



      先天性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足患兒 Ponseti 法矯正后距骨-跟骨角和脛骨-跟骨角的變化

      2017-08-10 13:15:36劉振江嚴維張立軍李祁偉
      中國骨與關節(jié)雜志 2017年8期

      劉振江 嚴維 張立軍 李祁偉

      . 臨床研究與實踐 Clinical research and practice .

      先天性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足患兒 Ponseti 法矯正后距骨-跟骨角和脛骨-跟骨角的變化

      劉振江 嚴維 張立軍 李祁偉

      目的 探討利用 Ponseti 方法 ( 手法矯正+系列石膏固定+經(jīng)皮跟腱切斷術+足外展矯形支具 )治療先天性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足 ( congenital talipes equinovarus,CTEV ) 后,足部站立位側(cè)位 X 線片上距骨-跟骨角和脛骨-跟骨角的變化。方法 回顧性分析 2013年 1月至 2015年 12月,應用 Ponseti 方法在我院小兒骨科治療,且最近一次隨訪時拍攝雙足站立位側(cè)位 X 線片的 24例 CTEV 患兒。男 19例,女 5例;左側(cè) 4例,右側(cè)12例,雙側(cè) 8例。5例 ( 10足 ) 正常兒童作為雙側(cè)病例的對照組。全部患兒的 Ponseti 系列石膏矯形和經(jīng)皮跟腱切斷術 ( percutaneous achilles tenotomy,PAT ) 均由同一醫(yī)生完成。臨床評價指標包括:初始治療時年齡、性別、單 ( 雙 ) 側(cè)、治療前和最近一次隨訪時 Pirani 嚴重性評分、石膏次數(shù)和是否行 PAT。影像學評估指標包括:( 1) 側(cè)位距骨-跟骨角 ( lateral talocalcaneal angle,LTCA );( 2) 側(cè)位脛骨-跟骨角 ( lateral tibiocalcaneal angle,LTiCA );( 3) 距骨長軸比,即患側(cè)距骨長軸 / 健側(cè)距骨長軸×100%。單側(cè)病例取其健側(cè)作為對照組,雙側(cè)病例取正常兒童作為對照組。本研究得到中國醫(yī)科大學附屬盛京醫(yī)院醫(yī)學倫理委員會批準,患兒家長均簽署知情同意書。結(jié)果 單側(cè)病例:初始治療時年齡 3~94天。平均隨訪 14.75( 6~35) 個月。治療前與最近一次隨訪 Pirani 嚴重性評分比較,P50:6.0~0,P25:5.25~0,P75:6.0~0.375,P=0.000。LTCA:患側(cè)27.81° ( 14°~40° ),健側(cè) 51.25° ( 38°~66° ),P=0.000。LTiCA:患側(cè) 82.19° ( 51°~102° ),健側(cè) 79.00° ( 57°~89° ),P=0.35。距骨長軸比 81.94% ( 71.97%~96.70% )。雙側(cè)病例:初始治療時年齡 8~173天,平均隨訪 21.63( 3~71) 個月。治療前與最近一次隨訪 Pirani 嚴重性評分比較,左足 P50:6.0~0分,P25:4.75~0分,P75:6.0~0分,P=0.000;右足 P50:6.0~0分,P25:5.63~0分,P75:6.0~0.375分;P=0.000。左足LTCA:患側(cè) 30.38° ( 19°~46° ),對照組 53.40° ( 46°~66° ),P=0.001;右足 LTCA:患側(cè) 33.75° ( 20°~53° ),對照組 57° ( 45°~70° ),P=0.001。左足 LTiCA:患側(cè) 83.75° ( 50°~111° ),對照組 76.60° ( 65°~86° ),P=0.456;右足 LTiCA:患側(cè) 80.75° ( 60°~97° ),對照組 76.80° ( 69°~88° ),P=0.588。結(jié)論 Ponseti 方法治療CTEV 后,足部外觀和 Pirani 評分顯著改善?;甲憔喙亲冃?,距骨-跟骨角仍小于正常值,而脛骨-跟骨角恢復接近正常值。


