




      2021-12-06 02:53:18

      Teacher’s Professional Developm ent in AIEra:Opportunity,Challenge,and Response(by CHE Junyuan)

      Abstract:The integration tendency of artificial intelligence(AI)and education is becoming more and more eminent.AI,while expanding teacher’s cognition and improving the teaching process,classroom management,aswell as educational research ecology,has brought along opportunities for enhancing teacher’s supplementary knowledge,promoting teacher’s classroom interactive ability,reinforcing teacher’s teachingmonitoring power,and improving teacher’s research ability in developing school?based courses.Meanwhile,AIhas also challenged the original views of a teacher on the role,knowledge and competence,demanding him to actively transform the teacher’s role and upgrade the interdisciplinary integration ability and intelligent attainment.In order for teacher’s professional development in the AI era,the country should safeguard teacher’s professional development in terms of policy support and institutional arrangement;the school should build a favorable environment for teacher’s professional development in terms of facility and encouragement;and the teacher should accumulate capital,including knowledge reorganization,competence enhancement,and self?remodeling,for self?directed development.

      Key words:artificial intelligence;teacher’s professional development;role transformation;interdisciplinary integration

      Innovation of Party AffairsService in New Era from theAIPerspective:Type,Adaptability,and Path(by LIYongfeng,LIU Chengcheng)

      Abstract:Artificial intelligence(AI),as an advanced technology in technological development,is becoming a technological drive for innovation in party affairs service.AI,with the advantages of agility,high efficiency,professionalism,accuracy,and stability,can greatly optimize party affairs service including education,planning,decision making,investigation,and supervision,hence displaying a strong adaptability in party affairs service.The intelligent educational system,the intelligent planning and decision?making system,the intelligent analysis system,and the intelligent supervision system,which are established on the basis of intelligent knowledge base,distributed artificial intelligence,expert system,big data analysis technology,and AIbig data and algorithm,have become the technological path for achieving intelligentized party affairs service。

      Key words:artificial intelligence(AI);party affairs service;type;adaptability;path

      On AIPrecision Governance(by ZHANG Yong,LIU Ailian)

      Abstract:The AI precision governance embodies the supply side reform of AI products and services.It aims to enhance the effective docking of supply and demand in AIproducts and services,and actualize the high?quality supply and rational configuration of AI resources.The AI precision governance,centered on public requirement,constructs an open cyclic process,with public requirement identification and satisfaction the starting and ending point respectively.The basic principles of AIprecision governance include inclusive growth,procedural justice,process transparency,stability and security,and responsibility.The realization of AIprecision governance,as a systematic project,needs the establishment of a democratic consultationmechanism,a collaborationmechanism,and a quality evaluationmechanism.

      Key words:artificial intelligence(AI);precision governance;realizationmechanism

      The Construction of Special Collaboration Area Based on the Normalization of Epidem ic Prevention and Control(by SH IShaobin)

      Abstract:The outbreak of COVID?19 in 2020 has triggered deep thoughts on epidemic prevention and control all over the world.In the current age of rapid regional cooperation development,the construction of special collaboration area based on the normalization of epidemic prevention and control is a preferable option.The idea of special collaboration area is that different regions should collaborate to establish a prevention area to cope with the epidemic,considering the risk of indiscriminate spread of virus.The efficacy of the special collaboration area comes from the responsibility of the CPC and government in the epidemic prevention and control,which has converted institutional advantages into governance efficacy.Based on the regionalmanagementmechanism of county(county?level city)under the administration of prefecture?level city,the establishment of the special collaboration area is to build up a shared prevention area in the junction of city and county(county?level city)formaterial reserve,quarantine,and medical treatment.The managementof the special collaboration area should draw on the historical inheritance of tiguo jingye(dividing the city and countryside into jurisdiction areas),forming amanagement system with the key city taking the lead.In order for the smooth operation of the special collaboration area,the construction subjects of the area should setup an effective consultationmechanism.

      Key words:epidemic prevention and control;special collaboration area;sharing mechanism;consultationmechanism

      On Actor’s Duty to Rescue in a Hazard Caused by a Crim inal Act(by W EIHantao,XIANG M ei)

      Abstract:As to whether a criminal act should produce the duty of action in an offense of non?typical omission,there are theories of affirmation,denial,and differentiation,and different stances can be found in practice.Either the theory of affirmation or denial,both sharing the deficiency of catching one and losing the other,is unduly absolute.By analyzing the sources of form and essence of the duty of action,we discover that the actor has the obligation to render salvage service in a hazard caused by a criminal act only when the following conditions aremet:a criminal act produces or increases themajor danger of legal interests;the risk of legal interests possesses the necessity of action;and it is expected that the actor should act positively.When a criminal act and the danger it causes threaten different legal interests,the actor in principle has the obligation to render salvage service for the danger he has triggered;but in case that both the antecedent behavior and the subsequent omission are out of negligence,the actor does not have the obligation to render salvage service.When a criminal actand the danger it causes threaten the same legal interests,in case that the antecedent behavior is out of negligence but the subsequent omission is intentional,the actor has the obligation to render salvage service.The actor does nothave the obligation to render salvage service in any other situations.

