楊雪松 付彧 毛慧玲 顏令義 房慶華 哈達 呂曉紅 劉靈 陶宇
[中圖分類號]R758.4+1? ? [文獻標志碼]A? ? [文章編號]1008-6455(2021)06-0083-03
Correlation Analysis between the sICAM-1 in the Skin Tissue Fluid with Stable Vitiligo and Clinical Characteristics
YANG Xue-song1,F(xiàn)U Yu2,MAO Hui-ling3,YAN Ling-yi1,F(xiàn)ANG Qing-hua1,HA Da1,LV Xiao-hong1,LIU Ling1,TAO Yu1
(1.Department of Dermatology,Daqing Longnan Hospital,the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical University,Daqing 163453,Heilongjiang, China;2. Department of General Surgery,Daqing Oilfield General Hospital,Daqing 163001, Heilongjiang,China;3. Department of Science and Technology Management,Daqing Longnan Hospital,the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Qiqihar Medical University, Daqing 163453,Heilongjiang,China)
Abstract: Objective? The correlation analysis between the sICAM-1 in the skin tissue fluid with stable vitiligo and clinical characteristics were investigated. Methods Selected 30 patients with stable vitiligo, including 20 patients with vitiligo vulgaris and 10 patients with segmental vitiligo.The levels of sICAM-1 in the skin tissue fluid at white spots and non-white spots were compared and analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).The patient's clinical characteristics were recorded by the same person. Results? The levels of sICAM-1 in the skin tissue fluid with stable vitiligo were detected: ①The levels of sICAM-1 in the white spots with vitiligo vulgaris was significantly higher than that in the non-white spots (P<0.05), and higher than that with segmental vitiligo (P<0.05). ②There was a negative correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and course of disease in white spots (P<0.05).There was a negative correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and course of disease in white spots with vitiligo vulgaris(P<0.05). There was a negative correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and course of disease in white spots with segmental vitiligo(P<0.05).③There was a positive correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and lesion area in white spots(P<0.05). ④There was a negative correlation between the levels of sICAM-1 and age in white spots with segmental vitiligo(P<0.05). ⑤The lesion area of vitiligo vulgaris was larger than that of segmental vitiligo (P<0.05). Conclusion? The expression of sICAM-1 in the skin tissue fluid with stable vitiligo was abnormal, which was related to the course of disease and lesion area.
Key words: vitiligo; sICAM-1; course of disease;lesion area;age
1? 資料和方法
1.1 一般資料:按照白癜風的診斷標準及分期標準[9-10]選擇2014年1月-2014年12月在筆者醫(yī)院收治的30例白癜風穩(wěn)定期患者為研究獨享,其中男14例,女16例,年齡16~72歲,病程6個月~15年,記錄患者的皮損面積,以百分比表示?;颊呔炇鹬橥鈺?。排除標準:①患有嚴重心腦血管疾病、肝腎疾病、感染、腫瘤及其他自身免疫性疾病者;②檢測前1個月內(nèi)接受免疫治療者。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 收集皮膚組織液:采用負壓吸引儀分別在穩(wěn)定期患者的白斑處和非白斑處負壓吸皰,2h后可見較為明顯的水皰,使用一次性無菌注射器采集白斑處和非白斑處的皰液,并將其放置于-20℃冰箱中存放待檢。
1.2.2 RIA kit檢測皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平:RIA kit購于上海恪敏生物科技有限公司,測量儀器為DFM-96型放射免疫γ計數(shù)器,嚴格參照RIA kit中的操作說明書進行檢測。
1.2.3 記錄白癜風患者的臨床特征:病程以月(m)為單位,年齡以歲(y)為單位。皮損面積(%)采用“手掌法”測量,即囑患者五指并攏,1個手掌面積為1%。
1.3 統(tǒng)計學分析:采用SPSS 16.0軟件進行數(shù)據(jù)統(tǒng)計分析,計量資料以均數(shù)±標準差(x?±s)表示,組間對比采用t檢驗,以α=0.05為檢驗統(tǒng)計標準;數(shù)據(jù)正態(tài)分布采用單樣本K-S檢驗,相關性分析采用Pearson檢驗。
2? 結(jié)果
2.1 穩(wěn)定期白癜風患者皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平:尋常型穩(wěn)定期白癜風患者在白斑處的皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平明顯高于非白斑處,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05),在節(jié)段型患者的白斑處和非白斑處皮膚組織中sICAM-1水平?jīng)]有發(fā)生明顯變化,無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05),尋常型白斑處sICAM-1水平高于節(jié)段型白斑處(P<0.05),尋常型非白斑處sICAM-1水平和節(jié)段型無明顯差異(P>0.05)。見表1。
2.2 sICAM-1水平與患者病程的關系:采用Pearson相關性分析發(fā)現(xiàn)穩(wěn)定期白癜風患者白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者的病程呈負相關性(r=-0.481,P<0.05);尋常型白斑處sICAM-1水平與患者病程呈負相關性(r=-0.592,P<0.05);節(jié)段型白斑處sICAM-1水平與患者病程呈負相關性(r=-0.792,P<0.05)。見圖1。
2.3 sICAM-1水平與患者皮損面積的關系:采用Pearson相關性分析發(fā)現(xiàn)穩(wěn)定期白癜風患者白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者皮損面積呈正相關性(r=0.635,P<0.05),尋常型患者白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者的皮損面積無相關性(r=0.380,P=0.099>0.05),節(jié)段型患者白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者的皮損面積無相關性(r=0.570,P=0.086>0.05),見圖2。
2.4 sICAM-1水平與患者年齡的關系:采用Pearson相關性分析發(fā)現(xiàn)白癜風穩(wěn)定期患者白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者年齡無相關性(P>0.05),尋常型白斑處sICAM-1水平與患者年齡無相關性(P>0.05),節(jié)段型白斑處皮膚組織液中sICAM-1水平與患者年齡呈負相關性(P<0.05),見圖3。
2.5 穩(wěn)定期不同分型白癜風患者皮損面積比較:尋常型穩(wěn)定期白癜風患者皮損面積(8.80±5.50)與節(jié)段型皮損面積(2.30±1.74)比較有顯著性差異,具有統(tǒng)計學意義(t=4.827,P<0.05)。
3? 討論
ICAM-1是白癜風發(fā)病機制中的重要分子,Kaufman HL等[11]將表達ICAM-1的痘瘤病毒注射至轉(zhuǎn)移性黑素瘤患者的局部皮膚,23.08%的病例發(fā)生了白癜風,推測其介導的免疫反應導致了局部微環(huán)境異常。ICAM-1對判斷白癜風的活動程度以及臨床分型也有著指示作用,Camara-Lemarroy CR等[12]研究發(fā)現(xiàn)白癜風患者處于進展期時,sICAM-1在血清中有較高表達,推測其可作為白癜風活動與否的指標之一。國內(nèi)學者發(fā)現(xiàn)[13-15],進展期其表達水平顯著高于穩(wěn)定期,穩(wěn)定期與健康人群無異,泛發(fā)型高于局限型,穩(wěn)定期和局限型無差異。治療后其水平明顯降低,且降低程度越大,療效越好。
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