      先天性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足 ( congenital talipes equinovarus,CTEV ) 是最常見的骨關節(jié)先天畸形,發(fā)生率約為 1‰[1-3]。CTEV 是一種三維畸形,表現(xiàn)為冠狀位后足內(nèi)翻,水平位前足內(nèi)收,矢狀位踝關節(jié)跖屈畸形[4]。Ponseti 系列石膏矯形技術極大改善了 CTEV的治療效果[5-6],逐漸被越來越多的兒童骨科醫(yī)生所接受[7-10]。經(jīng)過 Ponseti 系列石膏矯形后,雖然絕大多數(shù)患兒的足部外觀和功能表現(xiàn)正常,但是患足的 X 線影像學指標是否得到恢復,仍有待研究。本研究目的是探討應用 Ponseti 方法治療 CTEV 后,在站立位、側(cè)位 X 線片上側(cè)位距骨-跟骨角 ( lateral talocalcaneal angle,LTCA ) 和側(cè)位脛骨-跟骨角( lateral tibiocalcaneal angle,LTiCA ) 的變化。



      1. 納入標準:( 1) 2013年 1月至 2015年 12月應用 Ponseti 方法在我院接受治療的 CTEV 者;( 2) 最近一次隨訪時拍攝雙足站立位、側(cè)位 X 線片的患兒。

      2. 排除標準:( 1) 綜合征性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足;( 2) 神經(jīng)源性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足 ( 脊髓栓系,脊髓脊膜膨出,遺傳性運動性感覺神經(jīng)病等所致 );( 3) 多發(fā)性關節(jié)攣縮癥所致馬蹄內(nèi)翻足;( 4) 外傷性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足。



      本組共 24例 ( 32足 )。其中男 19例,女 5例;左側(cè) 4例,右側(cè) 12例,雙側(cè) 8例;5例 ( 10足 ) 正常兒童作為雙側(cè)病例的對照組。石膏次數(shù)為 4~12次,平均 5.8次。全部 32足均接受經(jīng)皮跟腱切斷術 ( percutaneous achilles tenotomy,PAT ),術后石膏固定 3周 ( 表 1)。


      包括初始治療時年齡、性別、單 ( 雙 ) 側(cè)、治療前和最近一次隨訪 Pirani 嚴重性評分、石膏次數(shù)以及是否行 PAT。

      四、X 線片測量指標

      包括 LTCA、LTiCA ( 圖 1) 和距骨長軸比( 圖 2)。單側(cè)病例取對側(cè)作為對照組,雙側(cè)病例取正常兒童作為對照組。

      五、Ponseti 治療方法

      1. 患兒安靜后平臥 ( 家長安撫、喂奶和音樂 ),去除尿不濕。

      2. 手法矯正:治療者拇指按壓在距骨頭外側(cè),前足外展旋后位,提升第一序列足弓,不能固定跟骰關節(jié),持續(xù) 1min。不能強力背屈踝關節(jié)。

      3. 石膏固定:軟石膏繃帶,從足趾開始纏繞至大腿根部。屈膝 90° 防止石膏脫落。每周更換一次石膏。經(jīng)過石膏連續(xù)矯形,高弓足,前足內(nèi)收,跟骨內(nèi)翻均已糾正,僅殘留跟腱攣縮尚未糾正。

      表1 先天性馬蹄內(nèi)翻足和對照組臨床資料及測量參數(shù)Tab.1Clinical data of the clubfoot group and control group

      4. PAT:全部患兒均在手術室內(nèi),全身麻醉下進行 PAT。PAT 術后立即給予長腿軟石膏繃帶固定,保持患足外旋 70°、足背屈 15° 位置,固定 3周。

      5. 佩戴 Danis Browne 足外展支具:在 PAT 術后前 3個月內(nèi),每天佩戴至少 23h,每 2周門診隨訪支具佩戴順應性;術后 3個月囑家長盡可能延長支具佩戴時間,保證白天至少 12h,夜間至少 4~6h,直至患兒學會走路,每 3個月門診隨訪;患兒學會走路后,要求夜間睡眠和白天午睡時必須佩戴支具,直到 4歲,每 6個月門診隨訪。


      采用 SPSS 22.0,配對 t 檢驗,P<0.05認為差異有統(tǒng)計學意義。正態(tài)分布數(shù)據(jù)采用±s 表示。非正態(tài)分布數(shù)據(jù)采用四分位數(shù)法表示。P25、P50、P75分別表示樣本中所有數(shù)值由小到大排列后第 25%、第50% 和 75% 的數(shù)字。

