As an ancient genre of opera in Jiangxi Province, Donghe Opera originated inthe area around Tian and Bailu villages in Gan County. According to A Dictionaryof Chinese Operas and Quyi, Donghe Opera rose and spread along the Donghe River(also known as the Gong River) in Jiangxi Province; hence its name. Its prototype canbe found in the Zuotang Troupe, which sang opera arias without makeup and actingin Gan County during the reign of Emperor Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty. The formingof Donghe Opera had a close connection with the Qizhen Temple in Tian Village.
The Qizhen Temple was first built in the HanDynasty and gained its high popularity during theYuan and Ming dynasties. The temple had two to threehundred monks during this period, and its reputationreached as far as Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang,Anhui, Hubei, and Sichuan provinces. Therefore, atevery temple fair, worshipers from all over the JiangxiProvince and beyond would visit the temple in droves.In their spare time during the pilgrimage, some of theworshipers would sing operas in both styles of Gaoqiang(a high-pitched opera singing style) and Kunqu Operaat their lodgings. Year after year, the local villagersbecame more and more interested in Gaoqiang, thusbeginning to pick up this singing style. Some privateschool teachers and students also flocked to learn,and over time, singing gatherings became extremelypopular. During the reign of Jiajing, the ZuotangTroupe, which sang in the mixed styles of Gaoqiang andKunqu Opera, came into form. Legend has it that inthe late Ming Dynasty, a “folkmusic stage” was set upin front of the QizhenTemple exclusivelyfor the performanceof Donghe Opera.Hence the sayinggoes, “Without theQizhen Temple,there would be noDonghe Opera.”
The Zuotang Troupe first performed during thosetemple fairs, and was composed of the singing andmusical bands brought by the pilgrims. Each troupehad five or six people, or sometimes seven to eight, whoplayed wind, string, and percussion instruments, andsang Gaoqiang, Kunqu Opera, and southern and northerntunes. The style of Tanqiang (singing in a bouncingvoice) was also adopted in their singings in later years.The performance of the Zuotang Troupe could bedivided into two categories: “highbrow” and “l(fā)owbrow”.The so-called “highbrow” performances were forthe literati to get together, playing instruments, andsinging operas to idle away time, while the “l(fā)owbrow”ones were for the artists to earn a living, performingat banquets for entertainment or to greet and see offguests.
During the heyday of the Zuotang Troupe, acustom of “acting out stories” was on the spread inTian Village. Whenever a temple fair was held, littleboys and girls would dress up as characters frommythical stories or popular operas, being placed onsedan chairs and then carried by adults on parade.
In the Wanlis reign of the Ming Dynasty, LiuRenquan, together with his private school teachers andstudents, made efforts to combine the Zuotang Troupe,which only involved singing, with the silent “acting outstories”. They also added some touches of locality, suchas the names of folk wind and percussion music tunes,before putting the play of mixed elements on stage.After continuous improvement, many classic playswere produced, including some most famous ones suchas The Legend of Mu Lian, Journey to the West, Romanceof the Three Kingdoms, and General Yue Fei, as well asmany other original operas and modified ones. In thethird year of the Shunzhis reign of the Qing Dynasty(1646), the eighth year after Liu Renquans death, theprototype of Donghe Opera — the Yuhe Troupe — wasofficially established. Since Ganzhou is situated at theconfluence of the Zhang River and Gong River, theZhang River in the west is called Xihe (the West River),and the Gong River in the east is known as Donghe (theEast River). For having originated alongside the GongRiver, this genre of opera was thus named GanzhouDonghe Opera.“
At the same time, the Xueju Troupe also sprangup. In the eleventh year of the Shunzhis reign (1654),actors from the Kunqu Opera Troupe in Suzhou cameto Donghe and formed the Xueju Troupe of KunquOpera. Later, local people joined the troupe, andNingxiu Troupe was taken as its new name. The YuheTroupe sang mainly in the style of Gaoqiang, and had avariety of plays as well as a complete range of roles andtalents. Over the years, actors playing the Sheng (maleroles), Dan (female roles), Jing (painted-face roles), andChou (comic roles) all outclassed their contemporariesbecause of their unique techniques, thus gainingconsiderable fame at that time. In comparison, the?Ningxiu Troupe primarily sang in the style of KunquOpera, but it also adopted the tune of Gaoqiang. It wasthe first to adopt the style of court plays, using stagedevices, lighting, and stunts to perform The Legend ofthe White Snake. Its performance, which featured thelifelike movement of rolling and twisting pythons, wasa feast for the eyes of the local audience who never hadthe chance to watch court plays. From then on, thereputation of “Ningxiu Troupes snakes, Yuhe Troupesrakes” was spread from mouth to mouth, and these twotroupes gradually became the origin of Donghe Opera.
