




      2016-10-18 07:41:50張亞晨溫海深李蘭敏馮啟超

      張亞晨, 溫海深, 李蘭敏, 馮啟超

      (中國海洋大學(xué)海水養(yǎng)殖教育部重點實驗室,山東 青島 266003)



      張亞晨, 溫海深??, 李蘭敏, 馮啟超

      (中國海洋大學(xué)海水養(yǎng)殖教育部重點實驗室,山東 青島 266003)



      引用格式: 張亞晨,溫海深,李蘭敏,等. 急性溫度脅迫對妊娠期許氏平鲉生殖內(nèi)分泌機能的影響[J].中國海洋大學(xué)學(xué)報(自然科學(xué)版),2016,46(9): 29-37.

      ZHANG Ya-Chen, WEN Hai-Shen, LI Lan-Min, et al. Effects of acute temperature stress on the reproductive endocrine function of gestational ovoviviparous black rockfish (Sebastesschlegelii) [J].Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016,46(9): 29-37.



      許氏平鲉(Sebastesschlegelii)又名黑鲪、黑石鱸、黑頭等,屬于鲉形目(Scorpaeniformes)鲉科(Scorpaenidae)平鲉屬(Sebastes),主要分布在太平洋西部水域。該魚具有營養(yǎng)豐富、生長快速、抗病力強等優(yōu)點,目前已逐步成為人工魚礁區(qū)增殖、網(wǎng)箱和工廠化養(yǎng)殖的魚類之一,具有重要經(jīng)濟價值。此外,由于許氏平鲉卵胎生生殖方式的特殊性,也使其成為魚類進化研究的模式動物之一。在自然條件下,許氏平鲉妊娠期處于4~5月,水溫為10.0~16.8 ℃,產(chǎn)仔盛期適宜水溫為13~16 ℃。對于卵胎生和胎生魚類,水體溫度與妊娠期親魚的生理狀況和胚胎發(fā)育情況均密切相關(guān)。因此親魚在此時期對溫度變化較敏感,水溫如發(fā)生急劇變化,會導(dǎo)致親魚的健康狀況、胚胎的發(fā)育情況發(fā)生改變,進而影響產(chǎn)出仔魚的優(yōu)劣程度和種群補充。但目前關(guān)于溫度對妊娠期許氏平鲉的生理和生殖情況影響的研究鮮有報道。


      1 材料與方法

      1.1 實驗魚類

      實驗魚于2013年5月采自山東省蓬萊市沿海網(wǎng)箱養(yǎng)殖群體。挑選72尾健康無病的妊娠期許氏平鲉(體重(879.03±22.61)g),實驗前于20個玻璃水槽(長×寬×高:80 cm×60 cm×40cm)中馴化3d,每缸4尾。馴化期間控制水溫在16℃左右,模擬自然光周期14L∶10D,連續(xù)充氣保持溶氧濃度在7mg/L左右,pH 7.5~7.8。每日上午10:00換水,換水量為1/2水槽水量。

      1.2 實驗設(shè)計


      1.3 樣品采集與處理


      1.4 血清中17β-雌二醇(E2)和P4水平的測定


      1.5 卵巢和腦中CYP19a1a、Foxl2、ERα、ERβ1和ERβ2表達水平的分析方法

      卵巢和腦組織中的總RNA按照trizol法提取。使用PrimeScriptTM RT reagent Kit with gDNA Eraser(Perfect Real Time)試劑盒(TAKARA,日本)進行總RNA的純化和cDNA的反轉(zhuǎn)錄。實驗所需的CYP19a1b的特異性引物由Primer Premier5.0軟件設(shè)計(見表1)。由前人研究結(jié)果得到CYP19a1a[13]、ERα[12]、ERβ1[14]、ERβ2[14]、Foxl2[13]和內(nèi)參基因βactin[15]的特異性引物。

      表1 基因表達分析的特異性引物

      采用SYBR?Premix Ex TaqTM(Tli RNaseH Plus)試劑盒(TAKARA,日本)檢測CYP19a1a、CYP19a1b、Foxl2、ERα、ERβ1和ERβ2的表達水平;檢測過程在StepOnePlusTMReal-Time PCR系統(tǒng)(Applied Biosystems,美國)上進行。

