王真華 李萍
[摘要]目的 分析公共衛(wèi)生中微生物檢驗標本不合格的原因及對策。方法 選取2017年9月~2018年9月我疾控中心進行微生物檢驗的120例標本作為研究對象,標本來源包括空氣、水質、公共衛(wèi)生用具、一次性消毒餐具等。分析公共衛(wèi)生中微生物檢驗標本不合格類型及原因,并在該基礎上提供相應對策。結果 120例微生物檢驗標本中不合格率為13.33%(16/120),合格率為86.67%(104/120)。16例微生物檢驗標本不合格類型包括醫(yī)療機構消毒效果檢測標本、賓館衛(wèi)生微生物檢測標本、游泳池衛(wèi)生檢測標本、飯店衛(wèi)生微生物檢測標本。16例微生物檢驗標本不合格原因包括外部環(huán)境不衛(wèi)生、外觀被損壞、檢測結果不準確、檢驗程序不規(guī)范及原材料不合格。結論 根據微生物檢驗標本不合格的原因制定相應的措施有利于提高微生物檢驗結果的準確性,對公共衛(wèi)生工作具有重要的指導意義。
[中圖分類號] R446.5? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] A? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1674-4721(2019)11(c)-0169-03
Analysis the causes and countermeasures of unqualified microbiological samples in public health
WANG Zhen-hua1? ?LI Ping2
1. Business Information Section, Disease Control and Prevention Center of Ji′an City, Jiangxi Province, Ji′an? ?343000, China; 2. Department of Public Health, Disease Control and Prevention Center of Ji′an City, Jiangxi Province, Ji′an? ?343000, China
[Abstract] Objective To analysis the causes and countermeasures of unqualified microbiological samples in public health. Methods A total of 120 samples from the Center of our Disease Control and Prevention from September 2017 to September 2018 were selected as the research objects, the specimen sources included? air, water quality, public health appliances, disposable disinfection tableware, etc. The types and causes of unqualified microbiological samples in public health were analyzed, the corresponding countermeasures were provided. Results The rate of unqualified samples was 13.33% (16/120), and the qualified rate was 86.67% (104/120). The unqualified types of 16 microbiological test specimens include those of medical institutions, hotels, swimming pools and restaurants. The reasons for the unqualified microbiological samples included unsanitary external environment, damaged appearance, inaccurate test results, nonstandard test procedures and unqualified raw materials. Conclusion According to the reasons of the unqualified microbiological samples, the corresponding measures are helpful to improve the accuracy of microbiological test results and have important guiding significance for public health work.
[Key words] Microorganisms; Test specimens; Unqualified; Causes and countermeasures
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(收稿日期:2019-03-15? 本文編輯:劉克明)