對于韓國人而言,孔子學(xué)院的出現(xiàn)具有極其深遠(yuǎn)的意義,因?yàn)樗缤粭l連接中韓的珍貴紐帶。中韓兩國地理位置相近,兩國人民長期受儒家文化滋養(yǎng),形成了從文化上到情感上的共鳴,這種緣分是非常特別且重要的。本文以“孔子學(xué)院,與韓國人的緣分”為視角,追尋過去20 年首爾孔子學(xué)院的發(fā)展足跡。
For Koreans, the establishment of the ConfuciusInstitute holds deep significance for the much-appreciatedrelationship between China and Korea. Theclose geographic proximity of the two nations andtheir shared Confucian heritage have fostered a richcultural and emotional bond between the two peoples;this connection is both essential and unique. Thisarticle traces the 20-year journey of the ConfuciusInstitute in Seoul, focusing on its connections withthe Korean people.
Launch of the Confucius Institute in Seoul
2004年11月27日, 在韓國首爾繁華地帶的一棟建筑前響起歡快的中國民樂,身著正裝的賓客在彩帶前有序地排開。建筑正面掛著分別用中文和韓文書寫的“孔子學(xué)院”“??????”彩帶,中韓兩國國旗在風(fēng)中飄揚(yáng)。世界首個孔子學(xué)院——首爾孔子學(xué)院正式成立,這是一個具有歷史性的重要時刻。在當(dāng)天的開幕式上,時任中國教育部部長周濟(jì)發(fā)表致辭,他強(qiáng)調(diào)首爾孔子學(xué)院作為世界首個成立的孔子學(xué)院所肩負(fù)的重任,并表示今天的“啟程”將成為增進(jìn)中韓兩國人民友誼和交流的重要里程碑。中國新華網(wǎng)、《中國教育報》及韓國媒體都進(jìn)行了報道。首個孔子學(xué)院的成立展現(xiàn)了中韓兩國建交12年后在政府和民間層面交流的不斷向前推進(jìn),激發(fā)了韓國民眾的“中文學(xué)習(xí)熱”,甚至有媒體用“不遜韓流的漢風(fēng)來襲”來形容這一現(xiàn)象。
On November 27th, 2004, lively Chinese folkmusic echoed through the streets of a bustling areain Seoul, with guests in formal attire gathering at abuilding decorated with colorful banners which read“Confucius Institute” in both Chinese and Korean.The national flags of both countries were flying,marking the official opening of the world’s firstConfucius Institute. At the inauguration ceremony,China’s then Minister of Education, Zhou Ji, delivereda speech in which he emphasized the importantrole of the Confucius Institute, describing theopening as an important milestone in strengtheningthe friendship and cultural exchanges between Chinaand Korea. The event was widely covered by China’sXinhuanet news agency, China Education Daily, andthe Korean media, symbolizing the growing momentumof both governmental and non-governmentalexchanges between China and Korea, and fueling theenthusiasm of the public for learning the Chineselanguage. Some media even described it as “the feverof Chinese culture rivaling the Korean wave.”
Even before the establishment of the Institute,some Koreans had quietly laid the groundwork forpromoting Chinese language and culture. In 1988,Professor Lee Chong-yang of Korea University ledthe founding of the Korean Association for ContemporaryChina Studies to advance educational andcultural exchanges between China and Korea. LeeChong-yang served as the President of the Association,which counted influential leaders and professorsfrom relevant universities among its members.
In 1994, Lee Chong-yang wenton to establish the Korea-ChinaCultural Cooperation ResearchInstitute with the goal of systematicallyand intensively promotingChinese language education andcultural exchange. The Institutealso founded the Korean Society of Study on ChineseLanguage and Culture, an academic organizationcomprised of Chinese language professors. Supportedby the Confucius Institute in Seoul, Hanban (nowthe Center for Language Education and Cooperationof China’s Ministry of Education), and the ChineseEmbassy in Korea, this association continues to holdan international academic conference twice annually.It also publishes the quarterly academic journal —The Journal of Study on Language and Culture ofKorea and China.
Lee Chong-yang believed that expanding thecommunity of Chinese language learners was bothimportant and meaningful, and that the best meansof achieving this was by building strong connectionswith university teachers. He therefore developedclose collaborations with professors who joined theassociation, subsequently extending his efforts topromote projects for Chinese language teachers in secondary schools. The Confucius Institute in Seoulhas both supported these academic activities andorganized a variety of Chinese cultural experiences,including lectures, cultural performances, andlanguage competitions. These events have beenwell-received by teachers, helping to foster friendshipsand mutual cohesion. The Institute’s initiativesin educational research cooperation, teachingmethodology exchanges, and the sharing of educationalresources have been highly effective, while thelanguage and cultural projects it has launched havegained widespread recognition. In 1999, China’sMinistry of Education honored Lee Chong-yang withthe Friendship Award for the Chinese Language andCulture.
Fostering a new atmosphere of Chinese language learning
Before the establishment of the ConfuciusInstitute in Seoul, there were numerous privateChinese language tutoring centers in the country that were criticized for high fees. The Confucius Institutein Seoul sought to address this by combining thestrengths of school education and private tuition tooffer a more systematic, advanced, and affordableChinese language education. This approach includeshigh-quality courses, textbooks, teaching methods,and a wide range of Chinese cultural activities. As aresult, the Confucius Institute has become a trustedand authoritative symbol for Chinese languagelearners.
Over the past 20 years, the reputation of theConfucius Institute in Seoul has been significantlyadvanced by the support of its Chinese partners andindividuals from both China and Korea. Among themost important contributors have been the universityand high school professors and teachers who directlyteach the Chinese language and literature. Theirpassion and dedication have played a key role in theeffective implementation and improvement of teachingmaterials, curricula, and educational programs;their strong sense of responsibility and mission hasalso driven the high-quality development of Chinesestudies in Korea.
Renewed connections, enduring bonds
On March 27th, 2018, the Confucius Institute inSeoul strengthened its ties with China when China’sthen Minister of Education, Chen Baosheng, visitedthe Institute and attended the opening ceremony ofiBT Korean Headquarters at the HSK Korean AffairsOffice. Minister Chen commended the Institutefor its 14 years of dedicated work, highlighting itsachievements of “actively exploring internationalization,meeting emerging needs, enhancing languageexchange, and aligning learning demands withresources.” He encouraged the Institute to continueits innovative efforts and to set a benchmark for theglobal Confucius Institute network. This visit bothreaffirmed our responsibilities as the world’s firstConfucius Institute and also set high expectations forits future development.
The Confucius Institute in Seoul takes greatpride in the trust and support it has received from theKorean public over the past 20 years. Its growth hasbeen made possible by the collective efforts of all itsmembers, and also by the support and cooperationof the Chinese International Education Foundation,the relevant Chinese government departments, theCenter for Language Education and Cooperation,the Education Office of the Chinese Embassy inRepublic of Korea, and various individuals andorganizations from both China and Korea. I firmlybelieve that the friendship between the peoples ofChina and Korea will continue to flourish, and theroute of deepening cultural exchanges and cooperationbetween the two countries will be furtherstrengthened.