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[摘要] 目的 探討帕羅西汀聯(lián)合團體心理治療焦慮障礙伴糖調節(jié)受損患者的臨床療效及對生命質量的影響。 方法 選擇我院2017年3月~2018年9月收治的焦慮障礙伴糖調節(jié)受損患者105例,隨機分為觀察組(n=53)和對照組(n=52)。兩組均給予鹽酸帕羅西汀治療,觀察組在對照組的基礎上聯(lián)合團體心理治療。觀察比較兩組HAMA評分、FPG水平、2 hPPG水平及SF-36評分。 結果 治療后,兩組HAMA評分均顯著降低(t=13.125,P=0.000;t=11.380,P=0.000);且觀察組HAMA評分[(14.34±5.01)分]顯著低于對照組[(16.22±4.62)分](t=-1.988,P=0.048)。治療后,觀察組FPG水平、2 hPPG水平均顯著降低(t=2.130,P=0.036;t=4.335,P=0.000),且均低于對照組(t=-2.043,P=0.044;t=-4.115,P=0.000)。治療后,兩組SF-36評分均顯著升高(t=-6.404,P=0.000;t=-4.302,P=0.000);且治療后觀察組SF-36評分[(81.45±21.06)分]顯著高于對照組[(73.52±18.59)分](t=2.047,P=0.043)。 結論 帕羅西汀聯(lián)合團體心理治療焦慮障礙伴糖調節(jié)受損臨床療效顯著,可有效緩解患者焦慮情緒,降低機體血糖,提高患者生活質量,值得推廣應用。
[關鍵詞] 帕羅西汀;團體心理治療;焦慮障礙;糖調節(jié)受損;生命質量
[中圖分類號] R749.72? ? ? ? ? [文獻標識碼] B? ? ? ? ? [文章編號] 1673-9701(2019)21-0086-04
Clinical efficacy of paroxetine combined with group psychotherapy in patients with anxiety disorder complicated with impaired glucose regulation and its impact on quality of life
ZHU Xiaoyong? ?JIN Qiaoqiao
Department of Psychiatry, Third People's Hospital of Qinghai Province, Xi'ning? ?810000, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of paroxetine combined with group psychotherapy in the treatment of patients with anxiety disorder complicated with impaired glucose regulation and its impact on quality of life. Methods A total of 105 patients who were admitted to our hospital from March 2017 to September 2018 were selected and randomly divided into observation group(n=53) and control group(n=52). Both groups were given paroxetine hydrochloride for treatment. The observation group was combined with group psychotherapy on the basis of the control group. The HAMA score, FPG level, 2 hPPG level and SF-36 score were observed and compared between the two groups. Results After treatment, the HAMA scores in both groups were significantly reduced(t=13.125, P=0.000; t=11.380, P=0.000); the HAMA score was(14.34±5.01) scores in the observation group, which was significantly lower than that of(16.22±4.62) scores in the control group(t=-1.988, P=0.048). After treatment, the FPG level and 2 hPPG level in the observation group were significantly lower(t=2.130, P=0.036; t=4.335, P=0.000); they were all lower than those in the control group(t=-2.043, P=0.044; t=-4.115, P=0.000). After treatment, the SF-36 scores in both groups were significantly increased(t=-6.404, P=0.000; t=-4.302, P=0.000); the score of SF-36 in the observation group was(81.45±21.06), which was significantly higher than that of(73.52±18.59) in the control group(t=2.047, P=0.043). Conclusion Paroxetine combined with group psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety disorder complicated with impaired glucose regulation has a significant clinical effect, which can effectively alleviate patients' anxiety, reduce blood sugar and improve patients' quality of life. It is worthy of popularization and application.