



      Existence of Positive Solutions and Multiple Results for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems on Time Scales

      2017-06-05 15:09:36LUHaixia

      LU Haixia

      (School of Arts and Science, Suqian College, Suqian 223800, Jiangsu)

      Existence of Positive Solutions and Multiple Results for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems on Time Scales

      LU Haixia


      In this paper, we discuss the nonlinear eigenvalue problem on time scalesT

      eigenvalue problems; time scales; global bifurcation; positive solutions

      1 Introduction

      In this paper, we study the following nonlinear eigenvalue problem on time scales


      where λ is a positive parameter, andTis a closed subset of the interval [0,1] with 0,1∈T.

      The concept of time scales was created by Hilger[1]in order to unify continuous and discrete calculus. Some other early papers in this area include Agarwal and Bohner[2], Aulbach and Hilger[3]and Erbe and Hilger[4]. In recent years, much research has been done for the existence of solutions of boundary value problems on time scales by Krasnoselskii fixed point theorems, Leggett-williams theorem, upper and lower solution method and so on(see [5-14]). By using the global bifurcation theory and the results in [16], Luo and Ma[15]obtained the existence of solutions of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem (1) in the case that the nonlinear term f(u(t)) satisfied

      sf(s)>0, ?s≠0.



      2 Preliminaries

      LetTbe a closed subset of the interval [0,1] with 0,1∈T. For completeness and convenience, we recall the following concepts related to the notation of the time scales.

      Definition 2.1 Define the forward jump operator and backward jump operatorσ,ρ:T→Tby

      σ(t)=inf{s∈T:s>t}, ρ(t)=sup{s∈T:s

      for anyt∈T. The pointt∈Tis said to be left-dense, left-scattered, right-dense, right-scattered ifρ(t)=t,ρ(t)t, respectively.

      We assume throughout that,σ(0)=0 andρ(1)=1.

      Definition 2.2 Letu:T→R andt∈T.uis said to be differentiable attif there exists a number, denoted byuΔ(t), with the property that for eachε>0 there is a neighborhoodU∈Toftsuch that



      Ifuis differentiable at everyt∈Tthenuis said to be differentiable onT. The second derivative ofuattis defined to beuΔΔ(t):=(uΔ)Δ(t). We also define the functionuσ:=u°σ.

      Definition 2.3 A functionu:T→R is said to be rd-continuous onTif it is continuous at all right-dense points and has finite left-sided limit at each left-dense point inT.




      Letφ(t), ψ(t)betheuniquesolutionoftheequationLu(t)=0onTsatisfyingtheboundaryconditions

      FromLemma3.3in[16],thereexistsaconstantω≠ 0suchthatω=ψ(t)φΔ(t)-φ(t)ψΔ(t)forallt∈T.For(s, t)∈T×T,let



      for some t0∈T.Thenu0≡0.


      (H4) There existsr>0 such thatf(r)<0 andf(-r)>0.

      Letζ,ξ∈C(R, R) satisfy

      f(s)=f0s+ζ(s), f(s)=f∞s+ξ(s).

      By the conditions (H2) and (H3), we have


      Now (1) can be rewritten in the form either

      Lu=λ f0uσ+λζ(uσ),



      Lu=λ f∞uσ+λξ(uσ).


      Definition 2.4 Suppose thatu∈C1(T) andt∈T. Ifu(t)=0, thentis a zero ofu. Ifu(t)=0 anduΔ(t)≠ 0, thentis a simple zero ofu. Ifu(t)uΔ(t)<0 (and henceσ(t)>t), then we say thatuhas a generalized zero at the point

      Simple zeross∈Tand generalized zeross?T, as defined above, are often referred to as simple generalized zeros.

      (i) the only zeros ofuinTare simple;

      (ii)uhas exactlyk-1 simple generalized zeros in (0, 1);

      (iii) ±uΔ(0)>0.

      Letλkbe thekth eigenvalue of the linear eigenvalue problem

      It is known from [16, Lemma 5.1] and [17, Lemma 2.6] that

      0<λ1<λ2<λ3<…, uk∈Sk, k=1, 2, 3,…,

      and eachλkhas algebraic multiplicity one.

      LetΓdenote the closure of the set of nontrivial solutions of (3) in R×E. A continuum ofΓis a maximal closed connected subset.


      We see from (3) and (5) that finding a solution (λ,u)∈Γis equivalent to finding a solution (λ,u)∈R×Eof the equation

      It follows from the definition ofHσthatHσis compact and continuous. In addition, it follows from (4) thatHσ(λ,u)=°(|u|) forunear zero, uniformly on boundedλintervals. Therefore, following the arguments in the proof of Theorem 7.1 in [16] Lemma 2.2 holds.

      Fσ=GEξσ: R×E→E.

      We see from (6) that (3) is equivalent to the following equation



      Let Г1denotetheclosureofthesetofnontrivialsolutionsof(3)inR×X. Obviously, from the point of the set, Г=Г1. Hence, in the sense of the set, we denoteΓandΓ1byΓ.

      Lemma 2.4[14, 19]LetMbe a subset ofΓ. Then

      (i)Mis a closed set in R×XiffMis a closed set in R×E;

      (ii)Mis a connected component set in R×XiffMis a connected component set in R×E;

      (iii)Mis a unbounded set in R×XiffMis a unbounded set in R×E.

      3 Main results

      In this section we give our main results.

      Theorem 3.1 Let (H1)-(H3) hold. Assume for some integerk≥1, one of the following conditions is satisfied:

      Then (1) has two solutionsu+kandu-ksuch thatu+khas exactlyk-1 simple generalized zeros inTwith (u+k)Δ(0)>0,u-khas exactlyk-1 simple generalized zeros inTwith (u-k)Δ(0)<0.

      Theorem 3.2 Let (H1)-(H3) hold. Suppose that there exist two integersk≥ 1 andj≥0 such that one of the following conditions is satisfied:

      λAu≠u, ?λ>0,u∈?Br,

      (8)whereAisdenotedby(3), Br={u∈X| ‖u‖

      Otherwise,thereexistλ0>0andu0∈?Brsuchthatu0=λ0Au0.Since‖u0‖=r,thenthereexistst0∈Tsuchthatu0(σ(t0))=r (theproofforu0(σ(t0))=-rissimilar).





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      (編輯 陶志寧)



      (宿遷學(xué)院 文理學(xué)院, 江蘇 宿遷 223800)


      特征值問題; 時標(biāo); 全局分歧; 正解.




      Foundation Items:This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No. 11501260) and Natural Science Foundation of Suqian city(No. Z201444)


      Received date: 2016-05-25.

      whereλis a positive parameter. Using the global bifurcation theory, we study the continua of its nontrivial solutions bifurcating fromu=0 and/oru=∞ under some conditions. In addition, the existence of positive solutions and the multiplicity of solutions of this nonlinear eigenvalue problem are obtained. Our results generalize and improve some known results.

      2010 MSC:34B15

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