



      Some special solvable subgroups of SL(n,C) and their application

      2014-09-22 03:34:23

      (Mathematics Department, Tianhua College of Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201815, China)

      Some special solvable subgroups ofSL(n,C) and their application


      (Mathematics Department, Tianhua College of Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 201815, China)

      It is well known that Fuchsian equations have widespread and important application in mathematical physics problems. Therefore the research on the judgment of integrability for some given Fuchsian equations has significance both in theory and application. By Khovanskiy theorem, the problem on judging the integrability of Fuchsian equations can be changed into deducing the corresponding monodromy groups and checking their solvability. But as the theory is still imperfect, up to now, no effective method has been introduced to resolve this problem for a certain Fuchsian equation. In this paper, the author gives several classes of special solvable subgroups inSL(n,C), and their application for Fuchsian systems. By the relation between the solvability of monodromy group and the integrability of Fuchsian equations, the conclusion is if solution of Riemann surface of Fuchsian system is a surface of two dimensional bounded closed mainfold with getting rid of poles, where the number of poles is finite, then monodromy group of this system must be finite and linear. Especially, if generated elements satisfy the condition of the theorems in the paper, the monodromy group must be solvable. Thus the system is integral in quadratures.

      integrability; Fuchsian equation; monodromy group; solvable group; special linear group

      It is well known that Fuchsian equations have widespread and the important application in the mathematical physics problems. Therefore the research on the judgment of integrability for some given Fuchsian equations has significance both in theory and application. By Khovanskiy theorem[1], the problem on judging the integrability of Fuchsian equations can be changed into deducing the corresponding monodromy groups and checking their solvability. But as the theory is still imperfect, up to now, no effective method has been introduced to resolve this problem for a certain Fuchsian equation.

      Article[2-4] discussed the structure of solvable subgroup ofSL(2,C) and a class ofSL(3,C), and integrability of Fuchsian equations on torusT2. In this paper, we will introduce some subgroups ofSL(n,C) and obtain several classes of solvable subgroups, then we apply them into Fuchsian system.


      LetCis the complex field.SL(n,C) isn-order special linear group inC, i.e.



      ObviouslyKis a subgroup ofSL(n,C). Assume that elementAandBbelong toK. LetG=〈A,B〉, and is a subgroup ofSL(n,C) that generated byAandB. The main theorems are as follows:

      Theorem1 LetG=〈A,B〉 is a subgroup ofSL(n,C), thenGis a solvable group if and only ifAandBbelong to one of the following cases:

      1)AandBmay be simultaneously similar to upper (lower) triangular matrix.

      2) There exists a nonsingular matrixP, such that

      Theorem2 LetA1,A2,…,Al∈SL(n,C),l∈N


      ThenG=〈A1,A2,…,Al〉is a solvable group.


      Lemma2[6]LetT(n,C) is a group of all upper triangular matrices ofGL(n,C). ThenT(n,C) is solvable.

      Lemma3[6]LetGis a non-cyclic free group, thenG′ is a free group with infinite rank (G′ is the derived group ofG).

      Lemma4 Each element ofKmay be unique expressed by one of the following two forms:


      It is easy to verify this proposition is true by Bruhat Decomposition theorem[7]

      Lemma5AandBmay be simultaneously similar to upper(lower) triangular matrices if and only if there is a same eigenvectors of 2-order sequential principal submatrix ofAandB.

      In fact, obviously the necessity is right. The next step we will verify the sufficiency is true. Let 2-order sequential sub-matrices ofAandBareA2,B2. Assume there is a same eigenvector.

      By ref[2], there exists a nonsingular matrixP2∈GL(n,C) such that

      Proofoftheorem1 We divided the problem into three cases:

      1) IfAandBare simultaneously similar to upper(lower) triangular matrix. By lemma 1,2,G=〈A,B〉 is solvable.

      IfAandBare different from case 1). Without loss of generality, by lemma 4 we may let

      Since〈A,B〉={An1Bm1An2Bm2…AnkBmk|ni,mi∈Z,i∈N}, by (1) we can conclude


      and 〈A,B〉′≤〈A〉. Since 〈A〉 is a cyclic group, thereforeG″≤〈A〉′=In. Thus result is effective.

      Therefore by (2)

      LetG1=〈A,A1〉=〈A,BAB-1〉. ThenG1is a normal subgroup ofGandG/G1=〈A,B〉/〈A,A1〉?{Bm|m∈Z} SinceB4=In, so



      By case 3), we can easy to verifyG=〈A,B〉is not solvable. So letG=〈A,B〉 is solvable if and only if one of the two cases of theorem 1 takes place. Until now, the proof is completed.

      Lastly, it’s not difficult for us to prove theorem 2 by operational properties of partitioned matrix and main results in ref[2].


      Generally, letn-order Fuchsian system as follows:

      whereρi(z)(1≤i≤n) is meromorphic function.

      By Khovanskiy theorem, if monodromy group of solutions has a solvable normal divisor of finite index, then eq.(*) must be integral in quadratures. This means that the solution of the system can be expressed in terms of the coefficient functions by solving algebraic equations, integrations and compositions with entire functions by several times.

      We know that orientable two-dimensional closed mainfolds include spherical surface, torus, double torus, many torus and so on, and linear representation groups of homotopy groups are finite generated linear groups on that. So we obtain theorem 3 as follows:

      Theorem3 If solution of Riemann surface of Fuchsian system is a surface of two dimensional bounded closed mainfold with getting rid of poles, where the number of poles is finite, then monodromy group of this system must be finite and linear. Especially, if generated elements satisfy the condition of theorem 1 or theorem 2, the monodromy group must be solvable. Thus the system is integral in quadratures.

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      付 春 紅

      (上海師范大學(xué)天華學(xué)院 數(shù)學(xué)教研室, 上海 201815)


      可積性; Fuchs方程; 單值群; 可解群; 特殊線性群

      date: 2014-02-16.

      O151Documentcode: A

      10.3969/ j.issn.1673-5862.2014.04.015

      Supported: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (19671009).

      Biography: FU Chunhong(1980-),female, lecturer of Tianhua College of Shanghai Normal University, master degree.

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