柴波 許晨 吳波 劉怡
摘要 案例教學是一種開放式、互動式的新型教學方式。中國氣象局氣象干部培訓學院四川分院積極革新教學模式,在分析崇州市氣象局氣象為農(nóng)服務工作中的創(chuàng)新舉措和典型做法的基礎上,開發(fā)了“崇州農(nóng)業(yè)氣象服務模式”案例教學課程,并應用于氣象教育培訓中,取得了較好的教學效果。梳理了該案例教學課程的開發(fā)思路和流程,分析了“崇州模式”的具體內容、創(chuàng)新性及其對其他氣象部門的借鑒價值,設計了案例課程的分組、導入、研討和總結各環(huán)節(jié)流程,提出綜合運用頭腦風暴法和團隊列名法等結構化研討方式可以大大提升案例研討中學員思維火花的碰撞,起到學以致用的效果。該案例教學課程的開發(fā)及應用思路與流程可為各行業(yè)相關培訓提供參考和借鑒,更好地發(fā)揮案例教學的優(yōu)勢作用。
關鍵詞 案例教學;氣象干部培訓;農(nóng)業(yè)氣象服務;崇州模式;結構化研討
中圖分類號 S-01 ??文獻標識碼 A? 文章編號 0517-6611(2021)19-0253-04
Development and Application of “Chongzhou Agrometeorological Service Mode” Case-based Teaching Course
CHAI Bo1, XU Chen2, WU Bo1 et al
(1.Sichuan Branch of China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Chengdu,Sichuan 610072;2.Chengdu Meteorological Administration, Chengdu, Sichuan 611130)
Abstract Case-based teaching is a new type of open, interactive teaching method. Based on the analysis of the innovative measures and typical practices of Chongzhou Meteorological Administrations meteorological service for agriculture, the Sichuan Branch of China Meteorological Administration Training Centre actively innovated the teaching mode and developed the “Chongzhou Agrometeorological Service Model” case-based teaching course, which were applied in meteorological business training,and good teaching results were achieved. This article analyzed the development ideas, processes of the case-based teaching course, the specific content, innovation and reference value of the “Chongzhou Mode” to other meteorological departments, and designed the grouping, introduction, discussion and summary of the case-based course organization. It was proposed that the comprehensive use of structured research methods such as brainstorming and team listing methods could greatly enhance the collision of students thinking sparks in case studying and achieve the effect of applying what they had learned. The development and application ideas, processes of this case-based teaching curriculum could provide references for the training of cadres in various industries, and give better play to the advantages of case teaching.
Key words Case-based teaching; Training for meteorological cadres;Agrometeorological services;Chongzhou Mode;Structured discussion
基金項目 中國氣象局氣象干部培訓學院四川分院科研項目(2019-案例-01)。
作者簡介 柴波(1985—),男,四川內江人,工程師,碩士,從事氣象教育培訓、農(nóng)業(yè)氣象和氣候變化研究。
收稿日期 2020-12-17