



      From Internal Facet to Analyze the Reason for Time Consuming and Low Efficiency on English learning

      2016-10-21 07:13婁亞蘋秦偉
      校園英語·上旬 2016年7期

      婁亞蘋 秦偉

      【Abstract】With the rapid development of the economy, the communication between countries are more frequent. So more and more people begin to learn English. But the question is that even though we have learned English for many years, we still cannot do well in English. What causes this phenomenon? In this paper, the author will discuss it from internal facet to analyze the reason for time consuming and low efficiency.

      【Key words】English; internal aspects; time consuming; low efficiency

      1. Learners negative attitude and low motivation

      It seems clear that second language learners benefit from positive attitudes and that negative attitudes may lead to decrease motivation and, in all likelihood, because of decreased input and interaction, to unsuccessful attainment of proficiency. Yet the teacher needs to be aware that everyone has both positive and negative attitudes. Furthermore, teachers should try to find out the a favorable reason for the learners to learn. So that their attitudes toward it will become more positive. Motivation is another affective variable to consider. It is also typically examined in terms of the intrinsic and extrinsic motives of the learner. If the learners have the interest to learn, their motivation will be high. But they will also consider what they will benefit from what they learn. So most of the time, the learners motivation is rather low.

      2. Low self-esteem and low efficacy.

      Individuals derive their sense of self-esteem from the accumulation of experiences with themselves and with others and from assessments of the external world around them. But it is said that most of the learners dissatisfied with the teacher. For example, in task-based teaching, teachers develop an affinity for the students who get higher scores, and ignore the ordinary ones. So most students feel that they are not respected by the teacher, and their situational esteem and task self-esteem are very low. So they have no interest to learn, and their efficiency is very low. Low sense of self-efficacy, maybe devoted to failure. So the students should be equally treated without discrimination.

      3. Negative transfer of the mother language.

      Interlingual transfer is a significance source of error for all learners. The beginning stages of learning a second language are especially vulnerable to interlingual transfer from the native language, or interference. In these early stages, before the system of the second language is familiar, the native language is the only previous linguistic system upon which the learner can draw. For example, on the one hand, when we say unfamiliar things or sentences, we usually use Chinese to help us to express. Consequently, when others speak Chinese, we English learners cannot help speaking, too. And on the other hand, when we learn a new phrase, such as “中國地圖”, many learners will use “Chinese map” to translate. You know, the right express is “a map of China”. But the learners will influenced by the Chinese expression. All these errors are attributable to negative transfer. While it is not always clear that an error is the result of transfer from the negative language, many such errors are detectable in learner speech.

      4. Too much awareness on form

      Awareness, for the moment, may be thought of as analogous to conscious learning, in which learners are intentional control of their attention to some aspect of input or output. It seems to be quite advantages, for example, for learners to be aware of their own strengths and weakness and to consciously wield strategic options in their acquisition process. Some learners are too conscious on form and structure, so ignore the meaning of the sentence.


      [1]Milanovic M.Identifying the dimensions of test impact and how they may be measured,paper presented at the International Conference on language Testing and Language Teaching.Shanghai.Shanghai Jiao Tong University,2002.



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