




      2015-12-09 02:01:05艾德文馬厄艾博
      國(guó)際人才交流 2015年10期

      文/艾德文·馬厄 譯/艾博


      文/艾德文·馬厄 譯/艾博

      On Parade





      2009 marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the country was going to celebrate big time.Two major events were planned - a military parade on the morning of National Day, October 1 leading up to a grand fireworks display at night.

      When it became clear a parade would take place in 2009, I wondered if I might be lucky enough to reach the main viewing point in Tiananmen Square to see the tanks go past and the planes fly overhead. All my enquiries came to nothing, and as those in the know pointed out, the parade would not be open to the public because crowd control - let alone security - would be a nightmare.

      My last attempt was a call to the Beijing Municipal Government where I spoke to a staff member who recognized my name and relationship with CCTV. But it seemed unlikely I would be among the invited guests and I resigned myself to watching it on television. But this is China, where anything can - and often does -happen. Just two days later I received a phone call at work from Li Zhongzhou, an officer in the local government’s Foreign Affairs Office.My heart started beating as I wondered - then asked - if I was going to be invited to watch the parade after all. “Watch it?”









      Li responded , “we want you to be in it.”

      I grabbed the nearest chair and sat down in case I was imagining what he had just said. Before I had time to answer, he explained,“the parade will incorporate a number of floats in a pageant depicting all aspects of China’s life and achievements over the past six decades - from space exploration to sport. One float will contain foreigners and we would like you to be one of them.”I gave him a quick “of course I would” to which he laughed and added, “you will become famous.”

      More important was that foreigners had never appeared in the anniversary parade before, marking a new turn in the traditional composition of mainly military vehicles and hardware. Li pointed out, “two or three rehearsals will be very long and involve having to arrive at the meeting point several hours early.”

      Our float, bearing its name, ‘One World’ was shaped like a giant birthday cake topped with white icing. Li gave us each a sheet of paper showing where we would stand. I was to be in front on the right side. “Right not just in direction,” he said, “but right to be seen by the crowd when the parade passed the leaders and audience in Tienanmen Square.”Below us in the depths of the float was a team of young men whose job would be even more crucial. While the diesel motor of the truck which carried ‘One World’ moved slowly along, the five man crew were on standby ready to drop into open sections to physically push the vehicle if it broke down. Though close to the exhaust fumes, this would also be their chance of a lifetime whether they just rode or pushed.

      The Friday night rehearsal had an atmosphere all its own, and one much more informal than the real parade the following week. People were able to come out and look because this was a rehearsal not for the military, but the floats.There was a festive atmosphere as thousands of visitors made their way to the edge of the parade route, their camera flashlights popping and hands waving in a genuine show of curiosity and support.

      Making our way around the residential streets leading towards Chang’an Jie,our float of foreigners drew special cheers from the many expats and foreign visitors standing on the footpath. Many on the float agreed this one appearance would have been satisfying enough, the buzz so intense, and a real carnival atmosphere.More than one hundred Chinese and foreigners chosen to walk beside the float added another splash of color and vitality.

      Some were saying, “ I wonder if we’ll be seen on the telecast?” I am sure most were thinking the same question but with cameras changing shots between the invited crowd, the senior leaders, military vehicles and the floats, it would be more luck than design if any of our faces were recognized by the home audience as we passed the main viewing platform. Everyone had been asked to wear bright colored clothing and something of our own culture. I had bought a bright red shirt for the occasion and combined it with a flag bearing Maori motifs representing my birth country, New Zealand. Li and his fellow organizers agreed “you all look great.”







      Indian saris, traditional African robes and other flowing outfits from a wide spectrum of countries, gave the float new life for this most lively event.

      Our bus arrived at the Workers Stadium just before dawn.But there was no sign of the rising sun, heavy clouds threatening to produce the forecast showers. The hours until we moved off at the official starting time were occupied taking pictures with others also waiting and wondering about the weather, but happy on the ‘high’ of the buildup. People posed with new friends they had just made among the participants and may not see again, but preserving the precious moments as their cameras clicked at high speed.

      We were told not to move far from our floats, and by 10 a.m. all were back to get the final commands and be in position for the parade leaving one hour later.After my initial enquiries weeks earlier to see if I could watch the parade, the fact that I was now in it didn’t mean I could see everything with the naked eye. The floats which formed the pageant would make their entrance after the tanks and other military hardware.

      Still we could hear the sound on huge loudspeakers as Hu Jintao in his dual role of Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission called for the parade to begin. His commands seemed to have reached a new peak. As if on cue, Beijing’s grey sky miraculously turned bright blue. The clouds were gone, there was no sign of rain, and the late morning sun was so bright, some of us later revealed mild sunburn. As the parade started, our place in the line seemed a lifetime away as we waited and waited, hearing the domestically made fighter jets fly ahead of us. They would return, releasing their multi-colored smoke trails once we finally approached the main reviewing stand outside the Forbidden City which faces Tiananmen Square.

      Standing next to me was a tall American, David Tool, known locally by his Chinese name, Du Dawei and mentioned earlier as being recognized and awarded for his volunteer work correcting English signs in Beijing. A former army colonel, Tool possessed long arms which came too close for my comfort zone in China’s big parade. Retaining my assigned position very close to the front on the right hand side of the float, his right arm kept waving in front of my face. Sometimes he would wave both hands, but his right was still obscuring me.Not wanting to dash the expectations of friends and colleagues who knew I was taking part, I had to think quickly.Instead of waving my own right hand, I decided to put the left into action and this way I kept his wave in check and my own space clear. Talk about publicity seekers - none of us wanted to miss this camera opportunity.






      As the commentator announced our approach pointing out that foreigners were taking part in China’s National Day parade for the first time, clapping and cheering from the crowd increased, almost drowning out the band playing its rousing selection of Chinese military marches. The adrenalin was really pumping now and while a very controlled atmosphere compared with the nighttime rehearsal, the scene was unforgettable.

      To our left, thousands of Chinese in traditional costumes provided a gymnastic routine of color and movement, while the overhead projector swung and whizzed above us like a mechanical trapeze artist without the aid of a safety net. On the right where I was standing, giant television screens showed our progress. Accompanied by the 100 foreigners chosen to walk around the float waving flags, we were now in our ‘One World’ passing through the political heart of China’s capital. I waved as hard as I could and there were no collisions between my left hand and Tool’s right. As it turned out our below deck crew went along literally for the ride, the driver relieved his job was completed without incident.

      While the parade and pageant lasted more than two hours, the climax of passing the main viewing area was over in less than half a minute. But as we turned off Chang An Jie into a side street to park away from the crowds cheering floats behind us, I could hear by mobile phone receiving a flood messages. Lifting it from my pocket I could see 16, then 17, and still more. ‘Just saw you on TV’one said while another simply read, ‘saw you, loved the red shirt’. Everyone from the float was on the phone getting reports from family and friends and discussing who had been seen, or almost. I treasure one extra video which made the occasion even more personal. Adrian was watching the telecast at his home in Melbourne, via CNN. Just before we entered Tiananmen Square, he sent me a message saying it was unlikely he would see me because CNN had interrupted its coverage to report an earthquake in Indonesia. But when I checked my phone as the parade ended, Adrian had sent another message: ‘Check your email when you get home. You’ll never believe it’. He had kept his personal video camera running in front of the TV set in case CNN resumed its coverage of the parade. At precisely the point where ‘One World’ came into view, the network switched back to Beijing.After thinking my appearance had been lost, Adrian saw his Dad waving to him, letting out an exclamation of joy picked up on his own camera, and providing a bonus for us both. What a day!

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