為了解辣椒胞質雄性不育系與保持系花藥的細胞學和蛋白質組學差異,以辣椒胞質不育系和保持系花蕾發(fā)育的6個不同時期的花藥為材料,以石蠟切片于Leica DM1000顯微鏡下觀察其發(fā)育過程的差異.然后利用SDSPAGE進行花藥蛋白分離,經(jīng)LC-MS/MS質譜技術和蛋白質組學分析對差異蛋白質條帶進行鑒定.結果顯示:花粉敗育發(fā)生在四分體形成以后,與絨氈層細胞的過度液泡化及四分體周圍的胼胝質不能解體有關.另外,與辣椒保持系相比,在不育系花藥蛋白中有4條差異蛋白質條帶(條帶1~4)表達量下調,質譜分析后共鑒定出蛋白質68個,其中不重復蛋白質64個.對質譜數(shù)據(jù)利用UniProt數(shù)據(jù)庫進行搜索鑒定,鑒定出的蛋白質按分子功能歸類,涉及催化作用的蛋白質最多有24個;按細胞組分歸類,涉及細胞內膜組織的最多有20個.按生物學過程歸類,參與代謝過程的最多有24個.這說明在四分體形成以后,胞質雄性不育系花藥的物質和能量代謝出現(xiàn)異常,導致絨氈層異常膨大,四分體不能獲得物質和能量從而敗育.另外,這也充分說明本研究通過蛋白質組學分析鑒定出的差異蛋白質可初步解釋胞質雄性不育系與保持系在細胞學上的差異表現(xiàn).
SummaryCytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)lines are the excellent materials for studying the cytoplasmic and nuclear cytoplasmic interaction and have important application and theoretical value for CMS research.Three-line hybrid seed production could not only reduce the trouble of manual emasculation and seed costs,but also protect the purity of hybrid seeds.Therefore,the production of hybrid seed using CMS lines has a great potential and market demand in the pepper production.With the continuous development of science and technology,proteomics has become an important tool to decipher the biological gene function and contribute to the plant breeding.Proteome analyses helped to explore the important plant genes,thus speeding up the process of plant breeding and geneticsresearch.However,the current researchs on male sterile pepper were mostly concentrated in the physiological and biochemical indexes and the male sterile gene.The relevant report on CMS pepper protein was relatively less,and the research of sterile anther protein was even more rarely reported.Therefore,the aim of this study was to preliminarily identify the differences of cytology and proteomics involved in the peppers’anther of CMS line and its maintainer line.
The anthers at six different stages were used in the experiment.At first,the paraffin sections of anthers were observed and used to study the differences between CMS line and its maintainer line from the apparent characteristics,and then SDS-PAGE was used for anther protein separation and identification.Differential protein bands separated by SDS-PAGE,and the proteome profiles of the differential protein bands were further analyzed and identified by LC-MS/MS and proteomics analysis.
The results showed that pollen abortion occurred after metaphase.The main reason was that the callose surrounding the tetrad didn’t disintegrate normally and the tapetum cells were excessive vacuolation.Onedimensional SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that,compared with its maintainer line,there were four fewer protein bands in CMS line.A total of 64 non-redundant proteins were identified by LC-MS/MS,including 12 unique proteins from band 1,9 unique proteins from band 2,21 unique proteins from band 3,18 unique proteins from band 4,and 2 proteins from both band 1 and band 3,1 protein from both band 2 and band 3,1 protein from both band 3 and band 4.Among them,24 proteins were involved in catalysis according to molecular function;20 proteins were involved in cell endometrial tissue according to cellular components;and 24 proteins were involved in the metabolic process according to biological processes.
In conclusion,pepper CMSis mostly caused by pollen abortion.Pollen sterility is directly or indirectly related to abnormal tapetum and the lack of callose disintegration.After the differential proteome analysis between pepper CMS line and its maintainer line,we find that after metaphase,due to the decreased expression involving substance and energy metabolism in a part of the protein in the anther of male sterile line,the tapetum cells develop abnormally and the four separate microspores in development can not obtain matter and energy.Then pollen might be abortion.Therefore,in this study,the differential proteins identified by proteomics analysis can preliminarily explain the differences in cytology.
胞質雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility,CMS)是一種廣泛存在于高等植物中,由核基因和細胞質基因共同控制的生物學現(xiàn)象.細胞質雄性不育系是研究細胞質遺傳和核質互作的極好材料,對CMS的研究具有重要的應用和理論價值[1].辣椒雜種優(yōu)勢顯著,但母本去雄費時費工,且雜交種子純度難以保證.而利用CMS三系配套法生產(chǎn)雜交種子,不但可減少人工去雄的麻煩,降低制種成本,而且能保障雜交種子的純度[2].目前,國內外已選育出多個辣椒胞質雄性不育系,并逐步應用于辣椒雜交種子的生產(chǎn)[3].因此,利用CMS三系配套法生產(chǎn)雜交種子在辣椒生產(chǎn)上具有極大的潛力和市場需求.
