



      Exploration of the School—Enterprise Cooperation Mode Oriented the Excellence Engineers Training

      2018-11-30 08:45:00HongYingLiuChaoChen
      校園英語·上旬 2018年11期

      Hong Ying Liu?Chao Chen

      【Abstract】The noteworthy feature for excellence program is full participation of industries and enterprises. When the excellence engineers are training by the school-enterprise cooperation, the schools and enterprises must be clear the school-enterprise cooperations significance of excellence engineers, and the key links and contents of school-enterprise cooperation as well as the policemen and laws protections for the teaching of school-enterprise cooperation. Only clear above-mentioned problems can apply the excellence program effectively and provide reasonable suggestions and references to implementation of excellence program.

      【Key words】Excellence Engineers; School-enterprise Cooperation; Excellence program

      【作者簡介】Hongying Liu, College of Life Information Science & Instrument Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University; Chao Chen, School of Information & Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang Gongshang University.

      The implementation of educating and training outstanding engineers project (following abbreviations excellence program) should follows the industry guidance, carry on the school-enterprise cooperation, and variety of forms and pursuit excellence. The plan regards the participation of industry and enterprises as a prerequisite of implementation. Cooperation between colleges and enterprises is the sticking point of the successful implementation of this project. If there is not substantive participation of enterprises, the program can not reach the expected goals of talent training, which makes the education become a mere formally. As a matter of fact, excellent program is regarded the strategic unit that trains the talents by the cooperation of colleges and enterprises. In addition, the colleges and enterprises are required to have a full participation in the excellent program, and they should carry on the close and seamless cooperation. Therefore, from the perspective of the culture of excellence engineer, the educators should research that why to carry out the full participation of school-enterprises cooperation, how many links the school-enterprises cooperation include, and what construction of legal system and polices the country and government should provide.

      The enterprises can grasp accurately the social demands for higher engineering talents. As the final departments to use the talents, enterprises must know the development trend of society and the countrys economy trend. They should not only clear the industrys demand of higher engineering talents in the current and future, but also know the engineering college graduates problems existed in their work and its area for improvement. Therefore, in the excellence program, enterprises can provide the accurate information for personnel training and improved the comments or suggestions for the colleges, in addition, they can help colleges and universities to assign a plan of talent training plan to meet the needs of market.

      The enterprises have the advanced production technology. The instruments and equipment in the university laboratories are disconnected with the industries, and the processing technologies of the equipment always lag behind the modern corporate manufacturing. On the one hand, it is difficult to update the universities hardware. On the other hand, if colleges are completely dependent on engineering education, they are unable to fully meet its training objectives. Therefore, the universities only through the effective use of advanced enterprise resources to help students to touch advanced production equipment and manufacturing technology, so that students will adapt to the working environment better when they are graduate from the colleges. The enterprises have a group of experienced engineering technicians. There are some drawbacks existed in the university examination system, which make many engineering college teachers do not know what to do in the engineering practices. This is the important reason of inefficiency conversion of scientific research achievements at universities and the losing the market acceptation.

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