      每個樣品設(shè)置3個重復(fù),特異性引物的退火溫度和循環(huán)數(shù)經(jīng)優(yōu)化后如下:95℃變性30s;95℃變性5s,60℃ 退火30s,此步驟循環(huán)40次。在PCR運行結(jié)束后制作引物溶解曲線,分析其擴增效率以確保引物特異性和產(chǎn)物的單一性。根據(jù)實驗結(jié)果,以βactin為內(nèi)參基因,根據(jù)2-△△CT方法計算得到各基因的相對表達量。

      1.6 數(shù)據(jù)處理

      使用SPSS 19.0軟件對實驗數(shù)據(jù)進行單因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA),探究溫度和時間對血清性類固醇水平和卵巢中生殖相關(guān)基因表達水平的影響。若滿足方差齊性,作Student-Neuman-Keuls多重比較,分析不同溫度組間或不同恢復(fù)時間之間各指標數(shù)據(jù)的差異顯著性;若不滿足方差齊性,則采用Games-Howell法進行分析。以p<0.05表示差異顯著,結(jié)果以均值±標準誤(Mean±SE)表示。

      2 結(jié)果

      2.1 血清E2和P4水平

      如圖1所示,急性溫度脅迫后,血清E2水平在恢復(fù)期發(fā)生顯著變化。6h時25℃脅迫組顯著低于其他2組(p<0.05),并在12h時降至最低值((4.66±0.88)pg/mL),隨后逐漸上升,72h時恢復(fù)至對照組水平;7℃脅迫組實驗魚的血清E2水平呈現(xiàn)相反的變化趨勢,12h時顯著升高(p<0.05),增至(16.11±1.22)pg/mL,顯著高于25 ℃脅迫組和對照組(p<0.05),24h時顯著降低,恢復(fù)至對照組水平(p<0.05)。血清P4水平在25 ℃急性脅迫后第6 h時顯著升高(p<0.05),并在12 h升至最高值(6.32±0.74 ng/mL),為對照組的3.05倍,48 h時顯著下降(p<0.05),恢復(fù)至正常水平;7 ℃急性脅迫后血清P4水平無顯著變化(p>0.05),始終維持在正常水平。

      2.2 卵巢和腦中CYP19a和Foxl2基因表達水平

      如圖2所示,25℃急性脅迫后,卵巢中CYP19a1a表達水平在恢復(fù)期第6h顯著下降(p<0.05),并顯著低于其他2組(p<0.05)。12~24h其表達維持在較低水平,隨后逐漸上升,至72h時恢復(fù)至對照組水平(p<0.05)。7 ℃急性脅迫后,CYP19a1a轉(zhuǎn)錄水平未發(fā)生顯著變化(p>0.05)。實驗觀察到,2種溫度處理后,卵巢中Foxl2的表達水平有一定波動,但無顯著差異(p>0.05)。

      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05)。Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig.1Effect of acute temperature stress on serum 17β-estradiol and progesterone of gestationalSebastesschlegelii

      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05)。Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig.2Effect of acute temperature stress on expression levels of CYP19a1a and Foxl2 mRNAs in ovary of gestationalSebastesschlegelii


      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05).Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig. 3Effect of acute temperature stress on expression levels of CYP19a1b and Foxl2 mRNAs in brain of gestationalSebastesschlegelii

      2.3 卵巢和腦中ERα表達水平

      實驗發(fā)現(xiàn),7 ℃脅迫組的實驗魚卵巢中ERα轉(zhuǎn)錄水平顯著升高(p<0.05),12h時增至對照組的1.67倍,恢復(fù)期第24h時恢復(fù)至正常水平;25℃脅迫組中,ERα表達水平在脅迫后恢復(fù)期第6h顯著下降(p<0.05),并在12h降至最低,與其他溫度組水平差異顯著(p<0.05)。隨后緩慢升高恢復(fù)。腦中ERα的表達水平在25℃急性脅迫后恢復(fù)第6h時顯著升高(p<0.05),顯著高于其他2組,為對照組水平的1.97倍,并在12h時恢復(fù)正常;與此不同的是,在7℃急性脅迫后,腦中ERα轉(zhuǎn)錄水平無顯著變化(p>0.05),與對照組持平(見圖4)。