      Key words:crime of omission;antecedentbehavior;criminalact;conditions for the duty ofaction

      Construction and Ad justmentof the Leadership System in the Reform of NationalSupervision System(by ZHANG Zhengzhou)

      Abstract:The establishmentof the State Committee of Supervisory of the People’s Republic of China is intended to aggregate resources and power to implement the full coverage of supervision of all civil servants who exercise public power,so as to guarantee the pertinent and effective performance of the state power of supervision.Whereas,the discipline execution of the Commission for Discipline Inspection within the party has long exercised the double leadership system,which,in practice,even inclines to the same?level leadership of the Party Committee.What can be expected is that the actual effectof the leadership system of discipline inspection and supervision,which is under construction,may be set off in a certain degree by the practice that the Committee of Supervisory at all levels share office venueswith the party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection while keeping their own identities.Hence,it is needed to strengthen and deepen the vertical leadership of the party’s Commission for Discipline Inspection,and form a relatively independent supervisory system within the party,so that the leadership system of discipline inspection and supervision can be put in order.Meanwhile,the discipline inspection and supervision organs should reasonably structure their internal institutions and determine theirworkingmechanism so as to copewith the structural problems existing in the leadership system of discipline inspection and supervision.

      Key words:reform of the national supervision system;the State Committee of Supervisory;discipline inspection and supervision;leadership system

      Ritual Therapy in Social W ork and Service:App lication Framework and Inquiry into Academ ic Princip le(by LIU Binzhi,ZHAO Qian,OU M engling)

      Abstract:Ritual therapy is becomingmore and more professionalized and popularized with the rise of religious disenchantment and spiritual services.After systematically analyzing and referring to the existing research results of ritual therapy,the author explores the relative theories and practical framework of ritual therapy in social work and service.On the one hand,social workers,in applying a ritual therapy,shall draw on theories including interaction ritual chains,social constructivism,and multicultural social work,and follow the practical procedures of ritualmatch,ritual design,ritual experience,giving sense to a symbol,and the sublimation of a ritual.On the other hand,socialworkers shall constantly reinforce their cultural risk awareness,avoid possible social risks,and promote the developmentand perfection of ritual therapy in socialwork through insistent research and practice.

      Key words:socialwork;ritual therapy;inquiry into academic principle;application framework

      Predicam ent of and Solution to Governm ent Purchased Hom e-based Elderly Servicew ith H igh Degree of Consum er Satisfaction:Case Study of 464 Respondents in Jiangsu Province(by PAN Xiuhua,GU Ping)

      Abstract:Elderly service at the current stage is yet to form a perfect system,with the supply falling behind consumer’s demand.The government purchased home?based elderly service,being an integrated mode to provide elderly service,has an advantage over other elderly caremodes provided by family,government,or social subjects independently.The elderly caremode jointly supplied by government,social organization,caring enterprise,community,and other subjects generates a superimposed welfare effect,which achieves a relatively high consumer satisfaction.In spite of this,the government purchased home?based elderly service is still faced with the following predicaments:the service levels in different regions are not the same;service contents are not rich,the professional levels of service personnel are not high,the assessment and supervisory system is imperfect;the social publicity and support are inadequate.In view of the problems existing in themulti?level welfare supply,the abovementioned predicaments can be resolved by promoting social publicity,improving service coverage and diversity,enhancing the professional quality and working ability of service personnel,and perfecting the assessmentand supervisory system.

      Key words:government purchase;home?based elderly care service;multi?levelwelfare;consumer;degree of satisfaction

      Study on Financing Difficu lties of W uhan Sm all and M icro Business in Recovering Developm ent:From the Perspective of Governm ent’s“Visible Hand”Guidance(by GUAN Nina)

      Abstract:Small and micro businesses are the footstones of national economic development,playing a key role in promoting economic development and social stability.Due to the impact of COVID?19 epidemic,the operation and development of small and micro businesses in Wuhan are faced with the predicaments of capital chain rupture and low financing satisfaction ratio;their problem of“market failure”in the financing domain is prominent because of their widening credit spread.TakeWuhan’s practice in solving small and micro businesses’financing problems(“difficult to obtain,”“expensive,”and“slow in the process”)as the sample for study,the paper explores the guiding and regulating role of the government’s“visible hand。”The government rolls outa series ofmeasures to relieve the financing difficulties of small and micro businesses,including small and micro business financial bailout policies,establishing a special bailout fund,setting up amunicipal level financing service platform,enhancing government?bank?enterprise cooperation,innovating the“301”loan on creditmode and financial products,and increasing government financing assurance and risk compensation.Thesemeasures have strengthened the capital organization and coordination of small and micro businesses,and built up a long?term mechanism for the finance sector to support the development of small and micro businesses.The survival and strengthening of small and micro businesses is conducive toWuhan’s revitalization and high quality economic development in the post?pandemic era.

