孟子曰:“魚,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也;二者不可得兼,舍魚而取熊掌者也。Mencius said, “Fish is my favorite and so is the bear’s paw.If I could not enjoy both of them, I would give up fish and choose the bear’s paw.
2“Life is what I desire and so is righteousness.If I could not keep both of them, I would give up life and choose righteousness.
3“Life is what I desire, but there is something I desire more than life,so I will not drag out an ignoble existence.Death is what I detest, but there is something I detest more than death, so there are occasions when I will not evade the danger.
4“If people desire nothing more than life, why then will they not exert every possible means to preserve their lives? If people detest nothing more than death, why then will they not exert every possible means to evade dangers?
5“Therefore, there are cases when one may preserve life but he chooses not to do it, and cases when one may evade a danger but he will not try it.It shows that there is something he desires more than life, and something he detests more than death.It is not virtuous people alone who have such a state of mind; everyone else possesses it, except that the virtuous people can manage not to lose it.
6“Here is a small bamboo basket of food and a mess of pottage.Let one have it and he may live on; otherwise he may starve to death.Yet when it is offered with an insulting voice, even a tramp would not accept it.When it is given after being trodden beneath the feet, even a beggar would disdain to accept it.
7“Nevertheless, if offered with ten thousand measures of salary grain,some will accept it without examining the moral rightness.What does ten thousand measures of salary grain mean to me? Does it mean magnificent mansions, or the flattering service of my wife and concubines,or the gratitude from the poor acquaintances I once helped?
8“While in the past one would rather die than accept the offer, now there are some who accept it in order to possess magnificent mansions;while in the past one would rather die than accept the offer, now there are some who accept it in order to enjoy the flattering service of their wives and concubines; while in the past one would rather die than accept the offer, now there are some who accept it in order to court appreciation from their poor acquaintances.Isn’t it time for them to quit now? That is what we call losing the innate goodness in heart.” ■