- 誠信價值在上海城市的內(nèi)涵與發(fā)展——基于民間法視野的考察①本文為李瑜青主持的中國法學(xué)會重大課題“法律實施的保障機制研究”(LS2011A04)的研究成果之一。
- 信仰的重建,是為了重建的信仰——兼及新世紀(jì)中國文化建設(shè)的美學(xué)選擇
- 從原古巫性到審美詩性的轉(zhuǎn)換
- “絕地天通”與巫人格的文化審美建構(gòu)
- 殷商時代的巫樂考察
- 歷史的影子:探索中國古史的“巫文化時代”
- 也論解釋世界還是改造世界——對哈維批評的回應(yīng)
- 文學(xué)批評史家郭紹虞
- “游泳”圖釋
- 中國文化軟實力與文化外交——以中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)國際化為例的研究
- 何謂上海電影——電影產(chǎn)業(yè)視角中上海電影的歷史與機遇
- 他山之石,怎樣攻玉——評金紅《融通與變異》兼及80年代文學(xué)“人”的意識
- 激情與柔情譜就的朱雀之歌——評析《無愁河的浪蕩漢子·朱雀城》的敘事特色
- “‘別現(xiàn)代’時期思想欠發(fā)達(dá)國家的學(xué)術(shù)策略”高端專題研討會綜述
- 2015國際面具大會學(xué)術(shù)論壇會議綜述
- English Abstracts The Development and Connotation of Credibility in Shanghai: From a View of Folk Law
- To Reconstruct Belief Is for a Reconstructed Belief
- The Transformation from Prehistoric Witchcraft Nature to Aesthetic Poetics
- The Termination of the Communication between Heaven and Earth and theCultural Aesthetics Construction of Wizard Personality
- A Research of Witchcraft Music in the Shang Dynasty
- The Shadow of History: Researching the Era of WitchcraftCulture in Chinese Ancient History
- Explaining or Reforming the World: Bookview of Commonwealth byMichael Hardt and Antonio Negri
- Again on Explaining or Reforming the World: a Response to the Criticism of Harvey
- Swimming: Historical Account by Words and Images
- China’s Cultural Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy: A Case Study of theInternationalization of Chinese Contemporary Art
- What is Shanghai Film: The History and Opportunities of ShanghaiFilm in View of Film Industry
- A Discussion on Jin Hong’s Syncretization and Variation and the Mondern Man’sConsciousness in the 1980s
- A Song for Rosefinch with Passion and Tenderness: Bookview ofThe Wondering Man along Wu Chou River