彭建博 余煥香 胡國仕
【摘要】 目的 探討原發(fā)性高血壓患者給予硝苯地平控釋片聯合纈沙坦治療的臨床效果。方法 100例原發(fā)性高血壓患者, 根據治療方法不同分為對照組和觀察組, 每組50例。對照組患者采用硝苯地平控釋片治療, 觀察組患者采用硝苯地平控釋片聯合纈沙坦治療。比較兩組患者臨床療效、不良反應發(fā)生情況及治療前后收縮壓(SBP)、舒張壓(DBP)水平。結果 觀察組患者總有效率為96.00%, 高于對照組的76.00%, 差異具有統計學意義(P<0.05)。治療前, 兩組患者SBP、DBP水平比較差異無統計學意義(P>0.05);治療后, 兩組患者SBP、DBP水平均低于本組治療前, 且觀察組顯著低于對照組, 差異具有統計學意義(P<0.05)。兩組患者不良反應發(fā)生率比較差異無統計學意義(P>0.05)。結論 在硝苯地平控釋片治療基礎上給予原發(fā)性高血壓患者纈沙坦治療, 能進一步提升療效, 穩(wěn)定患者血壓水平, 且未見明顯不良反應, 療效確切, 用藥安全, 具有積極的推廣價值。
【關鍵詞】 硝苯地平控釋片;纈沙坦;原發(fā)性高血壓;臨床效果
【Abstract】 Objective? ?To discuss the clinical effect of nifedipine controlled-release tablets combined with valsartan in the treatment of essential hypertension. Methods? ?A total of 100 essential hypertension patients were divided into control group and observation group according to different treatment methods, with 50 cases in each group. The control group was treated by nifedipine controlled-release tablets, and the observation group was treated by nifedipine controlled-release tablets combined with valsartan. Comparison was made on clinical efficacy, occurrence of adverse reactions, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) levels before and after treatment between the two groups. Results? ?The total effective rate was 96.00% in the observation group, and that was higher than 76.00% in the control group. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no statistically significant in SBP and DBP between the two groups (P>0.05). After treatment, the SBP and DBP in both groups was lower than those before treatment, and those indicators was significantly lower than those in the control group. Their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion? ?On the basis of nifedipine controlled-release tablets, valsartan can further improve the efficacy and stabilize the blood pressure level of essential hypertension patients without obvious adverse reactions. It has definite efficacy and safe medication, and contains positive popularization value.
【Key words】 Nifedipine controlled-release tablets; Valsartan; Essential hypertension; Clinical effect
隨著人們生活水平不斷提升, 心血管疾病發(fā)病率逐年升高, 其中原發(fā)性高血壓就是其中常見的一種內科疾病, 疾病的發(fā)病率呈逐年升高趨勢, 甚至越來越年輕化[1]。大多數原發(fā)性高血壓患者單一藥物治療效果并不夠理想, 患者用藥劑量過大, 且不良反應發(fā)生率比較高。本研究主要是對硝苯地平聯合纈沙坦治療原發(fā)性高血壓患者的效果進行探討, 現報告如下。