




      2020-11-30 08:32王靜崔云安

      王靜 崔云安

      摘 要:空間幾何常數(shù)是空間幾何性質(zhì)的量化,從幾何性質(zhì)的研究到幾何常數(shù)的計算是從定性到定量的推進。首先引入了一個新的幾何常數(shù)U凸系數(shù),并研究了它與一致非方和正規(guī)結(jié)構(gòu)等幾何性質(zhì)之間的關(guān)系,并且通過研究它與常數(shù)R(X)的關(guān)系,得到Banach空間X弱接近一致光滑,且具有不動點性質(zhì)。其次利用它與弱正交系數(shù)之間的關(guān)系給出了Banach空間具有正規(guī)結(jié)構(gòu)的充分條件。最后給出了U凸模在lp序列空間的計算。



      中圖分類號: O177. 3

      文獻標(biāo)志碼: A

      文章編號: 1007-2683(2020)05-0158-06

      Abstract:The spatial geometric constant is the quantification of the geometrical properties of space. From the study of geometric properties to the calculation of geometric constants from qualitative to quantitative advancement. Firstly, this paper introduces a new geometric constant U-convex coefficient. Studying its relationship with geometric properties such as uniform non-square and regular structures and by studying its relationship with constants, the Banach space is weakly close to uniform smooth and has fixed point properties. Secondly, Using the relationship between it and weak orthogonal coefficients gives a sufficient condition for Banach spaces to have a regular structure. Finally, the calculation of the convex model in the sequence space is given.

      Keywords:U-convex coefficient; Banach space; uniform nonsquare; normal structure; weak orthogonal coefficient; Garcia-Falset coefficient; fixed point properties

      0 引 言

      1978年Lau ka-sing 在研究Banach空間的切比雪夫集的過程中引入了U性質(zhì)[1]。此后,Lau ka-sing與Gao Jin 在1991年引入了U空間的概念[2],并刻畫了U空間所具有的性質(zhì),如U空間是一致非方的,進而也是超自反的,一致凸空間和一致光滑空間是U空間,等等[3-5]。為了更好地刻畫U空間的概念,1995年,Gao[6]引入了U凸模的概念。幾何常數(shù)是研究幾何結(jié)構(gòu)的一個重要工具,空間幾何常數(shù)是空間幾何性質(zhì)的量化,從幾何性質(zhì)的研究到幾何常數(shù)的計算是從定性到定量的推進。因此探索幾何結(jié)構(gòu)和幾何常數(shù)之間的聯(lián)系,一直是大家關(guān)注的熱點問題。


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