eleonore Stump and Norman Kretzmann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, 71—90.Marty, Marton E., and R. Scott Appleby, eds. Fundamentalisms Comprehended. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Mulvany, Nancy C. Indexing Books. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
, ed. Indexing, Providing Access to Information—Looking Back, Looking Ahead:Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Indexers. Port Arkansas,TX: American Society of Indexers, 1993.
. “Software Tools for Indexing: What We Need.” Indexer 17 (October 1990): 108—13.
Plotinus. The Enneads. Translated by Stephen MacKenna. London: Faber and Faber, 1969.
Trapé, Agonstino. Patrology. Vol. 4. Edited by Angelo Di Berardino. Allen, TX: Christian Classics,1986.
Webster, John. “Systematic Theology after Barth: Jüngel, Jenson and Gunton.” In The Modern
Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918. 3rd ed. Edited by David F.Ford and Rachel Muers. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005, 249 — 64.奧古斯?。骸?上帝之城》,吳飛譯,上海:三聯(lián)書店,2008年。
[. Shangdi zhicheng (De civite Dei). Translated by WU Fei. Shanghai: SDX Joint Publishing
Company, 2008.]
:《 懺悔錄》,周士良譯,北京:商務(wù)印書館,1963年。
[. Chanhui lu (Confessions). Translated by ZHOU Shiliang. Beijing: The Commercial Press,1963.]
陳熙遠(yuǎn):《 “宗教”—— 一個(gè)中國近代文化史上的關(guān)鍵詞》,《新史學(xué)》2002年第13卷第4期,第37—66頁。
[CHEN Xiyuan. “‘Zongjiao’: Yige Zhongguo jindai wenhua shi shang de guanjianci” (“Religion”:A Key Term in the History of Modern Chinese Culture). Xin shixue (New History) 13. 4(2002): 37 — 66.]
花威:《 論奧古斯丁意志概念的緣起》《,漢語基督教學(xué)術(shù)評論》2013年第15期,第111—29頁。
[HUA Wei. “Lun Aogusiding yizhi gainian de yuanqi” (On the Rise of Augustine’s Concept of Voluntas). Hanyu jidujiao xueshu pinglun (Sino-Christian Studies) 15 (2013): 111—29.]
李天綱:《 17、18世紀(jì)的中西“年代學(xué)”問題》,《復(fù)旦學(xué)報(bào)(社會科學(xué)版)》2004年第2期,第14—23頁。
[LI Tiangang. “Shiqi, shiba shiji de zhongxi ‘niandaixue’ wenti” (Some Issues Concerning
‘Chronology’ in the 17th and 18th Centuries China and the West). Fudan xuebao shehui
kexue ban (Fudan Journal[ Social Sciences]) 2 (2004): 14—23.]
李祖白:《 大道行》,載《天學(xué)集解》卷九,俄羅斯圣彼得堡圖書館藏。
[. “Dadaoxing” (Spread of Great Dao). In Tianxue jijie (Collection of the Learning of
Heaven). Vol. 9. Saint Petersburg Library, Russia.]
:《 主制群徵跋》,《梵蒂岡圖書館藏明清中西文化交流史文獻(xiàn)叢刊》第31冊,鄭州:大象出版社,2014年。
[. “Zhuzhi qunzheng ba” (Postscript to Zhuzhi qunzheng). In Fandigang tushuguan cang mingqing zhongxi wenhua jiaoliushi wenxian congkan (Series on Literature of History of Cultural Exchange between Sino and West Collected in Vatican Library). Vol. 31. Zhengzhou:Elephant Press, 2014.]
羅念生:《 羅念生全集·補(bǔ)卷》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年。
[LUO Niansheng. Luo Niansheng quanji: bujuan (Complete Works of Luo Niansheng: Auxiliary
Volume). Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2007.]馬克斯·舍勒著,劉小楓編選:《 舍勒選集》,上海:三聯(lián)書店,1999年。
[Scheler, Marx. Shele xuanji (Selected Works of Marx Scheler). Edited by LIU Xiaofeng.
Shanghai: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 1999.]