王海霞 馮雪影 張培源
[摘要] 目的 探討紫蘇葉飲片與其免煎顆粒治療風(fēng)寒感冒初起的臨床效果。 方法 選取2018年5月15日~9月20日接診的114例風(fēng)寒感冒初起患者,隨機分為觀察組57例(紫蘇葉免煎顆粒)、對照組57例(紫蘇葉飲片)。治療結(jié)束后對比兩組風(fēng)寒感冒初起患者各項情況。 結(jié)果 觀察組療效總有效率為94.74%,頭痛中醫(yī)癥狀積分降幅分數(shù)為(3.20±0.48)分,噴嚏為(3.18±0.39)分,咳嗽為(3.23±0.36)分、流涕為(3.16±0.42)分、鼻塞為(2.96±0.36)分,發(fā)熱為(3.33±0.26)分,生活質(zhì)量評分為(92.53±5.12)分,各項指標(biāo)均與對照組無較大差異(P>0.05)。 結(jié)論 在風(fēng)寒感冒初起患者的臨床治療中應(yīng)用紫蘇葉飲片及其免煎顆粒效果均較佳,但紫蘇葉免煎顆粒服用方式較為方便,臨床價值更高。
[關(guān)鍵詞] 臨床效果;風(fēng)寒感冒;免煎顆粒;紫蘇葉飲片
[中圖分類號] R254.9? ? ? ? ? [文獻標(biāo)識碼] B? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2019)09-0128-03
[Abstract] Objective To observe and analyze the clinical effects of perilla leaves and its free fried granules in the treatment of common cold due to wind-cold. Methods A total of 114 patients with common cold due to wind-cold who were admitted between May 15, 2018 and September 20, 2018 were selected. The patients were randomly divided into observation group (57 cases, given free fried granules), and control group (57 cases, given perilla leaf decoction). After the end of treatment, the conditions of the two groups were compared. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was 94.74%. The score of TCM symptoms decreased by (3.20±0.48) in headache, (3.18±0.39) in sneezing, (3.23±0.36) in cough, (3.16±0.42) in salivation, (2.96±0.36) in nasal congestion, and (3.33±0.26) in fever. The quality of life score was(92.53±5.12), and the indicators were not significantly different from those of the control group (P>0.05). Conclusion In the clinical treatment of common cold due to wind-cold patients, the application of perilla leaves and its free fried granules are both good, but the granules are more convenient thus have higher clinical value.
[Key words] Clinical effect; Common cold due to wind-cold; Free fried granules; Perilla leaf decoction
1 資料與方法
選取我院2018年5月15日~9月20日收治的風(fēng)寒感冒初起患者,合計114例。隨機法分為兩組,觀察組(57例)采用紫蘇葉免煎顆粒藥物治療措施,對照組(57例)應(yīng)用紫蘇葉飲片藥物治療方法。觀察組中男35例,女22例;年齡13~67歲,平均(42.79±11.25)歲;體重40~87 kg,平均(62.51±8.08)kg。對照組中男34例,女23例;年齡12~59歲,平均(42.18±10.89)歲;體重41~82 kg,平均(61.97±8.52)kg。兩組一般資料進行比較,差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P>0.05),具有可比性。
1.2 納入和排除標(biāo)準
1.2.1 納入標(biāo)準? ①存在咳嗽有痰、鼻塞流涕及渾身酸痛等問題,符合風(fēng)寒感冒初起病況者;②病程不超過5 d者;③無惡性腫瘤及嚴重臟器功能問題者。
1.2.2 排除標(biāo)準? ①精神疾病者;②本次實驗藥物過敏者;③未簽署知情同意書者。