



      A Comparative Study of the Natural Approach and the Grammar-Translation Approach

      2019-09-10 07:46:53劉靖
      校園英語(yǔ)·月末 2019年13期



      【Abstract】As two different approaches in foreign language teaching, the Natural Approach and the Grammar-Translation Approach also have something in common. The Grammar-Translation Approach plays an leading role in traditional teaching, and the Natural Approach is influential in history as well. This paper reviews similarities and differences between these two approaches from the following aspects, the development, the research status and teaching examples.

      【Key words】the Natural Approach; the Grammar-Translation Approach; similarities; differences


      1. Introduction

      As for the Grammar-Translation Approach, it is commonly used in many Chinese schools.According to Larsen-Freeman,“focus is on grammatical parsing,i.e., the form and inflection of words”(2001:6).

      2. The Natural Approach

      An Spanish teacher Tracy D. Terrell put forward a new way of language teaching in 1977, which was named the Natural Approach afterwards.With Stephen Krashen, they worked together and then published The Natural Approach in 1983. We can find rules and some teaching examples in this book, which is very helpful for second language teaching. The goal of this approach is to acquire the ability to communicate effectively in that language(Tracy D. Terrell1977:335). There are usually four procedures when we are using the Natural Approach,i.e.pre-production, early-production,speech emergence,and intermediate fluency.In the very fist stage,pre-production,teachers are asked to use some basic words and phases which is easier for students to understand.In the first stage ,Total Physical Response (TPR) are recommenced.Someone may be worried about new vocabulary, but Dalbor (1972:264) hold the view that the vocabulary is the least important aspect of your study.Words are not only the way for us to grasp the main idea, moreover, learners can understand some sentences by looking at speakers or paying attention to intonation if they are given enough time to think carefully.Besides some charts and pictures can be used to inform students.Long(1983:359-382) thinks that there is an increasing sense that instruction contributes something. Teachers can conclude some rules for students, so that they can use these language points in specific situation. Dickerson(1984:135-148)views that through learned rules, learners can provide improved input to themselves.

      However, it is also necessary for students to get high marks in the College Entrance Examination which is a must if they want to get a college degree. Therefore, the relationship between traditional teaching methods and multimedia teaching methods should be complementary,reciprocal each other,coordinated development(Michael & Andrew, 2002:41-43).

      Lastly, there are more requirements for teachers if the Natural Approach are commonly used in our class. Teachers not only have to know how to explain language points in a comprehensible way but they need to create authentic language atmosphere to help students know how to use language points to talk with others freely. In the classroom, teachers not only impact knowledge, but also make emotional communication with the students(Knowles,1975:105-109).

      3. The Grammar-Translation Approach

      The Grammar-Translation Approach had already been used by teachers in Middle Ages when they were teaching Latin.This is an extension of the approach to the teaching of modern languages (Xu Jinfen 2005).Firstly. when they are learning complicated rules and mechanical translation procedures, it is difficult for them to pay their attention to the class wholeheartedly. Secondly, not all sentences can be translated word by word because of different cultural background. When we are translating foreign language , some meanings may be missed because it is difficult for us to find all equivalent expressions in native language if we want to express context as well. Therefore, it is demanding for high school students let alone middle school students to translate target language perfectly. Thirdly, students are not good at listening and speaking if they are taught in the Grammar-Translation Approach, because when they studying foreign language, it is hardly emphasized to listen more and talk more. Larshen-Freeman (2008), the Grammar-Translation Approach as a form of literary appreciation can not be used to develop learners’ communicative competence.Thus, a lot of students are not able to talk with foreigners even greet with them because they are lack of practicing speaking and listening in their daily life.Louis Marchand (1929:1-19) holds the view that the Grammar-Translation Approach requires teachers to use native language.

      4. Conclusion

      Education reform is a long-term project.So it is quite necessary to do some research on classroom module from theory to practice.Considering Chinese conditions, it is feasible to put forward the Natural Approach in primary school.We have to think twice when we have to choose approach to teach learners. It can save teachers a lot time and energy to be aware of students situation.Thus, we can use technology to make up disadvantages of tradition method. As for the traditional Grammar-Translation Approach, reading and writing are the major focus,and little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening.Thus we have to combine some traits of different approaches to train our students.


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      [2]Tracy D. Terrell A Natural Approach to Second Language Acquisition and Learning[J]. Modern Language Quarterly,1977,335.

      [3]Dalbor,Beginning College Spanish[J]. New York:Random,1972.

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      [5]Dickerson, Wayne. The role of formal rules in pronunciation.In On TESOL‘83, Jean Handscombe, Richard A. Orem, and Barry P.Taylor(Eds),1984,135-148, Washington,D,C;TESOL.

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      [7]Knowles M S.Self-directed learning: A guide for learning and teachers[D]. New York: Association Press,1975:105-109.

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