




      2019-12-26 21:38:55崔林艷虞金芳
      皖西學院學報 2019年2期


      (1.安徽農業(yè)大學 經濟技術學院,安徽 合肥 230036;2.安徽農業(yè)大學 經濟管理學院,安徽 合肥 230036)

      人類語言種類繁多,全世界大約有6000~7000種語言[1]。隨著人類文明的進步和經濟全球化,跨語言的溝通和交流對世界各地的人們來說都變得越來越重要。為了克服語言的障礙,曾經有人提出使用人類通用語言(lingua franca)來替代各種不同語言的想法。但是,這樣的想法顯然是很難實現的[2](P2)。


      1 機器翻譯(Machine Translation,簡稱MT)

      1.1 機器翻譯的概念

      機器翻譯就是利用計算機把一種語言(源語言,source language)翻譯成另外一種語言(目標語言,target language),實現各種自然語言之間的自動轉換,是人工智能和自然語言處理領域的重要研究方向之一。

      1.2 機器翻譯的誕生

      機器翻譯的研究歷史可以追溯到20世紀30年代。20世紀30年代初,法國科學家G.B.阿爾楚尼提出了用機器來進行翻譯的想法。1933年,蘇聯(lián)發(fā)明家П.П.特洛揚斯基設計出把一種語言翻譯成另一種語言的機器,并在同年登記了他的發(fā)明。但是,受到當時技術水平的限制,他的翻譯機沒能成功。1946年,第一臺現代電子計算機 ENIAC 誕生。隨后不久,信息論的先驅、美國科學家 W. Weaver 和英國工程師A. D. Booth 在討論電子計算機的應用范圍時,于1947年提出了利用計算機進行語言自動翻譯的想法。1949年,W. Weaver 發(fā)表《翻譯備忘錄》,正式提出機器翻譯的思想。

      1.3 機器翻譯系統(tǒng)的發(fā)展類型


      1.3.1 基于規(guī)則的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)


      1.3.2 基于語料庫的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)


      1.3.3 基于人工神經網絡的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)

      基于人工神經網絡的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)——神經機器翻譯(Neural Machine Translation,簡稱NMT)。2013年以來,隨著深度學習技術取得的較大進展,基于人工神經網絡的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)逐漸替代了過去基于規(guī)則和基于語料庫的機器翻譯系統(tǒng)。神經網絡機器翻譯系統(tǒng)受啟發(fā)于人類自己的生物學神經網絡系統(tǒng),通過端到端的神經網絡直接實現自然語言之間的翻譯。神經機器翻譯系統(tǒng)改進了以往機器翻譯系統(tǒng)的不足,通過對上下文信息的充分比較,完成句子的整體編碼和解碼,由此產生的譯文更順暢、自然、準確。

      2 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,簡稱 AI)

      2.1 人工智能的概念


      2.2 人工智能的發(fā)展歷程

      從1956年正式提出人工智能學科算起,人工智能技術取得了長足的發(fā)展,尤其是近十年來發(fā)展迅猛, 已經廣泛應用于社會各個學科和領域,成為一門廣泛的交叉和前沿學科。人工智能的發(fā)展歷程主要分為三個階段:人工智能的起源、人工智能的二次低谷和人工智能的快速發(fā)展期。

      2.2.1 人工智能的起源

      1950年,一位名叫M. L. Minsky(后被稱為“人工智能之父”)的大學生與他的同學D. Edmund一起,建造了世界上第一臺神經網絡計算機,這被看作是人工智能的一個起點。1956年,在Dartmouth會議上,計算機專家J. McCarthy首次提出“人工智能”術語,這標志著“人工智能”這門新興學科的誕生。

      2.2.2 人工智能的二次低谷


      2.2.3 人工智能的快速發(fā)展期

      1993年,隨著計算機性能的飛速發(fā)展、海量數據的累積和人工智能研究者們的不懈努力,人工智能研究領域不斷取得突破,迎來了快速發(fā)展時期。2006年,Jeffrey Sinton提出深度學習的算法,借助這種算法,科學家們不斷在眾多領域取得研究突破。人工智能的發(fā)展進入了快速發(fā)展時期。