1.1 供試材料
1.2 供試樣品的制備
圖1 辣椒6個不同發(fā)育時期的花蕾Fig.1 Six different periods’buds of peppers
圖2 辣椒6個不同發(fā)育時期的花藥Fig.2 Six different periods’anthers of peppers
1.3 花藥的石蠟切片
于2013年6月初辣椒細胞不育系和保持系植株進入盛花期,在晴天上午取不育系及其保持系處于生長6個不同發(fā)育時期的花蕾(圖1),立即浸沒于卡諾固定液中,24 h后用各級乙醇脫水,二甲苯透明,取不同大小的花蕾采用常規(guī)石蠟切片程序包埋,制成厚度為10μm的連續(xù)切片,二甲基藍染色,中性樹膠干燥封片.在Leica DM 1000顯微鏡下觀察并拍照記錄.
1.4 花藥蛋白SDS-PAGE分析
利用TCA-丙酮沉淀法提取花藥中的總蛋白質,得到的蛋白質樣品在-80℃超低溫保存.SDSPAGE電泳參照王勇等[13]的方法.采用5%濃縮膠和12%分離膠,樣品與含有β-巰基乙醇的上樣緩沖液以1∶1體積比混合,每孔上樣量12μL,采用10 m A電流電泳,待蛋白質帶進入分離膠時改用24 m A電流電泳,至距凝膠下端1 cm處停止電泳,凝膠用考馬斯亮藍R-250過夜染色,次日用清水褪色3 h,脫色后采用凝膠成像系統(tǒng)(Bio-Rad公司)照相.
1.2 蛋白質膠內酶解及肽段提取
選取辣椒細胞質不育系與保持系出現(xiàn)的差異蛋白質條帶,用潔凈的刀片切下,參照Shevchenko等[14]的方法將切下的蛋白質條帶分別進行膠內酶解,并洗脫,得到肽段混合物.蛋白質膠內酶解:膠條首先用500μL含50%乙腈的濃度為25 mmol/L的碳酸氫銨洗脫,棄去上清液,重復2次,每次60 min;用500μL H2O洗脫1次,棄去上清液;加入500μL乙腈脫水;在56℃條件下使用10 mmol/L二硫蘇糖醇處理1 h,還原打開二硫鍵;在暗室使用55 mmol/L碘乙酰胺處理45 min,進行半胱氨酸的皖基化封閉;用膜蛋白酶溶液(10 ng/μL溶于25 mmol/L碳酸氫銨溶液中)覆蓋;冰上30 min,去除多余酶液,加入25μL 25 mmol/L碳酸氫銨,37℃消化過夜;加5%甲酸(formic acid,F(xiàn)A)終止反應.肽段提?。河煤?.1%甲酸的50%乙腈200μL提取1次;用含有0.1%甲酸的100%乙腈200μL提取2次;收集所有的上清液,并真空干燥,得到肽段混合物.
1.6 蛋白質條帶基于LTQ Orbitrap Q-Exactive的LC-MS/MS分析
將真空抽干的每個組分分別用緩沖液A(2%乙腈,0.1%葉酸)復溶至約0.5μg/μL,15 000 g離心10 min,除去不溶物質.每個組分上樣5μL,通過賽默飛EASY nlc-1000高效液相色譜儀進行分離.分離程序:以300 n L/min的流速進行梯度洗滌90 min;洗滌梯度為前70 min緩沖液B(99.9%乙腈,0.1%葉酸)從0%上升到35%;再從35%到100%線性洗滌5 min.最后用100%的緩沖液B洗柱15 min.經(jīng)過液相分離的肽段進入到Q-Exactive質譜儀.儀器的分辨率設置為70 000(質荷比/半峰寬).用碰撞能量為35%的CID(collision induced dissociation)模式對肽段進行篩選,在離子阱中檢測信號.每個峰強度超過5 000的一級母離子打8個二級譜圖.掃描的質荷比范圍為350~1 800.
