



      Integrability and solutions to multi-component degenerate CH-type equations

      2016-12-21 08:24:58ZhenXiaoyan

      Zhen Xiaoyan

      (Department of Mathematics,Ningbo University,Ningbo315211,China)

      Integrability and solutions to multi-component degenerate CH-type equations

      Zhen Xiaoyan

      (Department of Mathematics,Ningbo University,Ningbo315211,China)

      In this paper,we propose a multi-component degenerate CH-type system with cubic nonlinearity.This system is shown to be integrable with admitting Lax pair,bi-Hamiltonian structure and recursion operator.In particular,the two-component degenerate Novikov equation is mainly concerned and its exact singular solutions with a finite number of corners are obtained.

      bi-Hamiltonian structure,short-wave limit,exact singular solution,multi-component Camassa-Holm type equation

      1 Introduction

      The Hunter-Saxton(HS)equation

      was derived by Hunter and Saxton as a model for describing propagation of orientation waves in a massive nematic liquid crystal director field[1].It can be derived as the high-frequency limit of the Camassa-Holm(CH)equation[2-3],so it can be regarded as a degenerate CH equation. Similar to the CH equation,the HS equation is also integrable[4],which admits bi-Hamiltonian structure,Lax-pair and rich symmetries[5-6].Interestingly,the HS equation can be linearizedby a reciprocal transformation[5].In the similar manner,the short-pulse equation[7]

      They further showed that the Novikov equation(1)is related to a negative flow in the Sawada-Kotera hierarchy.Its infinitely many conserved quantities and a bi-Hamiltonian structure are also presented.

      It is of interest to find multi-component generalizations of these CH-type equations[14-19].Some of them have physical applications[20-21]and nice geometric formulations[14]. For instance,Geng and Xue[15]introduced the two-component Novikov equation:

      It is also a completely integrable system,possessing Lax representation and bi-Hamiltonian structure.Moreover,they studied the special reductions of their general spectral problem.In this sense,almost all known 3×3 spectral problem for the CH-type equations are contained in this case.Recently,Popowicz[24]introduced the matrix version of the Lax representation of equation(3)in which mi=ui-uixx,ni=vi-vixx,i=1,2 are N-dimensional matrices.

      In this paper,we consider the case where mi=-uixx,ni=-vixx,i=1,2 are N-dimensional vector function.Since the HS equation can be derived from high-frequency limitof the celebrated CH equation.A natural question is to extend such a study to the multicomponent systems.Analogous to the derivation of the HS equation,we construct multicomponent degenerate CH-type equation.

      The structure of the paper is as follows.In Section 2,we will show that the multicomponent degenerate CH-type system is completely integrable with a Lax pair and bi-Hamiltonian structure.In Section 3,an infinite sequence of symmetries is constructed by its recursion operator.In Section 4,we consider the special reductions of our general spectral problem.

      2 Construction of multi-component degenerate CH-type equation

      3 An infinite sequence of symmetries

      4 Reductions


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