充分利用Wr i t i n g板塊提升學生英語寫作能力
人教版新課程高中英語教材從2009年秋季開始在湖北省使用,教材的每一個單元都安排了與整單元教學主題相關的寫作任務板塊,即Writing或Reading and writing或Speaking and writing等,在每一單元后的Workbook部分也設定了Writing task。這兩部分都給學生提供給了很好的寫作思路和方法。然而遺憾的是,這兩部分內容往往被有的教師忽視了,原因有二:一是這兩部分的話題太難,特別是針對農村學校的學生,導致教師的教學有一定困難;二是有的教師覺得它們與高考作文題區(qū)別較大,一些教師不愿意花“冤枉”時間。因此,不少教師的作文練習都是選自于套題上的與高考作文相似的作文題,讓學生自己寫,教師投入大量的精力和時間,對學生的習作認真批改,然后再不厭其煩地評講,但是收效甚微。
(3)有利于學生養(yǎng)成有效的學習策略,比如合作學習,因為其中有許多任務都是要求學生Work in groups of four或者Work in pairs.
覆蓋內容:Speaking and writing
By the end of this class,the students willbeable to
*Ask for opinions and give opinions freely using some sentence structures.
*Write a passage about a person, knowing how to organize itwell and make itexcellent.
Step 1Warming-up(3minutes)
Divide the students into two groups (Groups A&B)to have a competition to see which group can give asmuch information about Nelson Mandela as possible.(group work)
Step 2 Reading(3minutes)
1.Read the passage the Life of Nelson Mandela on Page 39 to know more abouthis life.(singlework)
2.Make sure the studentscan understand the following expressions.(class work)
Step 3 Speaking(10minutes)
1.Revise the expressions ofasking for opinions and giving opinions.(pair work, classwork)
2.Discuss questions using the expressions ofasking for opinions and giving opinions.(Group work)
Ask the students to discuss the following questions in groupsof four(the students can useWarming Up or Pre-reading as a help)and remind them tomake a list of their own opinions and give evidence to explain them.
3.Ask every group to report their work to the whole class and the teacher makes a summary and make comments. (classwork)
Step 4 Writing(18minutes)
1.Assign thewriting task
Ask the students to write a summary ofNelson Mandela's life or a shortpassage about their ideas about Nelson Mandela (此處為兩個寫作任務,可讓學生根據自己的實際能力任選一個)
2.Organize thewriting(single work, pairwork,具體內容略)
3.It's time for students towrite.(singlework)
When the students are writing their compositions,the teacher can encourage them touse some attributive clauses.
Step 5 Assessmentand summary(10 minutes)
1.After the students have finished their writing,the teacher selects several students'compositions to be shown in the class,giving the students certain evaluation criteria and encouraging students to give their opinions,and then the teacher analysesand explains them.(classwork)
2.Ask the students to revise their own writing and then exchange theirwork with theirpartners.(singlework,pairwork)
Step 6Homework(1minute)
Finish the writing task on P75.(Workbook)
責任編輯 王愛民