Ⅰ. Introduction
As we all know, the 2018 FIFA World Cup is become the one of the hottest topic all over the world so that almost people paid more attention on the wonderful football games. According to Hallidays Meta-function theory, the paper mainly analyzes transitivity system of the sports news headlines. Through this study, in terms of transitivity system, it can show a few relevant principles of sports news headlines. Recently, many scholars have already studied the sports news headlines from different perspectives. There are few studies on the sports news headlines from Hallidays Meta-function.
Ⅱ. Analysis Transitivity of English Sports News Headlines
According to Systematic Functional Grammar founded by Halliday (1994), this paper mainly studies transitivity system of sports news headlines. Transitivity is a semantic system that realizes ideational function, which serves to divide what people see or experience in the real world into different kinds of“processes”, and point out all the relevant participants and circumstantial elements. All together there are six types of processes according to M. K. Halliday (1994): material processes; mental processes; relational processes; behavioral processes; verbal processes and existential processes.
During the process of data collection and analysis, two questions are mainly focused: (1) How many is the two of the frequency of usage. (2) What features are the sports news headlines. By means of data collection and analysis, there is table showing the data result of transitivity in English sports news headlines. In this table, there are 279 collected pieces and there are 284 totally in terms of transitivity.
Firstly, material process refers to a process of “doing”, which means that some entity “does” something or “done to” some other entities. There are some verbal groups such as win, hit, kick, pick, which belong to dynamic verbs. When these verbal group appears in a clause, it is realized a material process. And then the participants of an Actor (logical subject) and a Goal (logical direct object) also can be realized. According to the table above, there is no “goal” in certain examples.
Secondly, mental process refers to describe a process of mental phenomena such as a set of “perception”, “affection”, and “cognition”. The mental process include two participants, namely Senser and Phenomenon, despite one of them perhaps be not explicitly included (Thompson, 1996).
Comparison with the material process, the percent of the mental process is lower. And there are few components as circumstances in mental process. In these examples, it shows the feature of conciseness.
Ⅲ. Conclusion
Combined with transitivity system and reality, it can be found that this paper analyzes sports news headlines in terms of transitivity system, which reflect function of systematic functional grammar and points out the general applicability and feasibility of transitivity system. In terms of reality significance, it is helpful for writer to have a new view for writing news headlines.
[1]Halliday,M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar(2nd edition)[M].London:Edward Arnold,1994.