




      2019-08-19 01:38苗淑華


      Before you can start speaking and writing in English, you have to learn how things are said in English. You do this by getting input—reading and listening to the correct English sentences of other people (ideally1, native speakers).


      Most English learners get their input from English classes. In this article, I will argue that English classes simply do not give you enough input to speak English fluently, and that you need to get English input outside the classroom if you want to be fluent. I will also give two reasons to take things into your own hands and get English input on your own.


      ★Amount of Input輸入量

      1. What do I mean by fluency? I mean being able to write and speak almost as easily—and almost as correctly—as in your native language.

      1. 筆者所說的流利是什么意思呢?意思是指能夠像用母語一樣輕松、準(zhǔn)確地寫和說。

      2. By pages, I mean typical pages in a paperback2 book.

      2. “頁”指的是平裝書的典型頁面。

      3. By hours of audio, I mean hours of non-stop talking, as in a radio interview.

      3. 音頻時間,指的是幾個小時不間斷的談話,就像是在電臺采訪中那樣。

      To speak English fluently, you need a lot of input. If you want to become fluent, the question you need to ask yourself is: Can English classes give me 60 pages and 6 hours of input every week? How much input are you getting in English class?


      Teachers provide little input. When they speak, they speak quite slowly, with frequent pauses. 10 minutes of listening to a teacher gives you perhaps 5 minutes of “non-stop” input. In addition, some teachers like to speak their native language instead of English.


      Other students also provide little input because they talk even more slowly than the teacher and they often make mistakes. A lot of time is wasted on exercises that give you almost no input. There are also breaks, during which nothing happens.


      It becomes obvious3 that no more than 1/3 of the total lesson time is spent listening to correct English sentences. The average amount of text that you read in an English class is probably no more than 3 pages per 45-minute lesson (including texts in the textbook and teacher handouts).


      ★Fun 樂趣

      As Ive explained above, I believe that getting input outside the classroom is the only road to fluency. But there are reasons to get input on your own even if fluency is not your goal.


      When you choose your own sources4 of input, you can choose things that you really care about. You can read a Harry Potter book, an e-mail message from a friend, an Internet forum with useful advice, or perhaps news about your favorite football club or watch your favorite TV series. Fun leads to stronger memories. When you see or hear something that matters to you, you can remember much more.



      1. ideally? ?adv. 理想地;觀念上地

      2. paperback adj. 紙面裝訂的;紙面平裝本書籍的

      3. obvious adj. 明顯的;顯著的;平淡無奇的

      4. source n. 來源;水源;原始資料

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