In November 2022, the Confucius Institute at theCambodian University of Technology and Science(CamTech), representing a collaboration betweenthe Nanjing Vocational University of IndustryTechnology (NJUIT) and the Federation of KhmerChinese in Cambodia (FKCC), was inaugurated inPhnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. The institutehas since flourished and expanded.
China and Cambodia enjoy a long-standingfriendship, with increasingly frequent exchanges andcollaborations in diverse social and economic fields,which has created numerous business opportunities for both nations. Students withChinese language skills have anadvantage in the job market, oftensecuring higher-paying positions,which has significantly boosteddemand for “Chinese language +vocational training” education.Many Chinese-funded enterprises inCambodia have an urgent demandfor professionals who are fluentin Chinese and possess technicalexpertise, leading them to seek partnershipswith the Confucius Institute.In response, the Institute has beenproactive, visiting Chinese-fundedcompanies, producing promotional videos, andstrengthening ties through both online communicationsand offline presentations. By May 2023, theInstitute had signed training agreements with fivecompanies, establishing production-oriented traininglaboratories which have since thrived.
By the end of 2023, the Cambodia-ChinaUniversity of Technology and Science (CCUTeche),founded by the original Chinese and Cambodianhosts of the Confucius Institute, was founded inCambodia. It was renamed the “Confucius Instituteat CCUTeche” and became a secondary schoolof CCUTeche, continuing to provide specializedChinese language education tailored to Cambodia’svocational needs.
In Cambodia, students proficient in Chinesehave a competitive edge in the job market and areable to command high salaries. The demand for“Chinese language + vocational training” courses waspreviously so high that a temporary shortage arose,highlighting the need for effective courses. Unliketraditional Chinese language classes, these coursesseamlessly integrate Chinese language training withvocational content, focusing on practical skills andreal-world applications, which presents a uniquechallenge. To ensure the delivery of this, all of ourteachers, corporate mentors, and the curriculumdevelopment team have conducted hundreds ofseminars, simulating various workplace scenariosto break down the course content into manageabletasks, and using images, videos, and other resourcesto help students to learn Chinese vocabulary and acquireprofessional skills. Over the course of eighteenmonths, they have tested 19 textbooks, developing allrequired course materials and videos and recordingdemonstration classes. As a result, the “Chinese language+” courses have become core study programsand the most popular modules at university level.
For example, the entr y-level “LogisticsManagement” textbook is designed for the roleof a logistics officer. It deconstructs the job intoten typical scenarios and tasks, each with specificoperational terminology, including 3D videos toillustrate the operational steps. This approach bothteaches students the responsibilities and skills of alogistics officer and provides the relevant Chinesevocabulary and professional terms. Tosupport this, CCUTeche has created aninteractive virtual “Chinese language +”laboratory, which allows students tointegrate learning content with jobrequirements in a practical, hands-onenvironment.
On April 9th, 2X6UB3NZKT4gdJvbYa6ORgg==024, sixundergraduate programs atthe Institute, i.e., Chinese +Network Engineering Technology,Chinese + ModernLogistics Management, Chinese+ E-commerce, Chinese +Tourism Management ,Chinese + Mechanical andElectronic EngineeringTechnology, and Chinese +Automotive Service Engineering Technology,received accreditation from Cambodia’s Ministryof Education, Youth and Sport, as well as fromThe Accreditation Committee of Cambodia. Thisorganization is therefore the world’s first ConfuciusInstitute offering “Chinese language + vocationaltraining” courses at the undergraduate level. Throughthe joint efforts of the Chinese and Cambodian hosts,valuable experience has been gained; this provides areference model for “Chinese language + vocationaltraining” education.