      結(jié) 果


      初始治療時年齡 3~94天,P50:12天,P25:4天,P75:40天。隨訪時間 6~35個月,平均( 14.75±8.26) 個月。Pirani 嚴重性評分,治療前P50:6.0分,P25:5.25分,P75:6.0分;最近一次隨訪時 P50:0分,P25:0分,P75:0.375分,P=0.000?;紓?cè) LTCA 平均 ( 27.81± 7.91) ° ( 14°~40° ),健側(cè) LTCA 平均 ( 51.25± 8.19) ° ( 38°~66° ),P=0.000?;紓?cè) LTiCA 平均 ( 82.19±12.50) ° ( 51°~102° ),健側(cè) LTiCA 平均 ( 79.00±8.73) ° ( 57°~89° ),P=0.35。距骨長軸比為 ( 81.94± 6.50) % ( 71.97%~96.70% )。


      初始治療時年齡 8~173天,P50:28.5天,P25:13.5天,P75:34.5天。隨訪時間 3~71個月,平均 ( 21.63±20.64) 個月。Pirani 嚴重性評分,治療前左足 P50:6.0分,P25:4.75分,P75:6.0分;最近一次隨訪時左足 P50:0分,P25:0分,P75:0分,P=0.000;治療前右足 P50:6.0分,P25:5.63分,P75:6.0分;最近一次隨訪時右足 P50:0分,P25:0分,P75:0.375分,P=0.000?;紓?cè)左足 LTCA 平均 ( 30.38±10.45) ° ( 19°~46° ),對照組左足 LTCA平均 ( 53.40±7.67) ° ( 46°~66° ),P=0.001;患側(cè)右足 LTCA 平均 ( 33.75±9.75) ° ( 20°~53° ),對照組右足 LTCA 平均 ( 57±8.92) ° ( 45°~70° ),P=0.001?;紓?cè)左足 LTiCA 平均 ( 83.75±19.34) ° ( 50°~111° ),對照組左足 LTiCA 平均 ( 76.60± 8.44) ° ( 65°~86° ),P=0.456;患側(cè)右足 LTiCA平均 ( 80.75±14.25) ° ( 60°~97° ),對照組右足LTiCA 平均 ( 76.80±8.35) ° ( 69°~88° ),P=0.588( 圖 1)。

      圖1 患兒,男,23個月,右側(cè)馬蹄內(nèi)翻足,隨訪 21個月a:患側(cè) LTCA 27°,即距骨長軸與跟骨長軸夾角;b:患側(cè)LTiCA 90°,即脛骨長軸與跟骨長軸夾角圖2a:患側(cè)距骨長軸;b:健側(cè)距骨長軸 [距骨長軸比 = 患側(cè)距骨長軸 ( A ) / 健側(cè)距骨長軸( B ) × 100%]Fig.1Male, 23-month-old with the right clubfoot. The follow-up was 21months a: The LTCA was 27°. LTCA was the angle between the talar axis and the calcaneal axis; b: The LTiCA was 90°. LTiCA was the angle between the tibial axis and the calcaneal axisFig.2a: The length of the talus long axis of the clubfoot; b: The length of the talus long axis of the normal foot. ( the ratio of the long axis of the talus = A / B × 100% )

      討 論

      Ponseti 方法被認為是早期治療 CTEV 的標準方法。一般經(jīng)過 4~7次的系列石膏矯形,繼而經(jīng)皮跟腱切斷術和足外展支具,可以治愈絕大多數(shù) CTEV[11]。Pirani 嚴重性評分已經(jīng)被廣泛應用于CTEV 的分類系統(tǒng)中[11],包括 6個部分:后方皺褶( posterior crease,PC )、跖屈角度 ( degree of equinus,E )、空足跟 ( heel emptiness,HE )、內(nèi)側(cè)皺褶( medial crease,MC )、足外側(cè)緣彎曲 ( curvature lateral border,CLB ) 和距骨頭位置 ( talar head position,TH )。按照嚴重程度,記錄為 0分 ( 無畸形 )、0.5分 ( 中度畸形 )、1分 ( 嚴重畸形 )。本組 Pirani 嚴重性評分對比,單側(cè)病例組治療前 5.25~6.0分;治療后 0~0.375分,P=0.000。雙側(cè)病例組:左足治療前 4.75~6.0分,治療后 0分,P=0.000;右足治療前 5.63~6.0分,治療后 0~0.375分,P=0.000。提示 CTEV 經(jīng) Ponseti 方法治療后,患足外觀已經(jīng)顯著改善,Pirani 評分顯著降低 ( 圖 3)。

