As the cooperation between China and Djiboutihas grown, the interest of the citizens of Djibouti inlearning Chinese has noticeably increased. On February7th, 2022, a landmark agreement was signedby the Chinese International Education Foundation,the Djibouti Ministry of National Education andVocational Training, and Sichuan Normal Universityto establish the first Confucius Institute in Djibouti.
On August 5th, 2022, I left Chengdu, SichuanProvince, with four other teachers, embarking on amission to promote Chinese language education atthe Confucius Institute in Djibouti. Initially, the Instituteintroduced Chinese as an option for first-yearhigh school students across five local schools in thecountry’s capital, Djibouti City. However, due to thelimited availability of teaching resources, each schoolwas only able to accommodate 100 students. Thisrestriction led to considerable frustration among theprincipals because many students were left unable toregister. One day during the first week, when leavinga classroom at Gabode High School, I was greeted bya gentleman and his son who were waiting outside.The father, holding a list of names, proudly informedme in French that the Principal had just approvedtheir application, with the last handwritten name onthe list being that of his son. The father, who oftentraveled on business to Yiwu, Zhejiang Province,regretted that he had never learned Chinese andinsisted that his son should not miss this chance. Thiswas a new opportunity, because before the opening ofthe Institute there was no means of learning Chinesein Djibouti. Seeing their smiles was the first timethat I truly understood the significance of bringingChinese language education to Djibouti.
Some days later, I was approached by anotherlocal who held a Master’s degree from China, havingvisited the country many times. Fluent in Chinese, hewas fascinated by Chinese philosophy and interestedin traditional Chinese culture; this led him to seek asimilar learning experience for his children, thinkingthat it would broaden their horizons. However, hewas disappointed to learn that the courses wereonly open to first-year high school students, thushis two children, now in their third year, had nochance of attending; he came seeking help. Seeing thedisappointed look on the father’s face, I rememberedthat the Chinese classes were held after school, soI suggested that they could sit in on those sessions.They gratefully accepted, and now the children havetraveled to China to continue their studies.
In the summer of 2023, the Confucius Instituteof Djibouti held its first Chinese summer camp,which was rapidly enrolled to capacity due to itspopularity. We could only accommodate 30 studentsfrom different high schools, who were selected onthe basis of their academic performance. After theopening ceremony on the first day, a father fromthe PK12 High School approached me in my office.He explained that although one of his twin sons,Abdallah, had been accepted to the camp, the other,Abdoulkader, was devastated to miss out; both boyswere passionate about their studies of Chinese andworked hard. The father showed me their final exampapers; out of 20, one had scored 18.5 and the other18, both excellent grades. I sympathized with hissituation, but explained the limitations of numbers.He asked whether Abdoulkader could join if a placebecame available, andas luck would have it, ateacher mentioned that astudent dropped out. Thefather immediately calledhome, excitedly tellingAbdoulkader to come andenroll. The next day, twomothers came, hoping tosecure a place for theirchildren, although I unfortunatelyhad to turn themaway due to the limitedcapacity. This situationhighlighted the growingenthusiasm for Chineselanguage learning that thesummer camp has ignitedin the community.
After spending some time in Djibouti, I met severallocals who had studied in China and held a deepaffection for the country. Despite this, only a few hadworked for Chinese companies; additionally, few had continued to use Chinese, and they had lost touchwith each other. To reconnect these individuals, Iformed a WhatsApp group named “Djibouti AlumniAssociation of China.” When the Institute organizedevents, I invited them to share their personal storiesand experiences of China.
When China launched the “Cataract BlindnessEradication” project in Djibouti, there was a demandfor local staff who were familiar with Chinese. Withsupport from the Institute, the project team recruitedstudents who had studied in China to assist with theproject. They excelled in their roles, and thanks totheir efforts, an elderly Djiboutian, who was almostblind as a result of cataracts, regained his sight aftersurgery and witnessed the birth of his two grandsons.As a heartfelt gesture, he named the boys after thestaff members whohad supported him.We lat e r i nvi tedthese exceptionalstudents to sharetheir experiences athigh school lecturestitled “ExperiencingChina.”
Inaugurated only one year ago, the Confucius Institutein Djibouti remains a “young member” of the largerConfucius Institute family; we are bound to face manychallenges. However, the local enthusiasm for learningChinese and the transformative stories of the individualstouched by our program continue to inspire and drive ourcommitment to this vibrant community.