      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05).Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig.4Effect of acute temperature stress on expression levels of ERα mRNAs in ovary and brain of gestationalSebastesschlegelii

      2.4 卵巢和腦中ERβ1、ERβ2表達水平


      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05).Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig.5Effect of acute temperature stress on expression levels of ERβ1 and ERβ2 mRNAs in ovary of gestationalSebastesschlegelii


      (圖中標注的不同大寫字母表示同一時間點不同溫度間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05),不同小寫字母表示同一溫度不同時間點間存在顯著性差異(p<0.05).Different capital letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) at different temperatures of the same time point and different small letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in different time points of the same temperature in Student -Neuman-Keulsmultiple range test.)


      Fig.6Effect of acute temperature stress on expression levels of ERβ1 and ERβ2 mRNAs in brain of gestational Sebastes schlegelii

      3 討論



      25 ℃急性脅迫后,妊娠期許氏平鲉血清中的P4水平也發(fā)生了顯著變化,分析認為P4在妊娠期也參與調(diào)控生殖內(nèi)分泌水平。Nagahama等[20]對鲉科魚類的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),血清P4水平在妊娠后期出現(xiàn)了短暫的高峰,而此時DHP也處于峰值水平,由于P4是DHP的前體類固醇[6],它可能會隨后者的水平變化產(chǎn)生一定波動,但也不能排除這種波動可能與P4在妊娠期活動中直接發(fā)揮其生理功能有關(guān)。








      4 結(jié)論


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      Effects of Acute Temperature Stress on the Reproductive Endocrine Function of Gestational Ovoviviparous Black Rockfish (Sebastesschlegelii)

      ZHANG Ya-Chen, WEN Hai-Shen, LI Lan-Min, FENG Qi-Chao

      (The Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003,China)

      This study mainly examinedthe effects of temperature on the reproductive endocrine function of gestational ovoviviparous black rockfish,Sebastesschlegelii. Serum sexual steroids hormones and gene expression related to the reproduction in ovary and brain were detected using endocrinological and molecular biological methods after acute temperature stress (thermal stress, 25℃; chilling stress, 7℃; control, 16℃). Results showed that P450 aromatase A (P450aromA) is sensitive to temperature in gestational black rockfish. The results indicated that the concentration of serum 17β-estradiol (E2) and the expression level of estrogen receptors α (ERα) gene decreased significantlyafteracute heat shock, which were found to be up-regulated after acute chilling stress. On the other hand, expression levels of estrogen receptors β 1(ERβ1) and estrogen receptors β 2(ERβ2) genes varied with different factors. As a precursor of 17α-hydroxy-20β- dihydroprogesterone (DHP), serum progesterone (P4) was thought to have some unknown functions during gestation of black rockfish. No significant change was found in expression level of transcription factor Foxl2 gene in acute heat or cold shock, which might indicate the participation of some other regulators. The expression level of cytochrome P450 19a1b (CYP19a1b) gene in brain elevated significantly in acute thermal stress, which was different from cytochrome P450 19a1a (CYP19a1a) gene in ovary, indicating distinct physiological functions of CYP19s among tissues. It was tentatively suggested that there was an auto-feedback loop involved in regulating expression levels of CYP19a1b, E2and ERα gene in order to promote transcription of CYP19a1b gene. In addition, the results indicated that the expression of aromatase can be up-regulated by Foxl2 in brain. The results indicated the heat-sensitivity of gestational black rockfish require longer recovery time after thermal challenge. When female fish enter the reproductive phase, itwas of great importance to monitor water temperature closely, toavoid damage induced by temperature stress during pregnancy. It was suggested that maintaining the water temperature constant or less changed could benefit the embryonic development and delivery process of gestataional black rockfish.

      Sebastesschlegelii; temperature; reproductive endocrine function; aromatase; estrogen receptor




      張亞晨(1990-), 女, 碩士生,研究方向: 魚類生理學(xué)。.E-mail: 494870744@qq.com

      ??通訊作者:E-mail: wenhaishen@ouc.edu.cn

      S945.4; S955.486



      10.16441/j.cnki.hdxb. 20150254

      Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (41176122);Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(20120132110008)

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