1 鳥瞰/Aerial view
2 外景/Exterior view
3 軸測/Axonometric drawing
Longhouse among pine trees is an architecture of concept. It is not about the view of beautiful landscape, but rather the situation of hiding. By using a spatial formation of semi-porch and semiroom, the design concerns a triple relationship:architecture and mountain forest, body and landscape, as well as interiority and exteriority.
項目信息/Credits and Data
客戶/Client: 自由家/ZYJ
地點/Location: 安徽黃山市休寧縣齊云山鎮(zhèn)自由家樹屋營地/ZYJ Treehouse Land, Qiyun Mountain, Anhui Province
主持建筑師/Principal Architect: 馮路/FENG Lu
設計團隊/Design Team: 董木子/DONG Muzi
施工圖合作設計/Construction Drawing in Collaboration:上海臻源木結構設計工程有限公司/ZYTIMBER
結構形式/Structure: 鋼結構/Steel Structure
主要材料/Main Materials: 鋼、紅雪松木/Steel, Red Cedar基地面積/Site Area: 180m2
建筑面積/Floor Area: 50m2
設計時間/Design Time: 2015
建成時間/Completion Time: 2016
攝影/Photos: 艾清(清筑影像)/AI Qing (CreatAR Images)