王發(fā)松, 牛 苗, 黃東海, 李世晉
( 1. 生物資源保護與利用湖北省重點實驗室, 湖北 恩施 445000; 2. 湖北民族學院 化學與環(huán)境工程學院,湖北 恩施 445000; 3. 中國科學院華南植物園, 廣州510650; 4. 中國科學院大學, 北京 100049 )
Dalbergia prazeri Prain (豆科)之考證
王發(fā)松1,2, 牛苗3,4, 黃東海2, 李世晉3*
( 1. 生物資源保護與利用湖北省重點實驗室, 湖北 恩施 445000; 2. 湖北民族學院 化學與環(huán)境工程學院,湖北 恩施 445000; 3. 中國科學院華南植物園, 廣州510650; 4. 中國科學院大學, 北京 100049 )
摘要:在發(fā)表Dalbergia prazeri Prain時Prain曾認為其與托葉黃檀(D. stipulacea Roxb.)近緣,只是該種小葉背面疏被微柔毛,花萼被硬毛與托葉黃檀不同,同時又指出其莢果也與后者不同,但是并沒有解釋其不同點。之后Prain又將其歸并入奧氏黃檀(D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain),亦未給出相應的理由。經(jīng)研究D. prazeri Prain與南嶺黃檀(D. assamica Benth.)為同種,而被歸并入后者。Prain發(fā)表該種時引證Prazer s.n.為模式,但并沒有指定主模式。涉及該種的Prazer s.n.的標本共有6份,該文將藏于印度國立標本館加爾各答館(CAL),條形碼為CAL0000012326 (CAL標本號131311)的標本指定為后選模式(lectotype),其余分別藏于加爾各答標本館的4份及英國皇家植物園邱園標本館(K)的1份為等后選模式(isolectotype)。
關鍵詞:Dalbergia prazeri, 黃檀屬, 考證, 后選模式
Prain (1897)依據(jù)Prazer 1888年采自緬甸北部的一號標本發(fā)表了DalbergiaprazeriPrain (圖1:A),并在1901年認可該種(Prain, 1901),但3年后他又將其歸并入奧氏黃檀(D.oliveriGamble ex Prain) (圖1: B) (Prain, 1904),該處理也得到Thothathri (1987)的認可。經(jīng)過仔細檢察模式標本及相關文獻,作者發(fā)現(xiàn)D.prazeri模式標本并不似奧氏黃檀,因為奧氏黃檀果實較寬大,寬2.5~4 cm,對種子處無網(wǎng)紋,小葉兩面無毛,而D.prazeri并不具備這些特征,似乎更像南嶺黃檀(D.assamicaBenth.)(圖1: C)。
Prain在發(fā)表該種時認為其與托葉黃檀(D.stipulaceaRoxb.)近緣(圖1: D),尤其花部特征難以區(qū)分,不同之處在于小葉背面被稀疏微柔毛,花萼具硬毛,并強調(diào)二者果實“極為不同”。1901年在整理亞洲該植物時,他又增加了一號標本引證,即采自泰國的Teysmann52標本,同時強調(diào)該種在莢果和小葉特征上分別非常接近奧氏黃檀和托葉黃檀。但是1904年他又在其專著中將該種歸并于奧氏黃檀,也沒有給出理由(Prain, 1904)。
表 1 Dalbergia prazeri Prain與奧氏黃檀、托葉黃檀及南嶺黃檀的特征比較
另外,涉及D.prazeri的Prazers.n. 標本共有5份,Prain發(fā)表該種時亦沒有指定其中一份為主模式。本文將藏于印度國立標本館加爾各答館(CAL),條形碼為CAL0000012326 (CAL標本號131311)的標本指定為后選模式(lectotype),其余分別藏于加爾各答及英國皇家植物園邱園標本館(K)的4份為等后選模式(isolectotype)。分類學處理如下:
DalbergiaassamicaBenth., Pl. Jungh. 2: 256. 1852 & J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4(Suppl.): 45. 1860. pro part.; Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 2: 235. 1876. pro part.; Prain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 66(2): 449. 1897 & 70(2): 52. 1901 & Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 10(1): 89. pl. 71. 1904; T. Chen, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 40: 117. 1994. Niyomdham & Pham, Bull. Mus.Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 18: 138. 1996; Niyomdham et al, Fl. Camb. Laos Vietn. 29: 42. 1997; Niyomdham, Thai. For. Bull. (Bot.) 30: 126. fig. 1. 2002. ——D.lanceolariavar.assamica(Benth.) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 25(1-4): 171. 1983 & Tax. Revis. Dalbergieae Ind. 144. 1987. Type: India, Assam,Griffith546 (lecto-, K!, designated by Thothathri, 1987).