      圖3 患兒,男,6.2歲,雙側(cè)馬蹄內(nèi)翻足,隨訪 71個月;治療前 Pirani 評分左側(cè) 6.0分,右側(cè) 6.0分;治療后左側(cè) 0分,右側(cè) 1分a~b:治療前外觀相;c~d:治療后外觀相Fig.3Male, 6.2years old, bilateral clubfeet. The follow-up was 71months. The Pirani severity score recorded before the treatment was 6points in the bilateral feet. The Pirani severity score recorded in the latest follow-up was 0point in the left foot and 1point in the right foot a - b: The clinical appearance before the initial treatment; c - d: The clinical appearance in the latest follow-up

      測量單側(cè)病例的距骨長軸比,即患側(cè)距骨長軸 / 健側(cè)距骨長軸×100%,以此來衡量患足距骨長度變化。距骨長軸比為 ( 81.94±6.50) % ( 71.97%~96.70% ),說明 CTEV 經(jīng)過 Ponseti 治療后,雖然患足外觀已有明顯改善,但是距骨長度約為正常值的80% 左右,未恢復至正常。Pinto 等[12]發(fā)現(xiàn)經(jīng) Mckay手術治療的 CTEV,手術側(cè)與對側(cè)的距骨長度比為79% ( 61%~88% )。本組數(shù)據(jù)與 Pinto 的結(jié)果接近。

      LTiCA 可以反映出 CTEV 中踝關節(jié)真實活動狀況,排除了中足被假性矯正的可能[13-14]。Kang和 Park[15]認為對于是否需要行 PAT,LTiCA 是一個更客觀的判斷指標。當 LTiCA ≤80° 時,即使不行 PAT,也不會出現(xiàn)矢狀位畸形的復發(fā);當 LTiCA<80° 時,如果不行 PAT,則矢狀位畸形的復發(fā)率很高。本組病例均行 PAT,無論在單側(cè)病例還是在雙側(cè)病例,術后 LTiCA 均與對照組差異無統(tǒng)計學意義,提示無矢狀位畸形的復發(fā)。這與術后 Pirani 評分中跖屈角度達到正常值 0分的臨床表現(xiàn)相一致。

      LTCA 是廣泛用于 CTEV 矯正程度的指標[16-17],反映出距骨和跟骨之間的解剖關系。然而 Laaveg等[6]和 Abulsaad 等[18]都認為 CTEV 治療后的臨床效果和 LTCA 之間并無顯著性相關,LTCA 對于 CTEV矯正效果的評估并非一個優(yōu)良的指標。本組數(shù)據(jù)顯示患側(cè) LTCA 均明顯小于對照側(cè),與臨床矯正效果明顯改善和 Pirani 評分降低均不符合。提示 LTCA對于判斷 CTEV 的矯正效果并不可靠。

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      Evaluation of the lateral talocalcaneal angle and lateral tibiocalcaneal angle after using the Ponseti method for congenital clubfoot

      LIU Zhen-jiang, YAN Wei, ZHANG Li-jun, LI Qi-wei.
      Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110004, China Corresponding author: ZHANG Li-jun, Email: franklj@sj-hospital.org