1.7 質譜數(shù)據(jù)的蛋白質數(shù)據(jù)庫搜尋鑒定與功能注釋
質譜采集到的原始數(shù)據(jù)先采用Proteome Discovery軟件在NCBI數(shù)據(jù)庫進行搜索和匹配.同時,在搜索過程中設定參數(shù):消化酶為胰酶、固定修飾為carbamidomethyl(C)、可變修飾為oxidation(M),每個肽允許有1個不完全裂解位點,物種來源選擇綠色植物,離子選擇[M+H]+和average.對鑒定蛋白通過UniProt基因本體(gene ontology,GO)數(shù)據(jù)庫進行注釋及分析,預測這些蛋白質可能的功能并對其進行功能分類統(tǒng)計.
2.1 不同發(fā)育時期辣椒花藥的細胞學觀察
圖3 保持系和不育系小孢子發(fā)育過程Fig.3 Microspore development process of cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainer line
2.2 辣椒細胞質不育系與保持系花藥蛋白的SDSPAGE分析
2.3 蛋白質條帶的質譜鑒定
用LTQ Orbitrap Q-Exactive對酶解的肽段進行分析,Sequest軟件搜索NCBI數(shù)據(jù)庫后,從條帶1中鑒定出蛋白質14個,從條帶2中鑒定出蛋白質10個,從條帶3中鑒定出蛋白質25個,從條帶4中鑒定出蛋白質19個(表1).
圖4 辣椒細胞質不育系與保持系蛋白質的SDS-PAGE圖譜Fig.4 SDS-PAGE on proteins from haemolymph of cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainer line
表1 質譜鑒定條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4對應的蛋白質Table1 Non-redundant list of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from band1,band2,band3 and band4
續(xù)表1 質譜鑒定條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4對應的蛋白質Continuation of Table1 Non-redundant list of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from band1,band2,band3 and band4
續(xù)表1 質譜鑒定條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4對應的蛋白質Continuation of Table1 Non-redundant list of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from band1,band2,band3 and band4
續(xù)表1 質譜鑒定條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4對應的蛋白質Continuation of Table1 Non-redundant list of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from band1,band2,band3 and band4
續(xù)表1 質譜鑒定條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4對應的蛋白質Continuation of Table1 Non-redundant list of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS from band1,band2,band3 and band4
從圖5中可以看出,在這4個樣品中鑒定出的蛋白質分子質量大多集中在30~100 ku區(qū)間內,等電點大多集中在5.5~8.5區(qū)間內.
圖5 質譜差異蛋白質條帶的蛋白質物理性質分布圖Fig.5 Distribution of physical properties for proteins identified by LC-MS/MS for the differential protein bands
2.4 質譜鑒定蛋白質條帶的蛋白質GO分類
圖6 條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4鑒定蛋白質在分子功能本體上的注釋Fig.6 Molecular function ontology annotation of proteins identified from band 1,band 2,band 3 and band 4
圖7 條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4鑒定蛋白質在生物過程本體上的注釋Fig.7 Biological process ontology annotation of proteinsidentified from band 1,band 2,band 3 and band 4
圖8 條帶1、條帶2、條帶3和條帶4鑒定蛋白質在細胞組分本體上的注釋Fig.8 Cellular component ontology annotation of proteins identified from band 1,band 2,band 3 and band 4
本次研究鑒定出的差異蛋白多為酶類和修飾蛋白(表1).其中,發(fā)現(xiàn)在不育系中磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase,PEPC,EC的表達量明顯下降.PEPC是一種廣泛存在的細胞質酶,催化磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PEP)和HCO3-生成草酰乙酸(OAA),后者可轉化生成三羧酸循環(huán)的多種中間產(chǎn)物[20-22].PEPC表達量下降或不表達可能使植株體內的三羧酸循環(huán)受阻,導致營養(yǎng)物質合成與代謝過程的紊亂,而使胼胝質不能正常解體,液泡過度膨大而導致花粉敗育.另外,研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),由于催化葡糖-1-磷酸(G-1-P)與葡糖-6-磷酸(G-6-P)之間可逆性轉化的酶類[23]即葡糖磷酸變位酶(phosphoglucomutase,PGM,EC的表達量下調,使得不育系細胞功能不足、淀粉和蔗糖不能正常合成.這也是導致花粉敗育的可能原因之一.
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Comparative analysis of cytology and proteomics in anthers between cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainer line of peppers.Journal of Zhejiang University(Agric.&Life Sci.),2015,41(1):44-55
LüXiaohan1,F(xiàn)ang Xianping2,Chai Weiguo1*,Ma Junping3,Zhou Yifei1(1.Institute of Vegetables,Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310024,China;2.Institute of Biology,Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou 310024,China;3.College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
pepper;cytoplasmic male sterile;anther;cytology;proteomics
Q 246;Q 51;S 641.3
2014 04 24;接受日期(Accepted):2014 11 12;
日期(Published online):2015 01 19 URL:http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/33.1247.S.20150119.1653.004.html