李 偉,張智欣
(渤海大學(xué) 數(shù)理學(xué)院,遼寧 錦州 121013)
李 偉,張智欣
(渤海大學(xué) 數(shù)理學(xué)院,遼寧 錦州 121013)
Soliton is an important feature of nonlinearity and can be found in many scientific applications.Many systematic methods are used for studying the nonlinear evolution equations that give rise to solitons.The inverse scattering method, the Backlund transformation method, the Darboux transformation method, the Hirota bilinear method[1-5], and the Hereman-Nuseir method[6] are the most commonly used methods.The Hirota’s bilinear method is rather heuristic and possesses significant features that make it practical for the determination of multiple soliton solutions[7-13].developed a modified form of the Hirota’s method that facilitates the computational work.The computer symbolic systems such as Maple, Mathematica can be used to overcome the tedious calculations.
In this work, we will examine two kinds of equations that play a significant role in this field.The Burgers equation, theKPequation that will be examined, reads
In this work we will employ the Cole-Hopf transformation method and theAf+B=0 method to handle these two equations.We aim to obtain multiple-kink solutions for each equation.
We will consider the NPED
Our specific practice:
We first use the Cole-Hopf transformation
that will carry (3) to
whereA,Bare the functions offx,ft,fxx,ftt,fxt, …, do not containf.
We set up
then the solution of (6) is solution of(5).
1) for single solution, we use
Substituting (7) into (6) and solvingr1, we findr1=r1(p1).
2) for two-solition solutions, we use
Substituting (8) into (5) and solvinga12, we finda12=a12(p1,p2).
3) for three-solition solutions, we use
Substituting (9) into (5) and solvingb123, we findb123=b123(p1,p2,p3).
We first use the Cole-Hopf transformation
that will carry (1) to
We set up
For single solution, we use
Substituting (13) into (12) and solving r1, we find
wherep1is arbitrary constant.
Substituting (13) and (14) into (10) give the single-kink solution
Therefore, we assume that the two-kink solutions for
wherep1,p2are arbitrary constants.
Substituting (16) into (11) and solvinga12, we find
Substituting (16) and (17) into (10) give the two-kink solutions
For three-solition solutions, we set
Substituting (19) into (11) and solvingb123, we find
Substituting (19) and (20) into (10) give the three-kink solutions
We use the Cole-Hopf transformation
that will carry the KP equation(2) to
We set up
For single solution, we use
Substituting (25) into (24) and solvingr1, we find
wherep1,q1are arbitrary constants.
Substituting (25) and (26) into (22) give the single-kink solution
Therefore, we assume that the two-kink solutions for
wherep1,p2are arbitrary constants.
Substituting (28) into (23) and solvinga12, we find
Substituting (28) and (29) into (22) give the two-kink solutions
wherep1,p2are arbitrary constants.
For three-solition solutions, we set
Substituting (31) into (23) and solvingb123, we find
Substituting (31) and (32) into (22) give the three-kink solutions
wherepi(i=1, 2, 3) are arbitrary constants.
Two models, the Burgers equation, and theKPequation are studied.Multiple-kink solutions are formally derived for each equation.The results obstained we generalized to some equation.
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(責(zé)任編輯 陳 艷)
N-Soliton Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
LI Wei,ZHANG Zhi-xin
(College of Mathematical, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121013, China)
Many significant natural science and engineering problems can be attributed to nonlinear partial differential equation. From the traditional point of view, n-soliton solutions of partial differential equation are hard to get. After several decades of research and exploration, we have found some tectonic exact solution method. With the help of Cole-Hopf transformation method and theAf+B=0 method, n-soliton solutions of the Burgers equation and the KP equation were presented. This method could solve a series of partial differential equations.
the Cole-Hopf transformation;Af+B=0 method; multiple-soliton solution
2016-11-24 基金項(xiàng)目:國家自然科學(xué)基金資助項(xiàng)目(11547005)
李偉(1977—),男, 遼寧錦州人,碩士,主要從事偏微分方程研究, E-mail:1344462965@qq.com。
format:LI Wei,ZHANG Zhi-xin.N-Soliton Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations[J].Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Natural Science),2017(3):171-174.