      Objective To investigate the changes of the lateral talocalcaneal angle ( LTCA ) and the lateral tibiocalcaneal angle ( LTiCA ) seen on lateral radiographs taken in the standing position of the patients undergoing treatment for congenital talipes equinovarus by the Ponseti method ( serial manipulation, casting, tenotomy of the Achilles tendon and a foot abduction brace ). Methods From January 2013to December 2015, 24patients with congenital talipes equinovarus were treated by the Ponseti method in our department, whose clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. The lateral radiographs of bilateral feet were taken in the standing position of all the patients at the latest follow-up. The Ponseti manipulations, series of castings and percutaneous Achilles tenotomies ( PAT ) were performed by the same pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Clinical assessment indicators included age at the time of initial treatment, sex, unilateral clubfoot or bilateral clubfeet involvement, and numbers of castings as well as PAT determinedby the Pirani severity score system before treatment and at the latest follow-up. Radiographic indicators included LTCA, LTiCA and the ratios of the long axis of the talus, which were calculated by measuring the talus long axis of the clubfoot and then dividing this by the talus long axis of the normal foot. For the patients with a unilateral clubfoot, the normal side was used as the control. For the patients with bilateral clubfeet, normal children were chosen to be the control group. The Medical Ethics Committee of Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University approved this study, and informed consents were obtained from all the patients as well as from the children of the needed control group. Results A total of 24patients ( 32feet ), 19males and 5females, were included in the study. Four patients presented with a left clubfoot, 12patients with a right clubfoot and 8patients with bilateral clubfeet. Five normal children ( 10feet ) were chosen to be the control group for the patients with bilateral clubfeet. The mean number of castings were 5.8times ( range: 4- 12times ). PAT were performed on all 32clubfeet, and the immobilization time with casting was 3weeks. In the patients with a unilateral clubfoot, the age at the time of initial treatment varied from 3to 94days. The average time of follow-up was 14.75months ( range: 6- 35months ). The Pirani severity scores were compared between pre-treatment and in the latest follow-up: 6.0versus 0points ( P50), 5.25versus 0points ( P25) and 6.0versus 0.375points ( P75), P = 0.000. The average LTCA of the affected feet was 27.81° ( range: 14° - 40° ), and the average LTCA of the normal feet was 51.25° ( range: 38° - 66° ), P = 0.000. The average LTiCA of the affected feet was 82.19° ( range: 51° - 102° ), and the average LTiCA of the normal feet was 79.00° ( range: 57° - 89° ), P = 0.35. The ratio of the long axis of the talus was 81.94% ( range: 71.97% - 96.70% ). In the patients with bilateral clubfeet, the age at the time of initial treatment varied from 8to 173days. The average time of follow-up was 21.63months ( range: 3- 71months ). The Pirani severity scores recorded between pre-treatment and in the latest follow-up in the left foot of this group were 6.0versus 0points ( P50), 4.75versus 0points ( P25), and 6.0versus 0points ( P75), P = 0.000; the Pirani severity scores recorded between pre-treatment and in the latest follow-up in the right foot of this group were 6.0versus 0points ( P50), 5.63versus 0points ( P25), and 6.0versus 0.375points ( P75), P = 0.000. The average LTCA of the left foot in the bilateral clubfeet patient group was 30.38° ( range: 19° - 46° ), and the average LTCA of the normal left foot in the control group was 53.40° ( range: 46° - 66° ), P = 0.001. The average LTCA of the right foot in the bilateral clubfeet patient group was 33.75° ( range: 20° - 53° ), and the average LTCA of the normal right foot in the control group was 57° ( range: 45° - 70° ), P = 0.001. The average LTiCA of the affected left foot in the bilateral clubfeet patient group was 83.75° ( range: 50° - 111° ), and the average LTiCA of the normal left foot in the control group was 76.60° ( range: 65° - 86° ), P = 0.456. The average LTiCA of the affected right foot in the bilateral clubfeet patient group was 80.75° ( range: 60° - 97° ), and the normal right foot of the control group was 76.80° ( range: 69° - 88° ), P = 0.588. Conclusions The Pirani severity scores are signif i cantly improved for the congenital talipes equinovarus treated by the Ponseti method, as well as the foot appearance. The dimensions of the affected talus are reduced. The LTCA is smaller than normal value and the LTiCA is closed to the normal value on the standing lateral radiographs of the feet after the treatment with the Ponseti method.

      Equinovarus; Foot deformities, congenital; Lateral talocalcaneal angle ( LTCA ); Lateral tibiocalcaneal angle ( LTiCA ); Ponseti method


      R682.1, R687

      110004 沈陽,中國醫(yī)科大學附屬盛京醫(yī)院小兒骨科

      張立軍,Email: franklj@sj-hospital.org


      ( 本文編輯:李慧文 )



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