      3 人工智能背景下機器翻譯質量對比分析與前景展望

      3.1 目前市場上常用的幾款人工智能機器翻譯軟件


      3.1.1 百度翻譯


      3.1.2 科大訊飛翻譯


      3.1.3 Google翻譯

      Google 翻譯是谷歌公司提供的一項免費翻譯服務。功能主要包括:即時翻譯,只需輸入文字,即可在超過100多種語言之間隨時互譯;拍照翻譯,可使用相機將拍攝的文字即時互譯;點按翻譯,在任何應用中點按文字,系統(tǒng)即會彈出相應翻譯;語音翻譯,支持32種語言的即時語音互譯;離線翻譯,即使沒有連接到互聯(lián)網,也能翻譯52種語言;手寫翻譯,以手寫方式輸入93種語言的字符,無須使用鍵盤輸入;翻譯收藏夾,點擊星標可收藏翻譯的內容,供日后參考。另外,一些詞典上查不到的俚語、俗語等,也可通過Google翻譯搜索,即使查不到直接的解釋,也可以通過搜索到的上下文內容來猜測其含義。

      3.1.4 有道翻譯


      3.2 上述四款機器翻譯軟件譯文與人工譯文對比

      3.2.1 源語言文本






      3.2.2 人工譯文

      句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.

      句子2:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

      句子3:Happiness and a bright future do not appear automatically. Success only belongs to those who are brave and persevering.

      句子4:The world is undergoing major development, changes and adjustments. The trend toward multi-polarity, economic globalization,IT application and cultural diversity is deepening. Countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Meanwhile, the world is witnessing growing instabilities and uncertainties, with unilateralism, protectionism and de-globalization on the rise.

      句子5:All men long to be immortals, Yet to riches and rank each aspires, The great ones of old, where are they now? Their graves are a mass of briars. All men long to be immortals, Yet silver and gold they prize, And grub for money all their lives, Till death seals up their eyes. All men long to be immortals, Yet dote on the wives they’ve wed, Who swear to love their husband evermore, But remarry as soon as he’s dead. All men long to be immortals,Yet with getting sons won’t have done, Although fond parents are legion, Who ever saw a really filial son?

      3.2.3 機器翻譯譯文3.2.3.1 百度翻譯譯文

      句子1:The world is so big, I want to see.

      句子2:Life is like summer flowers, death is like autumn leaves.

      句子3:Happiness and a bright future do not appear on their own. Success belongs to those who are brave and committed.

      句子4:Nowadays, the world is in a period of great development, great change and great adjustment. With the deepening development of world multipolarity, economic globalization, social informatization and cultural diversity, countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other. At the same time, there are more uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation. Unilateralism, protectionism and anti-globalization are on the rise.

      句子5:Everyone knows that immortals are good, but their fame and fame will never be forgotten. Where will the past and the present be? There is no grass in the mound. The world knows that immortals are good. Only gold and silver can not be forgotten. Eventually, they only hate to gather together, and their eyes are closed for a long time. Everyone knows that immortals are good. Only a lovely wife can’t forget them. On your birthday, you say kindness, and you die with others. Everyone knows that immortals are good. Only children and grandchildren can’t forget them. They have been obsessed with their parents for a long time. They are filial to their children and grandchildren. 科大訊飛翻譯譯文

      句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.

      句子2:Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves.

      句子3:Happiness and a bright future will not appear automatically. Success only favors those with courage and perseverance.

      句子4:The world today is undergoing a period of great development, great changes and major adjustments. The world is multi-polarized, economic globalization, social information, and cultural diversity are deepening, and countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent. At the same time, uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation have increased, and unilateralism, protectionism, and counter-globalization have risen.

      句子5:The world knows the gods well, but the fame can’t be forgotten. The ancient and the modern will be where they are, and the ridiculous pile of grass is gone. Everyone knows that the gods are good. Only gold and silver can’t be forgotten. In the end, they only hate to gather together, and for a long time they close their eyes. Everyone knows the gods, and only the wife can’t forget. On the birthday of Jun, he said that he was kind, and he died. Everyone knows the gods are good, only the children and grandchildren can’t forget, the infatuated parents have come from many times, and the filial sons and grandchildren have met. Google翻譯譯文

      句子1:The world is so big, I want to see it.