隨著時代的發(fā)展,東河戲又不斷地廣征博采,吐故納新,逐步形成一個大型劇種。清康熙年間,有一宜黃人,在贛縣石院當司官,帶來了宜黃調(diào),稱為“二凡”,后稱“二黃”。此為東河戲吸取二黃調(diào)之始。咸豐年間,贛縣藝人丁仔師傅在廣西桂劇班演丑行?;丶液螅压饎〉?0 多本西皮戲傳授給東河戲藝人,如《仁圣會》《雙界牌》等。爾后,東河戲又大量吸收了安慶調(diào)、弋板、南北詞、秧腔……自此,東河戲已經(jīng)非常成熟,并受到廣大觀眾的喜愛。自乾隆年,歷經(jīng)多個朝代,時隔100 多年,東河戲達到全盛。此時,班社達30 多個,劇目有《目蓮》《三國》《封神》《岳飛》等八種連臺本大戲,另有高腔劇目225 出,昆腔劇目104 出,其他劇目518 出,演出范圍逐步由贛南內(nèi)地擴展到周邊的萬安、遂川、泰和以及外省福建、廣東等地。
With the passage of time, Donghe Opera constantlyabsorbed and integrated various styles, graduallyevolving into a mainstream genre. During the Kangxisreign of the Qing Dynasty, a person from Yihuang,who was a magistrate in Shiyuan, Gan County, introducedthe Yihuang tune. The tune was called “Erfan”,and later became known as “Erhuang”. This was the beginningfor Donghe Opera to adopt the Erhuang tune.During the Xianfengs reign, an artist from Gan Countynamed Ding Zai, who had played the Chou in the GuiOpera Troupe in Guangxi, introduced more than tenXipi operas to Donghe Opera artists, such as Ren ShengHui and Shuang Jie Pai. Later, Donghe Opera absorbedmany other singing styles, including the Anqing tune,Yiban (rhythm clappers), southern and northern tunes,and the style of Yangqiang… From thence, DongheOpera was well developed and was loved by a wide audience.Since the Qianlongs reign, through several periodsspanning over 100 years, Donghe Opera had reachedits zenith. At that time, there were over thirty troupesperforming eight serial operas, including Mu Lian, ThreeKingdoms, League of Gods, and Yue Fei, as well as 225Gaoqiang Operas, 104 Kunqu Operas, and 518 otheroperas. Their performances gradually expanded fromthe south of Ganzhou to surrounding areas such asWanan, Suichuan, Taihe, and other provinces such asFujian and Guangdong.
During the several hundred years of development ofDonghe Opera, Zhong Chongyang and his son ZhongGu in Bailu Village played a fairly important role.
Zhong Chongyan (1778–1858), in the 11th yearof Jiaqings reign, was appointed magistrate of JiaxingPrefecture, Zhejiang Province. At that time, manyofficials and gentry chose Kunqu Opera as their familymusic because of its elegance, and Zhong Chongyanalso established a Kunqu Opera troupe to play athome and married Ping, a woman from Suzhou in thetroupe (Zhong Gus birth mother), as his concubine.His brother, Zhong Chongguan, was also good atcomposing lyrics and music, and even his maids andservants were from the troupe. In the second yearof Daoguangs reign, Zhong Chongyan resigned hisofficial post and led the Kunqu Opera troupe back toBailu Village. His family often entertained themselveswith Kunqu Opera and integrated the Gaoqiang troupeof Donghe Opera into it.
In the ninth year of Guangxus reign, Zhong Gu(1843–1919), the fourth son of Zhong Chongyan, wasappointed magistrate of Huangmei County, HubeiProvince. Growing up in a family of Kunqu Opera,Zhong Gu was therefore greatly influenced and had apassion for music and rhythm. He inherited his talentfrom his mother and was inspired by famous teachers,thus forming an indissoluble bond with KunguOpera. In the 24th year of Guangxus reign, Zhong Gureturned to Bailu Village and devoted himself to theinnovation and promotion of Donghe Opera. He ofteninvited the Ningxiu Troupe to his home, directedtheir performance, and refined their singing, acting,and instrumental performing. The one hundred oddoperas performed by the Ningxiu Troupe were allchoreographed and directed by Zhong Gu in person.
Bestowed by the Emperor with many honorarytitles, Zhong Chongyan and his son Zhong Gu wereboth familiar with the court music and ceremonialrituals during the Qing Dynasty. Their knowledge ofcourt music also helped refine Donghe Opera, makingit novel and refreshing. Therefore, the Ningxiu Troupewas not only appreciated by local villagers but alsorespected by local officials and gentry.
The singing style of Donghe Kunqiang was introducedfrom Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Meticulouslytaught by Zhong Chongyan and his son, andlater with its rhyme being refined by Zhong Gu, DongheKunqiang was integrated with Gaoqiang, makingitself a worthy representative as an ancient opera genrein Jiangxi Province.
2014 年,東河戲被列入國家級非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)代表性保護名錄。為弘揚中華優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化,東河戲非遺傳承人馬玉蘭大力開展東河戲的保護傳承工作,通過挖掘整理文字、音頻、視頻等形式進行搶救性保護,又大力開展東河戲非遺項目傳承人的培訓。同時,她把東河戲的音樂融入廣播體操,實現(xiàn)東河戲高腔、昆腔、彈腔與廣播體操青春、歡快、靈動之間的交融,使古老的東河戲變成現(xiàn)代的韻律操,不斷推動東河戲融入尋常百姓家,融入現(xiàn)代人們的日常生活。
In 2014, Donghe Opera was included in the National Intangible CulturalHeritage List. In order to promote this excellent traditional culture, MaYulan, an inheritor of Donghe Opera, devoted herself to the protection andinheritance of Donghe Opera. She conducted salvage protection throughthe collection and organization of texts, audio, and video materials, and alsoprovided training for the apprentices of Donghe Opera. At the same time,she integrated the music of Donghe Opera into radio calisthenics, blendingthe Gaoqiang, Kunqu Opera, and Tanqiang styles of Donghe Opera with theyouthful, cheerful, and nimble movements of radio calisthenics. This hastransformed the ancient Donghe Opera into a modern rhythmic exercise,constantly promoting its integration into ordinary peoples homes and daily lives.