The article in Time on Oct 15th 2018,What the World Can Learn from the Greek Debt Crisis mentions that Greek has begun its recovery, but its economy is 25 percent smaller than it was before the crisis began.In terms of length and severity, Greece’s economic slide is comparable to the U.S.Great Depression. Populism and austerity politics widen the divide between haves and the have-nots within individual societies, helping to make resentment and fear the driving forces in domestic politics.Nearly 3,000 years on from Homer’s epic poems, the country still has much to teach the world.
The article with the title saying The White House Press Room is Overwhelmingly White. Does That matter? in Washingtonpost on Oct 6rd, 2018, mentioned that the White House reporting staffs of the largest and most prominent outlets, tend to be the least racially diverse of all. The number of minority journalists at the White House, particularly African Americans, has waxed and waned,rising during the Clinton and Obama presidencies and falling during the George W. Bush and Trump administrations. The limited number of minority reporters means that issues of concern to minority communities are reported by people who probably don’t have much personal connection to the issue.