For close to two years, leaders have been thrust into the role of Counselor in Chief, helping teams recover from the grief and loss of the pandemic, buoying1 the declining mental health of their employees, being sensitive to peoples anxieties and often publicly sharing their own vulnerabilities along the way. In short, they have been shouldering a big emotional burden.
Of course, this kind of empathy is important for good leadership. But too much of it can be a problem, weighing you down.
Instead of carrying that burden of empathy, you can learn to experience the uplifted2 experience of compassion. This is a massive shift in how leaders engage with their teams, a shift that greatly benefits all sides.
Empathy and compassion: whats the difference?
The words “empathy” and “compassion,” as well as “sympathy,” are sometimes used interchangeably. They all represent positive, altruistic traits, but they dont refer to the exact same experience. It is helpful to consider the two distinct qualities of compassion: understanding what another is feeling, and the willingness to act to alleviate3 suffering for another.
When we experience pity, we have little willingness to act and little understanding of anothers experience. We simply feel sorry for them. When we experience sympathy, there is a small increase in our willingness to help and our understanding of the other. We feel for the other person.
With empathy, we have a close, visceral understanding of the other persons experience. We feel with the person. We literally take on the emotions of the other person and make those feelings our own. Though a noble thing to do, it does not necessarily help the other person, except for possibly making them feel less lonely in their experience.
Compassion occurs when we take a step away from empathy and ask ourselves what we can do to support the person who is suffering. In this way, compassion is an intention versus an emotion.
Why does this matter?
Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever, puts it this way: “If I led with empathy, I would never be able to make a single decision. Why? Because with empathy, I mirror the emotions of others, which makes it impossible to consider the greater good.”
As leaders, empathy may cloud our judgment, encourage bias, and make us less effective at making wise decisions. However, it should not be completely avoided. A leader without empathy is like an engine without a spark plug4—it simply wont engage. Empathy is essential for connection and then we can leverage5 the spark to lead with compassion.
Avoiding the empathy trap—and leading with compassion
Overcoming an empathetic hijack is a critical skill for any leader. In mastering this skill, you must remember that shifting away from empathy does not make you less human or less kind. Rather, it makes you better able to support people during difficult times. Here are four key strategies for using empathy as a catalyst6 for leading with more compassion.
Take a mental and emotional step away.
To avoid getting caught in an empathetic hijack when you are with someone who is suffering, try to take a mental and emotional step away. Step out of the emotional space to get a clearer perspective of the situation and the person. Remember you are not stepping away from the person. Instead, you are stepping away from the problem so you can help solve it.
Remember the power of non-action.
In many instances people do not need your solutions; they need your ear and your caring presence. Many problems just need to be heard and acknow-ledged. In this way, taking “non-action” can often be the most powerful means of helping.
Coach the person so they can find their own solution.
Leadership is not about solving problems for people. It is about growing and developing people, so they are empowered to solve their own problems. Avoid taking this life-learning opportunity away from people by straight-up solving their issues. Instead, coach them and mentor them. Show them a pathway to finding their own answers.
Practice self-care.
Often called emotional labor, the task of absorbing, reflecting, and redir-ecting the feelings of other people can be overwhelming. Because of this, we as leaders must practice self-care: take breaks, sleep, and eat well, cultivate meaningful relationships, and practice mindfulness7. We need to find ways of staying resilient8, grounded9, and in tune with ourselves. When we show up in the workplace with these qualities, people can lean on us and find solace and comfort in our well-being.
1 buoy鼓勵。? 2 uplifted意氣昂揚(yáng)。
3 alleviate減輕,緩解。
4 spark plug火花塞。? 5 leverage利用,借助。? 6 catalyst催化劑。
7 mindfulness正念減壓法。? 8 resilient有彈性的,可迅速復(fù)原的。? 9 grounded明智的,理智的。