圖 1 Dalbergia prazeri Prain、奧氏黃檀、托葉黃檀及南嶺黃檀的模式 A. D. prazeri Prain的后選模式(CAL); B. D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain的后選模式(CAL); C. D. assamica Benth.的后選模式 (K); D. D. stipulacea Roxb 的后選模式(CAL)。Fig. 1 Types of Dalbergia prazeri Prain, D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain, D. stipulacea Roxb. and D. assamica Benth.A. Lectotype of D. prazeri Prain (CAL); B. Lectotype of D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain (CAL); C. Lectotype of D. assamica Benth. (K); D. Lectotype of D. stipulacea Roxb (CAL).
——D.balansaePrain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 70: 54. 1901 & Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 10(1): 90. pl. 72. 1904; T. Chen, Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 40: 120. 1994. Type: Veitnam, Ha Tay,Balansa2289 (lecto-, P!, designated by Niyomdham & Pham, 1996; isolecto-, K!, P!).
——D.bhutanicaThoth., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 14: 189. 1972 [1975] & Tax. Revis. Dalbergieae Ind. 158. 1987. Type: Bhutan, Engo forest, Narchu valley,Prains.n. (holo-, CAL!; iso-, CAL!, LE).
——D.hupeanaHance var.lacciferaEberh. & Dubard, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 15: 385. 1909; Gagnep., Fl. Gen. Indoch. 2: 498. 1916; P. H. Ho, Fl. Ill. Vietnam 1(2): 1114, f. 3162. 1991. ——D.assamicaBenth. var.laccifera(Eberh. & Dubard) Niyomdham, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia 18: 138. 1996; Niyomdham et al, Fl. Camb. Laos Vietn. 29: 44. 1997. syn. nov. Type: Vietnam,Eberhardss.n. (holo-, P!).
——D.prazeriPrain, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 66: 452. 1897 & 70: 53. 1901. syn. nov. Type: Myanmar,Prazers.n. (CAL0000012326, CAL!, lectotype designated here; isolectotypes, CAL!, K!).
致謝感謝數(shù)家植物標本館(CAL, K, P) 給予查閱標本的方便!
PRAIN D, 1897. Noviceae Indicae XV. Some additional Leguminosae[J]. J Asiat Soc Bengal Pt 2 Nat Hist, 66: 452.
PRAIN D, 1901. The Asiatic species ofDalbergia[J]. J Asiat Soc Bengal Pt 2 Nat Hist, 70: 53.
PRAIN D, 1904. The species ofDalbergiaof South-eastern Asia[J]. Ann Roy Bot Gard(Calcutta), 10(1): 92.
THOTHATHRI K, 1987. Taxonomic revision of the tribe Dalbergieae in the Indian Subcontinent[M]. New Delhi: Botanical Survey of India: 134.
A revision ofDalbergiaprazeriPrain (Leguminosae)
WANG Fa-Song1, 2, NIU Miao3,4, HUANG Dong-Hai2, LI Shi-Jin3*
( 1.KeyLaboratoryofBiologicResourcesProtectionandUtilizationofHubeiProvince, Enshi 445000, China; 2.CollegeofChemistryandEnvironmentalEngineering,HubeiUniversityforNationalities, Enshi 445000, China; 3.SouthChinaBotanicalGarden,ChineseAcademyofSciences, Guangzhou 510650, China; 4.UniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences, Beijing 100049, China )
Abstract:When published by Prain, Dalbergia prazeri Prain was reported closely related to D. stipulacea Roxb., except for the sparse pubescence on the leaves beneath and the hirsute calyx. He also noted the pods of the two species are totally unlike without any explanation. Thereafter he reduced the name to D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain without explanation either. Critical studies revealed that it is conspecific with D. assamica Benth. Therefore, D. prazeri Prain is reduced to synonym under D. assamica Benth. There are 6 sheets of the collections of Prazer cited by Prain. The sheet in the herbarium CAL, with digital code CAL0000012326 (herbarium No. 131311) is selected as lectotype of this name. Of the remaining collections 4 sheets in CAL and 1 sheet in K are selected as isolectotypes.
Key words:Dalbergia prazeri, Dalbergia, revision, lectotype
收稿日期:2014-07-23修回日期: 2014-10-01
基金項目:國家自然科學基金 (31070176, 31270248) [Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31070176, 31270248)]。
作者簡介:王發(fā)松(1969-),男,湖北巴東縣人,博士,教授,主要從事藥用植物資源與化學研究,(E-main)zsuwangfasong@aliyun.com。*通訊作者: 李世晉,博士,研究員,主要從事植物分類學研究, (E-mail) lisj@scib.ac.cn.
中圖分類號:Q949. 71
王發(fā)松,牛苗,黃東海,等.DalbergiaprazeriPrain (豆科)之考證[J]. 廣西植物, 2016, 36(5):615-618
WANG FS,NIU M,HUANG DH,et al. A revision ofDalbergiaprazeriPrain (Leguminosae)[J]. Guihaia, 2016, 36(5):615-618