      Key words:smallandmicro businesses;development recovery;financing difficulty;governmentguidance

      The Action of Double-path M echanism of Product-event Fit in Cause-related M arketing on Consumer’s Attitude(by CHENG Chun)

      Abstract:Cause?related marketing,which organically integrates economic interest and social interest,is now in vogue when businesses launch promotion campaigns.Based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model,the paper studies the actionmechanism of product?event fit in cause?relatedmarketing on consumer’s attitude and proposes two paths:an active path with warm glow the core and a passive path with suspicion the core.The experimentalmethod is adopted to verify the hypothesis and the conclusion is as follows:product?event fit has a prominent positive influence on consumer’s attitude;a high product?event fit is conducive to producing amore active consumptive attitude.Warm glow plays an intermediation role between product?event fit and consumer’s attitude;a high product?event fit generatesmore warm glows and ismore conducive to forming an active consumptive attitude.Suspicion plays partly an intermediation role between product?event fit and consumer’s attitude;a high product?event fit is conducive to reducing consumer’s suspicion and forming an active consumptive attitude.The passive path of suspicion has an influence on the active path ofwarm glow,and will ultimately influence the relationship between product?event fit and consumer’s attitude.This research also provides beneficial revelation formanagementpractice.

      Key words:cause?relatedmarketing;product?event fit;suspicion;warm glow;consumer’s attitude

      The Anchor Role and Safeguard M echanism of W orld-class US Public Universities in Regional Econom ic Developm ent:A Case Study of the University of California(by LIU Aisheng,ZOU Zifan)

      Abstract:In the era of knowledge economy,universities,especially world?class universities are playing an increasing role in regional economic development.Such a role is often described as the“anchor role”by Western academia.A case study of the University of California(UC)reveals that the anchor role ofworld?class US public universities in regional economic development ismainly classified as the role of employer,consumer,scientific and technological innovator,cultivator of high?end technological talents,and property developer.UC’s safeguardmechanism for the anchor roles includes political,policy,capital,and talent supports,as well as the academic and cultural transformation and governance structure reform within the university.

      Key words:regional economic development;University of California;knowledge economy;anchor role;safeguardmechanism

      Path Optim ization of Local Universities in Regional W orld-class Discip line Construction under Know ledge Production M odel(by WANG Linbo,HUANG Juncao)

      Abstract:Constructing regionalworld?class discipline iswhat local universities shall do in adapting to the state higher education policies;it is also the actual target of local universities to improve their educational strength.The paper studies the discipline construction of 87 local universities in southwest China and makes the following findings:according to an analysis based on the knowledge productionmodel,local universities aremajor venues for knowledge production;teachers as a group are important creators of knowledge;student individuals are the direct inheritors of knowledge;local businesses are effective evaluators of knowledge;and the local government is the vindicator of knowledge rights and interests.A complete cyclic system is formed involving the local university,course teacher,individual student,local business,and local government to produce,create,inherit,and assess knowledge,aswell as protect the rights of knowledge.In promoting the construction of regional world?class discipline,local universities have to address the following problems:course teachers are notup to the standard ofachieving the targetofworld?class discipline development;student individuals do not conform to practical logic requirements ofworld?class discipline construction;and social organizations have not yet formulated a mechanism for the multi?subject shared governance ofworld?class discipline.From the perspective of knowledge productionmodel,the paper proposes an effective route for local universities to promote regionalworld?class discipline construction in terms of knowledge capital,talent cultivation,and the guarantee of knowledge rights and interests.

      Key words:knowledge productionmodel;local college;world?class discipline construction;path

      莲花县| 从江县| 新源县| 高青县| 凤山市| 成都市| 九台市| 嘉禾县| 永泰县| 年辖:市辖区| 临漳县| 顺平县| 巴林右旗| 塘沽区| 盐池县| 清徐县| 图片| 仁怀市| 潼关县| 双江| 手机| 陇西县| 中阳县| 高雄县| 西贡区| 图片| 万年县| 新密市| 五大连池市| 镇平县| 阜城县| 临湘市| 岢岚县| 明溪县| 宜兰市| 务川| 信阳市| 资兴市| 连平县| 北票市| 岳阳市|