




      2016-02-17 22:51:39
      中國醫(yī)藥導(dǎo)報(bào) 2016年21期

      祝 潔 彭 靜



      祝 潔 彭 靜





      1 修復(fù)體加工難易度及成本


      2 修復(fù)體被動就位



      3 修復(fù)體取戴便利性



      4 修復(fù)體咬合負(fù)載應(yīng)力


      5 修復(fù)體固位力

      對于粘接固位修復(fù)體,基臺的特性比如錐度、表面積和高度及粘接劑類型都可影響固位力[24-25]。根據(jù)Jorgensen對天然牙提出的理想錐度概念,許多生產(chǎn)商制作的基臺最大錐度為6°[26]。冠和基臺通常位于齦下2~3 mm,為確保固位力,基臺高度至少為5 mm[27]。所以當(dāng)牙弓間距離受限,如小于4 mm時,建議用螺絲固位。選擇粘接劑時,應(yīng)根據(jù)臨床患者情況及粘接劑性能[28-29],現(xiàn)有粘接系統(tǒng)均可獲得良好效果。有學(xué)者做了10~23年的追蹤,證實(shí)氧化鋅粘接劑可提供充足粘接力,且未發(fā)生種植體周圍炎[30]。


      6 修復(fù)體美觀效果


      7 對種植體周圍組織健康的影響


      8 種植體及修復(fù)體成功率


      9 小結(jié)


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      Research progress on two ways of retention for implant-supported fixed prosthesis

      ZHU JiePENG Jing
      Department of Stomato1ogy,the Genera1 Hospita1 of Chinese Armed Po1ice Force,Beijing100039,China

      There are two ways of retention for imp1ant-supported fixed prosthesis,inc1uding cemented and screwed retained prosthesis.It's a controversia1 issue that which way is better among scho1ars.This artic1e discusses the research progress on two ways of retention for imp1ant-supported fixed restoration from eight aspects,inc1uding processing difficu1ty and cost of imp1ant prosthesis,passive fit,retrievabi1ity,occ1usa1 1oad,retention of prosthesis,esthetics,effects on the surrounding tissues,success rate of imp1ant and prostheses,in order to provide a reference for c1inica1 app1ication.

      Cemented retainde;Screwed retained;Imp1ant supported;Fixed prosthesis







      非手術(shù)治療植體周炎牙槽骨再生1 例*
      智能制造(2021年4期)2021-11-04 08:54:46
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