摘? 要:作為有效的思維可視化工具——思維導圖,一方面有助于知識整理,另一方面有利于激發(fā)思維和思維整理,在大多數學科教學應用中取得了一些成績。本研究提出運用思維導圖構建知識網絡的教學模式,并以微機原理課程教學進行實驗驗證,實踐表明思維導圖能夠幫助學生掌握知識,在一定程度上具有良好的教學效果,但僅停留在對現有資料的整理,屬于“有意識的高效”階段,未融入個人見解,把握其本質,對于學生思維能力的培養(yǎng)作用欠佳。因此下一步研究方向旨在深化思維導圖的應用,將問題解決的方法與思想體現在思維導圖中,引導學生學會“分析問題,理性認識問題,最后解決問題”,以培養(yǎng)學生思維能力為目標,研究“算法融合的思維導圖運用”教學模式,切實提高學生的思維效率。
中圖分類號:G642? ? ? ? 文獻標志碼:A? ? ? ? ?文章編號:2096-000X(2021)23-0137-05
Abstract: As an effective thinking visualization tool, Minding map is helpful to knowledge arrangement on one hand, and on the other hand, it is helpful to stimulate thinking and thinking arrangement. Some achievements have been made in most of the teaching applications of subjects. This study proposes a teaching mode of constructing knowledge network by using minding map and experimental verification by teaching with microcomputer principle. Practice shows the minding map can help students mastering knowledge and has good teaching effect to some extent. But it only stay in the sorting stage of existing data, which belongs to the stage of "conscious and efficient", it does not integrate into personal opinions and grasp it's essence. For the cultivation of students' thinking ability is not very good. Therefore, the next research direction is to deepen the application of minding map, to embody the method and thought of problem solving in the minding map, to guide students to learn to "analyze problems, rationally understand problems and finally solve problems", aiming at cultivating students' thinking ability, to study the teaching mode of "application of minding map with algorithm", so as to improve the thinking efficiency of students.
Keywords: microcomputer principle; thinking ability; mind map; knowledge network