The article in Time on June 4th 2018,Why a Royal Meghan Markle Matters mentions that this is the first royal wedding in Britain where racial difference has played a visible role, with a bride who has owned—rather than sought to downplay—her black heritage. Harry and Meghan were a metaphor for the state of multicultural Britain. For some black Brits, there was a sense of pride that a woman of color has joined the royal family. For others, the union is yet another reminder of deeply entrenched class prejudice and tradition.
The article with the title saying How Baby Boomer Broke America in Washingtonpost on June 1st, 2018,mentioned that although the U.S. remains the world richest country, it has the thirdhighest poverty rate among the 35 nations in the OECD, behind only Turkey and Israel. Nearly 1 in 5 American children lives in a household that the that the government classifies as “food insecure”.Only a democracy and an economy that has discarded its basic mission of holding the community together, or failed at it, would produce those results.