




      2015-05-30 16:09:31李捷
      校園英語·下旬 2015年12期



      【關鍵詞】兩個譯本 理解和表達 翻譯

      【Abstract】This paper tries to compare two versions of Pride and Prejudice from the aspects of appropriate understanding and expression of the source text, through which it talks about several problems noted in the translation process in order to produce more fluent and elegant translation.

      【Key words】two versions; understanding and expression; translation

      I. Introduction

      In translation, it requires the translators careful reading of the original text and a thorough understanding of it, and also the process needs translators imaginative recreation so as to make the language of the source text more smooth and elegant. The present paper compares the two versions of Pride and Prejudice from the aspects of appropriate understanding and expression of the source text. One of the two versions is by Sun Zhili published in Yilin Press in1990 (as is called Suns version), the other is by Fang Huawen published in Tai Bai Literature and Art Press in 1994 (we call it Fang s version).

      II. Comprehension of the Source Text

      Understanding is the prerequisite for translation, no correct understanding of the original text will not induce the translation task. Then what should be paid attention to at the first step?

      1. Focus on grammatical analysis and clear interrelations

      English pronouns are frequently used, but sometimes unclear referring to a subject occurs, leaving obstacles to understanding. In the translation process, language translators should make use of the grammatical analysis and recognize clearly which is referred to in case of such problems.

      e.g.(i) You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better…

      Suns version: “你帶著女兒去就行啦,要不你索性打發(fā)她們自己去,這樣或許會更好些……”

      Fang s version: “你讓女兒們自己去得了。要不然你和她們一道去,這樣做更好些,……”

      Then what does which refer to in the above sentence? Sun puts which to the reference of “you may send them by themselves”, while in Fangs version, which refers to “You and the girls may go”. According to our knowledge of grammar, or connects the two parallel clauses in the whole sentence, and “you may send them by themselves” is not a parenthesis. Therefore, there is no reason that which refers to the previous clause instead of the nearby clause and Suns version is much more proper.

      2. Judging complex relationships by consideration of context in the source text

      British linguist J. R Firth pointed out that language or words can convey meanings only by relying on the context in which the language is most often used with communication being carried out. It is thus the actual relationship between the context and understanding of the original text that has been emphasized, and sometimes the relationship between different parts in a long English sentence is too difficult to sort out, then the contextual clues can be inferred to analyze complexity.

      e.g.(ii) “Then the two third he danced with Miss King, and the two forth with…, and the two fifth with Jane again, and the two sixth with Lizzy, and the Boulanger—”

      “…”cried her husband.

      Suns version: “第三輪他是跟金小姐跳的, 第四輪……第五輪又跟簡跳, 第六輪跟莉齊, 還有那布朗熱舞——”


      Fang s version: “他的第二場是跟金小姐跳的, 第四場……第五場又跟珍妮跳, 而第六場跟麗茨跳法國的布朗格舞?!?/p>


      In Suns version, “and the Boulanger” is another topic, while Fang considers it as something related to “and the two sixth with Lizzy”, indicating what dance are performed with Lizzy. Then which reference is correct? The previous sentences have identical patterns and introduced different dancing partners. So it is impossible to introduce a kind of dancing in the last parallel sentence, “and the Boulanger” can only be another topic which has been interrupted at the beginning. Fangs version will not be accepted.

      III. Expression in Translation of the Source Text

      Expression is the result of understanding, and it is a process that aims to reproduce the contents of the original text in another language based on a profound and accurate understanding of the original text. The following two points should be noted in expression.

      1. Being faithful to the source text and its form

      Translation is to interpret one language in another, so it is different from common creation and must follow the original meaning of the source text. In the source text of Pride and Prejudice, many words are distinguished from others in italics. Sun used literal translation and marked it with“_”, while Fang did not pay attention to this.

      e.g.(iii) “You want to tell me, and have no objection to hearing it.”

      Suns version: “既然你想告訴我,我聽你也無妨?!?/p>

      Fang s version: “既然你打定主意講給我聽,我也只好洗耳恭聽了?!?/p>

      Here “You” is italicized and this kind of word should be stressed in English. In Suns version, “You” was underlined, which suggests the reader to stress the word “You”. From the context, readers may find that the speaker is laughing at the listener, implying that “I may not follow if another person than ‘You wants to tell me”. However, Fang did not mark “You” at all, making that implication lost and could not be accepted.

      2. Following idiomatic expression

      As English and Chinese belong to the language systems of Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan respectively, they are different in many aspects, especially in the ways of expression. Chinese expression is simple and more rely on the internal logic between clauses to express the relationship, which reveals the characteristics of Parataxis; while English structures are more compacted with relative words connecting clauses to indicate the interrelationship, giving the impression of Hypotaxis. When doing English to Chinese Translation, we should notice that difference and can not simply translate word for word into an “Englese” article but to follow Chinese idiomatic expression to make it simple and smooth. Take the second paragraph of the novel for example.

      e.g.(iv) “However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in minds of the surrounding families that he is considered as the rightful property of someone or other of their daughter.”

      Suns version: 這條真理還真夠深入人心的,每逢這樣的單身漢新搬到一個地方,四鄰八舍的人家盡管對他的性情見識一無所知,卻把他視為自己某一個女兒的合法財產。

      Fang s version: 這樣的單身漢,每逢喬遷新居,左鄰右舍對他的感受和觀點雖一無所知,但是既然以上的真理早已在人們的心中根深蒂固,所以鄰居們總是將其視為自己某一個女兒應該得到的一份財產。

      In the above examples, Sun paid more attention to the Chinese idiomatic expression and make the translation more concise and smooth, easier to understand. So it is much better than Fangs version.

      IV. Conclusion

      Above all, Suns version has followed the principles of “faithfulness, straightforwardness and elegance” compared with Fang s version. However, it still needs some improvement. For example, when mentioning Jane Bennetts uncle working as a lawyer in Merry Gordon, Sun translated the sentence on page 35 as “簡·貝內特有個低賤的親戚, 是他的姨夫,在梅里頓當律師”. Here a note must be added to clarify why “he has a humble uncle working as a lawyer” because the career of lawyers in China is admired. This paper is to probe into several problems that often occur in translation and discuss with more translators about how to realize the long-cherished wish of “Translation works of high-quality” (“翻譯也要出精品”) which is required by Comrade Ye Junjian, vice president of Translation Association of China.




      [3]Jane Austen.Pride and Prejudice[M].Oxford New York:Oxford university press,1987.

      [4]Teiner,George.After Babel:Aspects of language and translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.

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