王忠民, 鄒德志
(西安理工大學(xué) 土木建筑工程學(xué)院,西安 710048)
王忠民, 鄒德志
(西安理工大學(xué) 土木建筑工程學(xué)院,西安710048)
在造船工業(yè)和橋梁工程等領(lǐng)域,斜板、加肋斜板的應(yīng)用越來(lái)越廣泛。目前,許多學(xué)者在面內(nèi)平動(dòng)(或軸向運(yùn)動(dòng))矩形板或薄膜的線性振動(dòng)、非線性振動(dòng)、穩(wěn)定性以及振動(dòng)控制方面做了大量的研究。Gorman[1]用解析法研究了矩形板的自由振動(dòng)特性。Lin[2]以對(duì)邊簡(jiǎn)支對(duì)邊自由的軸向運(yùn)動(dòng)板為對(duì)象,分析了軸向運(yùn)動(dòng)速度、長(zhǎng)寬比和剛度對(duì)板的穩(wěn)定性的影響。Shin等[3]分析了軸向運(yùn)動(dòng)矩形薄膜的振動(dòng)特性。周銀鋒等[4]研究了軸向運(yùn)動(dòng)Kelvin-Voigt黏彈性矩形板的橫向振動(dòng)特性。阮苗等[5]分析了受切向均布隨從力的功能梯度(Functionally Graded Materials,FGM)斜板的穩(wěn)定性。Hossain Nezhad Shirazi等[6]利用模糊控制策略對(duì)功能梯度矩形板進(jìn)行了控制,其中沒有考慮板的軸向運(yùn)動(dòng)。賀容波等[7]提出了基于光電層合簡(jiǎn)支板的最優(yōu)模糊多模態(tài)主動(dòng)振動(dòng)控制算法。浦玉學(xué)等[8]提出基于次級(jí)通道在線辨識(shí)的變步長(zhǎng)振動(dòng)主動(dòng)控制算法,以某實(shí)時(shí)控制器進(jìn)行了簡(jiǎn)支梁振動(dòng)主動(dòng)控制試驗(yàn)。在斜板結(jié)構(gòu)的彎曲、屈曲及后屈曲研究方面,李國(guó)豪[9]提出了各向異性斜板彎曲的平衡微分方程及其實(shí)用的近似解法。紀(jì)冬梅等[10]采用Galerkin法,以小波作為試函數(shù),得出了斜板在不同邊長(zhǎng)比與不同斜角下的后屈曲四級(jí)漸近解。黎振源等[11]分析了兩對(duì)邊簡(jiǎn)支、另兩對(duì)邊自由簡(jiǎn)支斜板橋振動(dòng)頻率特性,以及單輛標(biāo)準(zhǔn)車靠邊行駛、靠中行駛和兩輛標(biāo)準(zhǔn)車并排行駛時(shí)的車橋振動(dòng)特性。阮苗等[12]研究了功能梯度斜板在兩對(duì)邊受有均布?jí)毫ψ饔孟碌那鷨栴},討論了斜板的幾何外形尺寸、夾角、梯度指標(biāo)以及中面變形等因素對(duì)臨界屈曲荷載的影響。
圖1 面內(nèi)平動(dòng)的FGM斜板Fig.1 In-plane translating skew plate made of functionally graded materials
1. 2控制微分方程
圖2 直角坐標(biāo)與斜角坐標(biāo)Fig.2 Rectangular coordinates and skew coordinates
1. 3微分方程的離散
圖3 二元Diracδ(ξ*-0.5,η*-0.5)函數(shù)的部分和隨坐標(biāo)變量的變化曲面Fig.3 Curved surface of partial sum for Dirac function δ(ξ*-0.5,η*-0.5) versus two variables
圖4 受控系統(tǒng)閉環(huán)結(jié)構(gòu)圖Fig.4 Closed-loop structurediagram of the controlled system
取板的邊長(zhǎng)a=b=1,即長(zhǎng)寬比c=a/b=1;采用的FGM 板由 金屬Aluminum 和陶瓷Zirconia兩種材料構(gòu)成,其彈性模量分別為Em=70 GPa和Ec=151 GPa,密度分別為ρm=2 707 kg/m3和ρc=3 000 kg/m3,泊松比μ=μm=μc=0.3;梯度指標(biāo)k=1,斜板的夾角θ=75°,N=9。
圖5 前三階無(wú)量綱復(fù)頻率的實(shí)部與虛部隨無(wú)量綱速度的變化曲線Fig.5 Curve of real part and imaginary part of the first three dimensionless complex frequency versus velocity
圖6 A1、A2、A3點(diǎn)所在位置Fig.6 Location of point A1、A2、A3
圖7 控制前A1點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=3)Fig.7 Curve for deflection of point A1 versus time under uncontrolled state(v=3)
圖8 控制前A2點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線圖(v=3)Fig.8 Curve for deflection of point A2 versus time under uncontrolled state(v=3)
圖9 控制前A3點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=3)Fig.9 Curve for deflection of point A3 versus time under uncontrolled state(v=3)
D3=[0.000 028 109 162 15,0.000 083 491 291 43,
-0.013 192 615 874 43,0.000 083 491 291 43,
0.000 028 109 162 15,0.000 083 491 291 43,
0.000 247 990 164 49,-0.039 185 391 967 64,
0.000 247 990 164 49,0.000 083 491 291 43,
-0.013 192 615 874 43,-0.039 185 391 967 64,
6.191 757 430 466 36,-0.039 185 391 967 64,
-0.013 192 615 874 43,0.000 083 491 291 43,
0.000 247 990 164 49,-0.039 185 391 967 64,
0.000 247 990 164 49,0.000 083 491 291 43,
0.000 028 109 162 15,0.000 083 491 291 43,
-0.013 192 615 874 43,0.000 083 491 291 43,
0.000 028 109 162 15]T
對(duì)方程式(14a)和式(16)~(18)進(jìn)行數(shù)值計(jì)算,得到控制后的無(wú)量綱撓度隨無(wú)量綱時(shí)間的變化曲線如圖10~圖12所示(圖中均為無(wú)量綱量)。從這些響應(yīng)曲線可以看出,控制后板的無(wú)量綱撓度隨無(wú)量綱時(shí)間的響應(yīng)曲線呈現(xiàn)為顯著的衰減,斜板的振動(dòng)受明顯的抑制,在無(wú)量綱時(shí)間大于2 s后,無(wú)量綱撓度幾乎趨于0。