      句子2:Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves.

      句子3:Happiness and a bright future will not appear on its own, and success is a person who is brave and limp.

      句子4:The world today is undergoing a period of great development, great changes and major adjustments. The world is multi-polarized, economic globalization, social information, and cultural diversity are deepening, and countries are increasingly interconnected and dependent. At the same time, uncertainties and uncertainties in the international situation have increased, and unilateralism, protectionism, and counter-globalization have risen.

      句子5:The world knows the gods well, but the fame can’t be forgotten. The ancient and the modern will be where they are, and the ridiculous pile of grass is gone. Everyone knows that the gods are good. Only gold and silver can’t be forgotten. In the end, they only hate to gather together, and for a long time they close their eyes. Everyone knows the gods, and only the wife can’t forget. On the birthday of Jun, he said that he was kind, and he died. Everyone knows the gods are good, only the children and grandchildren can’t forget, the infatuated parents have come from many times, and the filial sons and grandchildren have met. 有道翻譯譯文

      句子1:The world is so big, yet I owe it a visit.

      句子2:Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

      句子3:Happiness and a better future do not come by themselves. Success belongs to the brave and earnest.

      句子4:The world today is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments. The trend towards a multi-polar world, economic globalization, social informatization and cultural diversity is gaining momentum, and countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. At the same time, factors of instability and uncertainty are on the rise in the international situation, and trends of unilateralism, protectionism and anti-globalization are on the rise.

      句子5:The world all know the immortal is good, but the fame can not forget, ancient and modern phase in where, a pile of grass barren mound. People all know the gods are good, only gold and silver can not forget, eventually only hate to gather no more, and to many eyes closed. The world all xiao fairy good, only the wife can not forget, your birthday said kindness, you died with the people. The world all xiao immortal good, only the children can not forget, spoony parents ancient, filial son who saw.

      3.3 上述四款機器翻譯軟件譯文質量分析




      句子4的內容選自2018年12月“中國對歐盟政策文件(China’s Policy Paper on the European Union )”,人工譯文是該文件的官方英文版本。按照嚴復“信、達、雅”的翻譯原則來看,上述四款機器翻譯軟件對句子4的翻譯都可以做到“信”的標準,“達”的標準也基本可以滿足,但都還有些欠缺。比如說對于“國際形勢中不穩(wěn)定不確定因素增多”中的“不穩(wěn)定不確定因素”的翻譯,人工譯文是“instabilities and uncertainties”,百度、訊飛、Google的翻譯都是“ uncertainties and uncertainties ”,有道的翻譯是“ factors of instability and uncertainty ”。還比如對“逆全球化思潮抬頭”中“逆全球化思潮”的翻譯,人工譯文是“de-globalization”,百度和有道的翻譯都是“ anti-globalization ”,訊飛和Google的翻譯都是“ counter-globalization ”。由此可見,對于一些常見的句子和表達方式,機器翻譯雖然各有不同的翻譯版本,但基本都可以做到忠實準確地傳達原文的內容,但是對于一些原文意思較接近的詞語和表達方式,機器翻譯目前還不能做到準確識別它們的區(qū)別。



      3.4 人工智能背景下機器翻譯前景展望

      人工智能技術在機器翻譯領域的應用與發(fā)展,為機器翻譯質量的提升帶來了新的跨度。當前基于神經網絡的神經機器翻譯系統(tǒng),翻譯的準確度和流暢度都比傳統(tǒng)機器翻譯系統(tǒng)有了一個很大的提升。Google全球技術總監(jiān)、中國上海研發(fā)院院長陳曉認為,“這個提升的跨度比近十年來在原來系統(tǒng)中所有的質量優(yōu)化所提高的總和還要多, 也看到某些語言已經達到了人工翻譯的水平,相當喜人?!盵4]同時人們也開始擔心隨著人工智能技術的飛速發(fā)展,未來的人工智能機器翻譯是否會替代人工翻譯?



      4 結語


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