圖10 控制后A1點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=3)Fig.10 Curve for deflection of point A1versus time under controlled state(v=3)
圖11 控制后A2點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=3)Fig.11 Curve for deflection of point A2versus time under controlled state(v=3)
圖12 控制后A3點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=3)Fig.12 Curve for deflection of point A3 versus time under controlled state(v=3)
在圖5中,當(dāng)斜板的無(wú)量綱速度v=6時(shí),斜板呈現(xiàn)為發(fā)散失穩(wěn)狀態(tài),導(dǎo)致產(chǎn)生發(fā)散失穩(wěn)的主要原因是第一階復(fù)頻率的虛部Im(ω1)=-4.136, 實(shí)部是0。v=6時(shí)的響應(yīng)曲線如圖13~圖15,文中只畫出前兩秒的變化曲線,可以看出各點(diǎn)的撓度絕對(duì)值隨時(shí)間的增加越來(lái)越大。實(shí)施控制后響應(yīng)曲線如圖16-圖18所示,顯然斜板的無(wú)量綱撓度絕對(duì)值的增大現(xiàn)象得到明顯的抑制,使其在短時(shí)間內(nèi)趨近于0,最優(yōu)控制效果非常明顯。在最優(yōu)控制中,合理選擇加權(quán)矩陣Q和R更利于確定最優(yōu)控制律。
圖13 控制前A1點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.13 Curve for deflection of point A1 versus time under uncontrolled state(v=6)
圖14 控制前A2點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.14 Curve for deflection of point A2 versus time under uncontrolled state(v=6)
圖15 控制前A3點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.15 Curve for deflection of point A3versus time under uncontrolled state(v=6)
圖16 控制后A1點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.16 Curve for deflection of point A1 versus time under controlled state(v=6)
圖17 控制后A2點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.17 Curve for deflection of point A2versus time under controlled state(v=6)
圖18 控制后A3點(diǎn)撓度隨時(shí)間的變化曲線(v=6)Fig.18 Curve for deflection of point A3versus time under controlled state(v=6)
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Active vibration control for an in-plane translating skew plate made of functionally graded materials
WANG Zhongmin, ZOU Dezhi
(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, China)
Through the coordinate transformation between an orthogonal coordinate system and a skew angle coordinate system, the transverse vibration control differential equation for an in-plane translating skew plate made of a new kind of functionally graded materials subjected to multiple concentrated control forces was derived in the skew angle coordinate system. The differential quadrature method was used to discretize the differential equation and boundary conditions, and the state equations of the vibration control system in time domain were built. Using the optimal control method, the optimal control law was obtained. For the cases that the axially dimensionless moving velocity of an in-plane translating skew plate was less than the first order dimensionless critical speed(equal amplitude vibration) and it was greater than the first order dimensionless critical speed(divergence and instability), some numerical simulations for the system were implemented, and varying curves of deflections of some certain nodes versus time under uncontrolled and controlled conditions were plotted. The numerical results showed that the optimal control method can effectively control the vibration of the in-plane translating skew plate made of functionally graded materials, particularly, suppress the divergence and instability of the plate.
in-plane translating skew plate; functionally graded materials; optimal vibration control; differential quadrature method
王忠民 男,博士, 教授, 博士生導(dǎo)師,1957年生